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NKM's Closet Garden I...ECSD,BB,OG

Hey ICMag! Been lurking for almost a year now absorbing info and loving this new found passion. I thought it was time to join the community and give something back for all the priceless knowledge I have gained from this amazing place.

I am a legal California medical cannabis patient and everything documented in this grow is within the legal limits and protected by prop 215 and sb420.

This is my 4th grow. It all goes down in closet approx. 36"x36" or so. So far the plants have been under 400w of CMH (philips master color). Soil is FFOF and extra perlite added at a 2:1 ratio. Nute regime is fairly basic. FF big bloom, grow big, and later tiger bloom. water source is from tap.

temps have been a bit warm as the summer starts to wind down. 77-86. Things should start cooling off as we move into the fall.

The veg period in this grow is a bit of an experiment. The plants ran at 16/8.

I am currently in the second week of flowering, and things are starting to get interesting, but in the name of full disclosure, I will catch you all up on how I got to where I am now.

Clones this run...East Coast Sour Diesel, DJ Short's True Blueberry, and 2 Larry OG Kushes. All from TLMD.

Here they are freshly planted in 1 gallon pots less than a day home from the club.

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After a day in their new home, the ECSD and BB started to go limp. The light must've been a bit shocking to their system. I put them under a couple CFLs with misted domes on top. a few days later they made a full recovery, and in less than a week they were back under the CMH.

Here they are at 4 weeks veg.

As you can see they have been getting some LST.
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Inspired by JJScorpio's cloning sticky, I decided to try and preserve these genetics for future runs, and take some clones of my own.

12 cuts (3 ECSD, 3 BB, 6 OG), clonex, a humidome, some rapid rooters is all it took.

in about 10 days the first plant to show is the ECSD

It is now about 14 days since the cuts were taken and 4 babies have rooted and transplanted to party cups. I expect a couple more to be ready in the next few days.
At the start of the 5th week, I decided to flip the plants to 12/12. a couple days before the flip, the plants were all transplanted up to 3 gallon pots, and I added two 45w "high intensity" LED panels for some lower side lighting as a bit of an experiment.

here is a nice closeup shot of the True Blueberry.

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week 2 of flowering. All of these plants got their tops super cropped a couple times during veg. For now I have removed the LST strings and plan on letting these things just grow. The ECSD has been stretching a bit more than the others. The Larry's have been much easier to control to my surprisingly. The BB has been keeping up OK considering it's more indica like growth (very afghani). I have had to prop the the BB up a few inches to keep the canopy a bit more even.

Tthe 16/8 veg schedule seemed to keep these girls on the verge of flowering since their 3rd week. Pre-flowers all over them all. It didn't seem to seriously affect veg growth or ability to clone. But after the flip, these girls are starting to show flowers before finishing their second week. My next run, I think I will start at 18/6, but switch to 16/8 for the last 2 weeks of veg.

Here is a shot around the beginning of the second week.

Everything is green and healthy right now. I cleared out some of the very lowest branches leaves and bud sites.
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looking good man... only time will tell ur out come.

keep it safe
So that brings us up to date. I am about 1 2/3 weeks into flowering. I have 4 rooted clones with a few more expected in the next couple days. A buddy of mine who has had issues cloning successfully made a deal with me that he would gift some of his genetics if I could root the cuttings. I think he has some LA Confidential and a couple others. Looks like I will be hitting him up for that stuff soon.

I will keep this diary updated with lots of flowering pics to come.

Hope everyone enjoys the show!
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day 12 during lights off.


Larry OG

True BB

all taken during lights out, hence the sleepy droop.

rooted clones 14 days from cutting

the rest of the clones still waiting to root


stay tuned
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GlassAnGrass said:
looking good man... only time will tell ur out come.

keep it safe

thanks for stopping by GlassAnGrass!

I am aiming for at least 2-2.5oz off the BB, 3-3.5 oz off the ECSD, and 3-3.5 oz off both the OG total. 8-10 oz total. Anymore than that is all cake icing.

These estimates are achievable and realistic based on my previous grows with this set up.

I have previously ran sour diesel, abusive og, larry og, chemdog, afghani, and a run of some unkown sativa seeds (entirely 12/12). I wish I had some of the pics from those past grows, but they were lost in a hard drive failure.

hope you stick around and check out the garden from time to time.

