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nitrogen def

Hey all,

So most of my plants are starting to show a N deficiency. I am growing in a coco/worm casting mix with Burnone's dry ferts.

What are your thoughts? Should i just add more Blood meal to the top and mix it in? should i mix in some Mexican bat guano (i've had bad luck with that stuff in the past) what would be the best way to fix this?

thank you
how long into veg are you? with the amount of N you have in there thus far i dont think you should be adding anymore. dry ferts/guanos stay in your soil for a long time. the worm castings should be supplying enough N.

pictures would help as well.
hey thanks for the quick reply.

Some of the plants have been in there about a month and a half but the one that's got it the worse is the most aggressive grower, it's only been vegging for a month.

Also, i would love to post pics...but i don't know how. I know its sad seeing as how i've been here a year.


Active member
Heh. I don't like posting pics either. But if your description were a bit more detailed you might get better help.

Old leaves? New leaves? Watering regimen? Etc.
well there's no doubt as to what it is. It's a standard, textbook nitrogen deficiency, i just was wondering what i should do about it. anyone have this same problem?


do you know your ph?

do you know your ph?

mjp-tang since you have not posted any pics is hard to tell with your little description about your girls but one thing is for sure many times we pay too much attention to Nitrogen while vegn', not thinking potasium... wish in reallity makes it all happen along with Phosphorous and the rest of essential minerals, now if you are working with worm castings it contains enough to make any plant thrive, with a maximum ph level of 6.2 else it won't be reached by your chicas. Coco has neutral ph or 7,0 but mixed 50/50 should be fine. some of my biggest n sweetest nugs, in worm castings delivers N til the last minute.


Active member
Just describe the symptoms we are all wrong and we all jump to conclusions. You have nothing to lose.

Plus the info you gave makes N def seem unlikely.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
could be waterlogged, that can look like N

add more N then, use whatever product you have that has N in it

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"well there's no doubt as to what it is." I absolutely disagree. You've already heard maryjohns opinion, mine is the same. While the outcome may actually be N deficiency, there is a whole lot of paths that lead to that, and just treating the plants as though they have N deficiency may harm them. Please, if you want accurate diagnosis give more info. I particularly want to hear the size of the plants and pots, your soilmix and watering style.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Being root-bound can also cause problems that look like N deficiency. Well it is N deficiency, but simply adding food won't necessarily fix anything. Either they may need a root trim, or a larger planter.


"well there's no doubt as to what it is." I absolutely disagree. You've already heard maryjohns opinion, mine is the same. While the outcome may actually be N deficiency, there is a whole lot of paths that lead to that, and just treating the plants as though they have N deficiency may harm them. Please, if you want accurate diagnosis give more info. I particularly want to hear the size of the plants and pots, your soilmix and watering style.


I hope you have depleted your castings' N, (which is quite easy to do with a vigorous veg), and the mexican bat guano seems like a good idea but without pics it's like a canoe without a paddle for me anyway :)


Active member
In my experience, nitrogen goes pretty quickly in coco. I would constantly be having to add nitrogen, especially with the heavy feeders. I found that adding some compost definitely helped retain a bit of the nutrients, but they still required a nitrogen boost.

The obvious answer is to add more guano. You could also make a nice tea with the guano and castings. Posting pictures would be cool though.

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