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Nipple's First Grow in 7 years...



Here I am Day 1 of my latest grow...


2 weeks later... :jump:


Verite's Holy Grail - 4 of 5 popped
Skunkman's Original Haze X Skunk 1 - 2 of 5 popped

Dang, got seeds....I better build myself somewhere to grow these gals...




Got space and timber, I better get some other stuff...

Will drip feed Canna COCO in VEG room (got to get something automated - am going on an 11 day meditation retreat in 10 days time).

Hand Water Canna COCO in flower room (will grab 600W HPS for a 4 pot grow on payday).



I just connected power cords to my 2 double 36W fluros.
One cool, one warm per unit.

Grow Area - 3.8m x 2m x 2m (12.5ft x 6.5ft x 6.5ft)

I'm looking forward to screwing this room together, tomorrow, after I drop son to school and gf to work :jump:

Updated pics tomorrowz....
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I love to see a room in construction
I just went through that myself, a labour of love

Good luck with your grow dude


Build Update

Build Update

Thanks for the words of encouragement Doc :D

I've put alot of thought into where I would build this grow area and how I could disguise it from anyone who might find me in that storage area.

The idea is that I will transport a large old wardrobe I have upsairs in my Garage from there, to sit in front of the rooms I'm building.

I will remove the back of this wardrobe and keep it locked, unless I want to gain access to my grow area. The wardrobe door will serve as the entry to the grow rooms.

The ceiling height of this storage area is only 6 and a half feet, so I'll stack old boxes and stuff on top of the wardrobe to hide what is behind.

That will leave an area something like 7 feet, to the right of the wardobe and here I am building a floor to ceiling rack, to store my computers and monitors....as I have around 100 in various stages of repair, as my other hobby is doing computer donations work, to various social groups and low income earners etc.

I may have to dry wall the exterior of the grow room prior to building sotage rack, I'll have to do something. Still considering options on that one.

Out of my 10 soaked seeds I'm pretty happy with germ rate so far.
5 of 5 Holy Grail
3 of 5 Haze X Skunk :headbange

In these pics you'll see a light dangling. It's one I will be removing, I pulled the screws out, used to mount the fitting to ceiling but it's 10pm here so I'll wait until tomorrow morning to turn power off so I can safely remove the power from the light and remove it.

I haven't screwed or nailed anything yet, it's all just sitting there. If I hear a humongous crash in the middle of the night I'll probably sh*t myself and then realise what happened :bashhead:

Anyway enough of my ramblings, I promised updates on my build, so here we go....


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Hell yea!

WEre glad your back after your 7yr break :)

Anyways man keep throwin up the construction process. I love it man! So nice dude. Keep up the good work and good luck. Its like ridin a bike once you get on it all comes back to you!!!!

D Rock

Love seeing a grow room built from the ground up! good luck with your grow my friend.


Making a little progress. I still need to throw some Panda onto the ceiling, and tidy up the power cabling but the VEG Room is pretty much finished now. And in time for me to move the babies in there in next few days :jump:

I ended up with 5 out of 5 popped Holy Grail and 3 out of 5 popped Original Haze X Skunk #1 but I've had some problems getting the babies to break out of the womb, into the big bad world :badday:

Long story short, it's been a long time since I've grown anything and think I did 2 basic things wrong...

- Over watered the rockwool
- Didn't have a warm place to nurture the little ones (it's getting cold here)

I ended up buying a Heatpad and it's keeping them at a constant 22c - 30c, and they seem much happier now. Out of 8, I currently only have 3 babies reaching for light, the others are still scared. 2 of these are currently growing their 2nd set of leaves and the third is a little behind.

I ripped open the other 2 HG babies in their rockwool, very very carefully and replanted them in a new cube each. One had a 1mm tail and the other's was around 3mm.

These are weeds, are tough and I hope I can turn it around and get a few more out. I'll create a thread to seek advice in the Infirmary Forum a bit later tonight.

I'm enjoying this process so far.

Thanks for visiting my thread guys



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Headless Hornet said:
Look's good, I too love to see construction in progress. :yes:

You should have a great grow area. Keep up the impressive work.

Thanks for looking in HH, if the gals are as excited to see their new home and decide to give me a nice big bag of goodness as a thank you then it'll all be worth it :joint:

Bigtimer7 said:
Hell yea!

WEre glad your back after your 7yr break :)

Anyways man keep throwin up the construction process. I love it man! So nice dude. Keep up the good work and good luck. Its like ridin a bike once you get on it all comes back to you!!!!

Well Bigtimer, I fell off my bike when I was 21 and broke my back in 3 places :bashhead:

I sure hope it's not like that hehe (I did heal well and have no serious problems as a result).

D Rock said:
Love seeing a grow room built from the ground up! good luck with your grow my friend.

Thanks D, enjoy da show man :headbange
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Dude your room is coming together! staring to look good in there

What you going to do for doors?


Woof dude :wave:

I'll be creating a partial wall on the front of the Flowering Area, around 50% of that open face.

Then I'll just be using some more Panda film, I'll be velcro-ing this to the front of the frame, like the dude does here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kBQbEjMpGA&feature=related

Then, in front of these 2 grow rooms I am building a storage rack, that will conceal the action going on behind :laughing:

I will use a big old wardrobe I have and remove the back of the wardrobe, so when I open the door, I step through and into a space in between the rack/and wardrobe, into the grow rooms.

