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Nirvana Auto Grow

jimmy carter

New member
Hey guys, since nobody has grown these out and there seems to be a lot of curiousty surrounding them I figured I would start up a thread and update it regularly. I feel like Amerigo Vespucci or Neil Armstrong, but I digress.

I currently have:

1 NL auto fem
1 Bubblelicious auto fem
1 Jock Horror auto fem

All of which are doing well.

If you cant make out the labels the are from left to right:

Jock Horror, Bubblelicious and NL

They have spent about 5 days in the soil in the small cups. I put them out on my roof for the day for full sunlight and then bring them in at night.

They will be transplated to larger pots once a sufficient rootball establishes and then thrown to brave the elements out of doors.

*also have 5 mango fems lurking in the background


former president jimmy "yim" carter.


I cough up honey oil
Very nice! 3rd post and already a grow thread! I gotta get off my ass!!!! Looking forward to following this thread. Best of luck!


thanks for this grow a lot of people are wondering on the quality.

jimmy carter

New member
Very nice! 3rd post and already a grow thread! quote]

Yeah, I do not waste any time...thats the Rushan blood in me.

Thought I would give you guys an update. they are still in the small white cups, although not for long. They are all well developed beyond the cotyledons of the initial pictures. Almost on the third set of leaves

Although I have done them somewhat of a disservice (depending on how you look at it) by keeping them indoors and in darkness
while at work for 3 days last week as temperatues with humidity soared to 95-100. And while I have no problem doing this with the genetics that respond to 12/12, I am somewhat reluctant to do this with AF because of the nature of their veg and flowering time.

The NL is holding true to its indica genetics, with broad leafs and is staying much shorter than the Bubblelicious and Jock Horror
Of course, I am only running one of each variety so I cannot comment on the genetic variation that is prevelant in most Nirvana's gear.

* as an aside: all my mangos are doing extremely well. I have combated the intitial lankiness of them.

P.S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, it be my day off from work and I am twisted as all hell

P.P.S. summer tour starts in 11 days . :dance013::jump:
::does a little dance, makes a little love::

Thank you for your time

Former President Jimmy Carter.

jimmy carter

New member
Thanks for the support guys. This is my first experience with AF's but certainly won't be my last.

thank you.
former president jimmy carter.
i wish your grow the best, i really hope its the best ever and we have three new autos to play with, enjoy it and goooood luck to u and your girls


Good luck my friend. Will be watching this one for sure, love to see new strains grown out. Nirvana have a couple of very interesting new strains, tha once you are doing and then their Blue Mystic. I would love to try that one out. Grown BM as regular strain and the results were amazing, if the auto is up to that standard i will for sure put it on my to do list.

Keep them updates coming!

jimmy carter

New member
Well not much to say that I havent already touch on in my previous post, but here are some pics of them for all you who are interested. They will be transplanted to larger pots this weekend once the rain subsides.

They are:

Back Left: Bubblelicious
Back Right: Jock Horror
Front: Northern Lights.

And yeah Seedling I too would love to run the Blue Mystics out, werent included in my freebs. I took a look at your Purple Mazar and Speedy Gonzales grow and will be stealing the egg shell idea to keep the slugs at bay when they finally do go outdoors. Cheers.

Thank You.

Former President Jimmy Carter


Active member
WOW! I'm so glad you haved started this...been real interested in these since they came out! as we all are...LOL! But serioulsy, here for the long haul! looking good so far...

ital farmer

New member
Looking good! My Nirvana auto northern lights just came in the mail today! I hope to start a couple soon and also take them outdoors. Good luck, I'll be watching.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
the last nirvana autos i had were shit. i bought 5 fem short riders and 4 turned out to be male and flower such as a normal strain would.

jimmy carter

New member
the last nirvana autos i had were shit. i bought 5 fem short riders and 4 turned out to be male and flower such as a normal strain would.

thank you for pooping all over my thread.

the bubbleish and jock horror are doing okay, but the NL is my favourite and absolutely doing really well.

"i never ever saw the northern lights"

former president jimmy carter.
Last edited:


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i was just letting you know about my awful experience with nirvana auto's. i hope they have all the kinks worked out and they turn out amazing for you.

jimmy carter

New member
i was just kidding. all comments/criticisms are welcome. hoping ill prove you wrong with this one. :D

The NL has really taken off. It looks healthier and stronger than my non-autos. I've long had an obsession with this strain so I'm glad I get to experiment with it in a new form.

jimmy carter

New member
Hey guys, heres my weekly update to let you know how they are doing.

Transplated them into 5 gallon pots all of which are doing well now and will have pictures up within the next several days.

I threw a small bit of African Night Crawler worm castings on before the transplant, which both the NL and Jock Horror seemed to love but burnt the tips of the leaves of Bubblelicious. Not too worried about it though, since to combat it i moved it into new soil with the transplant.

Thank you,

Former President Jimmy Carter.


Active member

I'm Really interested in seeing your Auto Bubble...

Mine is doing GREAT and was hoping I didn't just get lucky... I will order again if the smoke is good...

Here is my Nirvana Auto Bubblelicious at day 30


Started showing sex on day 30... at least I think..


Update us with some pics please!!!


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