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Nirvana AK48 @ 27 days


Herbal relaxation...
Interesting :chin:

I have some ak48 bushes on the dro, but dont have any experience with this strain before, so I am asking you to take couple full plant shots, so I could compare bud sizes, what you posted at previous page looked like they aint ripe at 60 days IMHO, it could be due to the photos, so thats why I am asking for more FULL plant pics! Yours look more sativa pheno than the one I have :chin: Mine came from clones and are ONLY growed to gain experience with DRO, normally I am into sativa, sativa, sativa :D

So pls, take couple full plant shots if you might and you make an happy farmer with them!

Here´s the smallest of my bushes, still veggin...


Thanks in advance :wave:

Nice looking plant there. Definitely way more indica leaning then mine.


I'm sure the plant could go a little longer then 60 days but I'm looking for more of a clear high and I fear letting this go longer could result in the buzz being paranoia and anxiety filled since the plant is so sativa leaning which I surely want to avoid. Plus I'm actually running out of room and need the space to allow my other girls to stretch out and breathe better for their last month or so.

I'm still fighting to get a clone of this but I have yet to get a cutting from this plant to root. I'm not the greatest at cloning as my failure rate is quite high but usually I can get at least one or two cuttings to root so this has been a bit frustrating but I just have to keep trying and hope for the best.

I certainly don't want to lose this.








My "Sweet Tooth" certainly isn't looking like the name now but it is starting to look good.


She smells good and spicy too. I'm starting to think this is some kind of Haze but that's only a guess based on what I have seen and read.
hey sam, your ak's are lookin nice! if you cant get a cut to root just re-veg it. leave a few popcorn sized buds on it and put the lights back on 24/7. ta'da as many clones as you want.

now on to your bag seed "sweet tooth"... WOW FUCKIN A! that is going to yield yield yield! i have grown out many bag seed and have lost some that i wish i didn't. i would be more worried about getting a clone of that "sweet tooth" plant than your AK (IMHO).

lookin great!




10.5g wet on this one bud after its trim, not bad. I'll post up the dry weight once its all done. I figure I'll get about an eighth out of this bud which will do me well for a few days.

I'm bad, I know, but I don't care. I'm at the very end of my, hopefully, last bag of commercial shit weed ever. I refuse to buy this garbage anymore and really have no way to now anyways. Plus with the stress I've been going through lately going even a couple weeks with no smoke is not an option.

I took a much smaller popcorn bud tester a week ago and didn't even dry it. It was surprisingly easy to smoke with no bad after taste and a very heady high so this bud should be real nice with the additional week of development and flush.

Not sure if I'm going to try again to get a clone of her. She has really started to stink up the place pretty bad this past week which has made me a little paranoid. The other plants smell some but nothing like the AK which I really liked in the beginning but now am starting to think that's not such a good thing. Its not like I'm running without odor control either, I have a carbon filter setup and all of the air coming out of my flower room goes through it.

So I guess we'll see how the smoke is this weekend and see if I feel she is worthy of keeping. If so then I gotta try to figure out a way to clone more successfully. I've gone with rooting gel/soil/humidity dome and with a bubble cloner with no rooting gel. The gel/soil/dome method has so far gotten me 2 successful clones out of like 30 attempts. The bubble cloner got me none.


ha. congrats on never having to smoke that shit again. gosh i can't remember what it even tastes like anymore, but i remember hacking a lot. your taste is heady now, but there will be some further maturing while drying, and thus more Cannabinoids for a heavier, stronger stone.
Digg'in the AK48s:kewlpics:
I did AK48 for my first grow, finished 2 months ago. With under feeding and a slighty screwed up light timmer I ended up with some VERY tastey budz:joint:

Nice work:canabis:


New member
Hi samuraioro,great pictures plants look lovely,done a few
grows of AK48 myself over the last few years and definitely
one of my faves to grow.
I was very lucky with the genetics, and the females I had
were very easy to clone with a high % when using the little
root riot cubes in a propagator under a 125w envirolite.
I really miss smoking this and will be sure to try and grab
some more seeds at some point.
All the best with the smoke! :yes:
Chop day!

Chop day!

Yesterday was the big day. :yoinks:

I could barely contain myself.

First some pre-chop shots.






Next up the top cola all trimmed up and ready to hang.


And lastly the second ball of scissor hash I had after doing all that fucking trimming.


I smoked the first ball of scissor hash soon as I scraped it off the scissors and that lasted me several hours until I was all done trimming.