You'll see pics later, if you come back and check up on my progress :rasta:


Hi DIGITALHIPPY, glad you could drop by.

Here's today's update....

I'm about to go downstairs and get the Veg room finished off, as I want to move the babies in there in next day or two.

It's getting pretty cold here now and I want to see what overnight temps are and go buy a small heater, if it turns out I need to, get that running nicely before transfer.

- I need to finish building the stand the 2' x 4' tray will be sitting on
- I need to install the door
- I need to light-proof the room
- I need to set up the irrigation system
- I need to get my exhaust fan mounted

They seem to be happy here in my computer room :D

But they can't stay here, so....

Popped 5 of 5 Holy Grail (4 of 5 are up)
Popped 4 of 5 O Haze X Skunk#1 (2 of 4 are up)

Using one of those Doctor's Light Magnifier doohickeys (that I use for pc repair work), to provide some light before transfering the princesses to grow room.

Seemed to have a nice stable 25C - 28C in the Humidi-Environment :headbange



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Love this grow man... Are those treated lumber you used? Nice and clean... best believe... I will be here for the end!


More visitors - guess I better put the coffee pot on to brew :wave:

Hi drymouth, good to meet you. Yes the lumber is treated. I admit I would have preferred to use untreated, it just isn't necessary where I'm building but where I live I don't have any other suppliers close enough and that's all they had :cuss: :spank: :bashhead:

It'll be alright, it'll all be sealed anyway :D

Hi Vbp6us, thanks for the kind words brother, enjoy the show, I am.

Yo there d4., you like nipples? Me too, of the right gender, and at the appropriate time :jump:



Oh boy, I'm beat :bashhead:

I've been up since 8am working on my grow-room, as I have a deadline to get an automated drip-feed system running smoothly by Wednesday morning (it's Saturday night here in Australia).

I'll be away for 11 days and I'm a bit worried about leaving my babies for so long without any attention but I have no choice. So what that means to me is that I have to work hard, smart and trust that it's all happening as it's meant to.

Since my last update I've finished doing the ceiling in Panda, I've built a table for my 2' x 4' irrigation tray to sit on, I've installed my reservoir with 2' air curtain, aquarium heater, and brought my 25% strength nutrient to 6.0pH.

I don't have time or the funds to set up my final ventilation system, so I've installed a working setup that will be fine for the next 2 weeks or so - I hope :muahaha:

I took the back off a slow speed fan and attached it to a frame I cut a hole out of, screwed it in then screwed that to the framework of the Veg room, on the outside, facing out so the fan at low speed will suck humidity and blow him away :headbange

This is my ghetto ventilation for the VEG Room -

The babies are still in the humidity dome (with vents open) and sitting happily on 22-26C. The dome sits on the heatpad sitting on my ghetto table, that I'll paint when I get back from my holiday.



I have 7 healthy babies all from seed...

4 Holy Grail
3 Orig. Haze X Skunk #1

I know it's a little soon to transport these to pots but I have to do it tomorrow, so I can get them happy in their new homes over the next few days before I leave them :badday:

At least I have 10 more Holy Grail Seeds if they don't make it, so that's good.

I'm letting the silicon dry overnight on the 2' x 4' tray's drainage plug. I hope to have the drip feed sorted by tomorrow evening.

Peace out brothers and sisters :rasta:
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Home from my Holiday and the seedlings survived!

Home from my Holiday and the seedlings survived!

drymouth said:
That fan looks like it's kicking man! very clean! loving it! I want to see that skunk cross in action!

Hi again drymouth it's good to see you.

It looks like over the next few months you're gonna see some of that action :headbange

I've been away the past week, and was totally freaked the seedling babies would perish due to my lack of preparation of an automated system and they'd die of thirst while I was gone :bashhead:

But I was wrong. I walked in the door to my storage room around 2 hrs ago and said a silent prayer that the girls had survived. I pulled back the curtain and opened one eye slowly and look what I saw....


Yay!! The Princesses are alive!!

I had some real problems in the hours before I had to leave last Wednesday...

- The timer I purchased to run the drip-feed system was faulty - I resolved this by swapping to the VEG lighting timer and moved the lights to 24/7

- The pump I bought to push the water to the seedlings via drip-feed was too weak - I resolved this by raising the res up a foot so the pump didn't need to push the nutes up so far, and it turned out great. But it was untested and I had to leave immediately, so I didn't really think the gals would be looking so good :muahaha:

- The drip-feed nozzle only had 5 feeders o_O - This was a bad development as I had 7 plants to feed with only 5 nozzles. I resolved this by moving 4 plants into 2 pots, with a dividing plastic wall I improvised to separate each plant's rootball so now when I replant I'll be minimising damage to the roots.

Grrrr, stupid me not checking the drip-feed setup I bought :badday:


Looks like it's turned out ok though hehe

The pH was a bit low which I've readjusted and I've removed the drip-feed setup as I want to hand water from here on in.

OK, here's a few pics of the Skunkman's Cross -




I will reupload some better pics of Verite's Holy Grails, the pics came out a bit blurry.

Look at that lil' shorty Skunk Cross :laughing:
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