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Nirvana Sterling Haze


Well-known member
When I ordered seeds this last time, it was with a tiny budget and a desire to get things as unfuckedwith as possible. Figured Sterling Haze would be a good one to try. Not much info online, which I'm somehow drawn to.

Anyway, grew this one out pretty much 12/12 from seed. Burned the shit out of her during her transplant at the start of flowering. She wasn't grow great, but she doesn't take long to get used to. Just have to be gentle.

If I'm at a job interview and the person asks me what my biggest weakness is, I would probably say that I harvest my weed too early and have no idea when they actually started flowering. Both are true for this one.

Anyway, ended up taking a couple cuttings once she started flowering - one to grow out and one to keep as a mom. That one is probably 6 or 7 weeks into flower.

Hung the mom to dry, which took the better part of a week. Once they were dry enough, I dry trimmed, which consisted of me just pulling the leaves off the buds. I'm not going to dry trim a sativa again. Either wet trim or no trim.

She went 10 weeks, but probably could have gone 7-10 more days, I think. Really airy buds that will possibly tighten up, given enough time. Either way, she's not bad. Smell is sweet/sour. Kind of fruity, maybe a hint of fuel? Taste and smell will need to develop a bit in the jars. The cutting smells really good since she's had a better life, and has the potential to really smell good and strong at the end.

My normal smoking routine is a bowl or two (maximum) out of my old school cigarette 1 hitter. 15 minutes ago, I smoked half a pin joint.

It's pretty strong, but not much actual body. It's relaxing, but not too demotivating. It won't make you seek out the couch, but if you're already there, it might be hard to get up right away. It's something you sort of plan in your head. "I'm going to get up after this show." It has the ability to put me on autopilot in lower doses where I just point my body in a direction and laundry gets done. What I'm doing and what's going on in my mind don't really match up. But it's very apparent when you look in the mirror that you're baked. Baked really is a good word for this one.

It won't win any awards, but I've always been a fan of quality over quantity. She's not shy on the resin, but her high is good. Very little paranoia, but still almost all in the head. At the end, she'll help tuck you in, but if you miss the boat, you'll be wide awake with zero burnout.

There are some more pics in one of my albums, but here's a dry shot.

And the cut at 6-7 weeks



If i were you i would go 80+ days,at least month more of this last picture,i like sativas with 30% ambers. Never found anything worth in haze meaning under 80+ days. It can smell and taste close to haze like. But real haze high starts at 12+ weekers. One of the most importnt Haze aspect of high for me is head and body warmness-elecrticity like i drink some strong alcoholic drink like vodka,and dopamine feeling of well being and rewarded like state and rich and exotic smeel of buds and smoke while burning.
Only in thais,vietnam and close to countires i havent smoked to many but i remember few good samples metalic oily fresh menthol lil bit of pine and harshy to smoke,colour was brown to light green it depend about freshnees of sample. are the most psydelic weeds they are very stoney like in head with strong rushes of toughs and feelings trough the mind which if you strong in head and can handle this is very relaxing,introspective and filosofical in deepest way and tripy if you gaze at one spot the better is even outdoors. Who cant handle this high will stay white and must drink water with sugar or some sweets and go to sleep.


Well-known member
If i were you i would go 80+ days,at least month more of this last picture,i like sativas with 30% ambers. Never found anything worth in haze meaning under 80+ days. It can smell and taste close to haze like. But real haze high starts at 12+ weekers. One of the most importnt Haze aspect of high for me is head and body warmness-elecrticity like i drink some strong alcoholic drink like vodka,and dopamine feeling of well being and rewarded like state and rich and exotic smeel of buds and smoke while burning.
Only in thais,vietnam and close to countires i havent smoked to many but i remember few good samples metalic oily fresh menthol lil bit of pine and harshy to smoke,colour was brown to light green it depend about freshnees of sample. are the most psydelic weeds they are very stoney like in head with strong rushes of toughs and feelings trough the mind which if you strong in head and can handle this is very relaxing,introspective and filosofical in deepest way and tripy if you gaze at one spot the better is even outdoors. Who cant handle this high will stay white and must drink water with sugar or some sweets and go to sleep.

That's the plan with this one. Looking at August 1st as start of flowering, so that puts her about 6.5 weeks. I fully intend on letting her go as long as she can. No real reason not to. Also plan on amending this report with one from the properly grown cut when she's done.

No idea how much actual haze is in this one, or how the parents were. My understanding is it's Nirvana's NLHaze variety, but possibly made with their own NL and Haze as opposed to reproducing seeds from another NLHaze. I sent them an email about the parents, but they never got back to me.


DEA Agent
Premium user
I looked it up years ago and the haze on sterling haze is a skunk haze that was crossed with their version of NL.