She's now sitting underneath a metal halide on 24/0 to reveg for clones and possibly a second flower run. I also found one small white seed so far so I decided to throw it in some soil for the hell of it. If it pops I'll be so happy.

All of the trim and excess popcorn buds are sitting in the freezer and I am debating about making some butter out of it this week or keeping it around until one of my other flowering plants finishes up in 2-3 weeks and using the trim from both of them in the same batch of butter.

Decisions decisions. :joint:


Thanks. A few days after I started smoking on my AK bud a friend came over to smoke a blunt of commercial with me. I could barely hit it because of how harsh it was. Now that its been a little over a week since I've been regularly smoking this I don't think I could ever go back to smoking commercial.

My last plant I grew out didn't make me feel like this really. Not that it was bad weed and actually it was quite good but the taste was very harsh and wasn't that different from smoking the commercial shit around here. This AK bud tastes so smooth and light, nothing like anything else I've smoked and I've smoked a lot of pot.

You were so right about the heavier stone when dry...oh boy where you right. :D

@Farmer Stealth


You're sure right about tasty buds. Best smelling and tasting weed I've ever had. Also some of the strongest smelling pot I've had although for as strong as its smell is it isn't offending at all.



I feel pretty lucky with the genetics I got on this plant. Very lucky actually. I guess that's why I can't let her die off just yet. I want to be able to run her for a long time and use her in some breeding projects eventually. I have big plans for this girl. :D

Plus I don't want to ever miss smoking her. I see this being my primary daytime smoke for a long time seeing as its such an energizing high with little to no comedown unless you smoke way too much.

Now I just gotta find the indica to be my nighttime rest and relaxation medicine. I'm working on that now.


mmmmm I think scissor hash could be my favorite hash. It hits you from your toes to your nose and lasts forever ,... :respect:
It sure does.

Smoke was still very smooth and tasty but it had one hell of an expansion once it hit the lungs and the high was instant and intense.

Good stuff indeed. :D
All dried up I ended up with just under 1.5 ounces which isn't bad considering I had been plucking buds off for about a week until the final chop. I figure if I had not gotten into it early I would've had right around 2 ounces. If I didn't touch it and let it run for 70-80 days maybe even more.

She's revegging now and is actually starting to kick out the funky leafs. Hopefully in 3-4 weeks I'll be able to get a few good cuttings from her as I can't wait to get some AK back in my flower cab.

Some pics









The smell of this stuff when its dry is a lot more intense. Its a very sweet smell, not offending at all, but very potent. A friend told me they thought it smelled exactly like rhubarb. To me it smells like a mixture of cherries and wild flowers.

The smoke is amazing. Very soft and not much expansion in the lungs. A choke out is hard to come by with this stuff. The onset of the stone is quick with a heavy sativa rush. Once through the rush the high is very clear and enjoyable and coming down is usually very smooth with little or no grogginess. An excellent daytime smoke, just don't smoke too much or else you're going to lose track of what's going on. It works great for helping me be able to work through my back pain. As an evening time smoke I wouldn't recommend it as it tends to keep me up and mentally active. Also if someone is using to help deal with anxiety I would stay away from the AK as she can definitely cause a little of the ol' paranoia if you know what I mean.

All in all a great strain by Nirvana seeds as far as I'm concerned.
looks like the same pheno as my AK48.
a very nice one as far as i can tell so far.
the lower branches like to stretch up and with some LST can become an amazing sea of buds.
sticky as hell and a decently strong smell.

very nice looking grow.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
nice grow.. I grew an AK48 about 4 yrs ago she was a indi dom gurl And was huge.. THe scissor hash was awesome lots of lung expansion more of a sour skunk with a fruity undertone.. To much and goodnight irene at any time of the day.. lol..For the price cant go wrong.. Great work.. peace.



Herbal relaxation...
Good job, I hope you got your clones mang..

Lazy friend did produce some slime into our bushe´s roots and even got rid of it, just that this same Ahole could fuckd up again when he was feeling lazy and the slime get back and every single tree did die :fsu:

Here´s couple of them, so sad image, so fuckin sad..

Well, because it was clearly his fault I felt the "privilege" for a good compensation since there did go my summer-autumn smoke, so I made some estimations and got compensated by those :D

Here´s another try with ak48, I did go back to coco this time + got lot´s of another elite seed varieties along this new grow that can be found in my signature;)

Here´s some plants couple days back, all AK48..


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