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well this is from my outdoor grow(grew it on my neighbor's roof)lots of people thought it was a stupid idea but it worked and im quite pleased with it and sorry i only have a couple pics of it in veg and they were from my camera phone.

Taste 8.5-tastes a bit earthy with a a hint of tasty flavor cant really describe it

smell 8.5-very nice,smells spicy yet earthy and pungent i like it

high 8.5-very even mix of stone and high mind and body long lasting as well

overall 8.5(i realize the ratings are all the same lol)-im very pleased for my first grow i have about 2 ounces of some quite good bud.

I understand it was a risky grow but i pulled it off and it payed off
indoor grow coming late october c-99,and sadhu

really sorry i put it in the dried buds and stash shots meant to put it in smoke reports
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thanks man yea most of the people who repied said it was dumb and it was but im never gonna do it again im just glad i did this grow with no problems :smoke:
Red-Eye Jedi said:
well this is from my outdoor grow(grew it on my neighbor's roof)lots of people thought it was a stupid idea but it worked and

Quote of the year!~!!!!!

nice job man...

thanx for sharing

thanks alot it was my first grow and i know it was very dumb.It's my last outdoor for sure but for my first grow im very pleased and cant wait for my next grow indoors
i tried putting pics of the bud and the jar but they said wrong format or some shit if you like i'd be glad to send them to you but they're from my camera phone so they suck.i know this is the dried bud shots and stash i apologized up there sorry about that