DAY 15 continued

East Coast Sour Diesel

stretching more than I expected

this lady smells great

lower buds close to the LEDs are doing well so far
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DAY 15 continued

Larry OGs AKA the twins

some early buddage

these girls got some heavy training in veg

crazy deformed leaf

and finally some group shots in the light


all the girls

it's a jungle in there!

They are all coming along nice and healthy so far. a couple more weeks under the CMH, then I plan on swapping it out for HPS.

I also had another ECSD and BB cuttings root. They will get transplanted in a day or two and join the other 4 rooted clones under some cfls.

stay tuned!

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UPDATE flower day 24

UPDATE flower day 24

time for a little update.

everything going good about 3.5 weeks in. Just added the FF soluble line of amendments to the nute regime, and hit the girls with some beastie bloomz this last feeding.

here are some pics from day 24

Larry OG twins

True Blueberry

and the Sour D

They are starting to frost up a little. Still waiting for the fall temps. This past week was much cooler though.

stay tuned!

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LST'd and topped. Here are the clones getting their veg on. Right now on 24/0 under 3-23 watt CFLs. When I transplant up, I will select 4 clones to keep.

Thank for dropping MRBIg$.

the updates should be getting more interesting every week.

It may be time for a new CMH bulb. My last couple grows, things were much frostier by now, though it could be more of a genetic thing.

This weekend I will be swapping out the CMH for a HPS bulb.

I moved the girls to my upstairs closet in a spare bedroom. The downstairs just started to smell too strong plus the closet was getting overgrown. It is a slightly bigger space (.5-1 sq foot larger) so I added two 42w warm CFLs as additional side lighting.

looking forward to the next several weeks as they start to fill out.

more pics coming soon.
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DAY 29 update...

DAY 29 update...

After watering the girls last night, I noticed some thrip damage on several leaves around the grow. After I quick inspection, I found and killed two of the little pests. This is the first time I have had any pest control issues. Following the advice on the IC infirmary's guide to thrips sticky, I ran out and picked up some Monterey Garden Spinosad insecticide. I sprayed the girls down tonight, and if this stuff works for me like others here, another spray in a day or two should take care of the problem.

thrip damage...not a very clear picture, but its there.

minor setback, but the girls still seem happy.

ECSD day 29

True Blueberry day 29

Some lower BB buds by the LED

Larry OG day 29

The 4 keeper clones (2 ECSD and 2 BB) got transplanted up to 1 gallon containers, and 4 extra CFLs (7 total). I didn't have the heart to cull the other three, so they stay for now. My woman wants me to give them to her for house plants. Anyone know how that might work out?

Hopefully by the next update the thrips will be gone.

stay tuned!

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Update Day 34

Update Day 34

This weekend I swapped out the CMH for the trusty HPS to finish the girls out.

During the last feeding a couple days ago, I hit the girls with beastie bloomz again. Next time they get fed, I will be switching to ChaChing.

A close inspection of the leaves reveals very little if any new thrip activity. I may spray the girls dow later this week again just to be safe, but it looks like one application of spinosad took care of the problem.

leaves on the BB and ECSD are beginning to yellow around the bottom. Seems OK around this time. The ECSD tops are a lighter green in color than the other plants. She got a little extra final dose of nitrogen last week. Not worried yet, but something new to keep an eye on. Overall, everything is going well. Temps were good this past week, but I think we will be warming up over the next several days again. The heat may be slowing the girls down just a bit, but not enough to cause major concern. 73-86 has been the swing this past week.

Picture update coming soon.

stay tuned!



looks good man, gotta love the lst, nice strains too...oh and MJ makes better smoke than house plant...lol... if you have cats they will chew on them trust me :D
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True Blueberry day 37

East Coast Sour Diesel day 37

Larry OG day 37

Swapped to HPS

After a few setbacks, things seem to be getting back on track in week 6. The ECSD seems to be taking longer to fill out than the last time I ran SD. I had to flush the girls out a bit earlier this week. I had some issues after swapping to the HPS with the ECSD and one of the larry OGs. Problems seem to have been corrected as we continue on into the second half of the flower cycle.

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