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Nighttime temp swings



Articles from Cannabis Culture as well as elsewhere when being specific on growin dope techniques are to be taken at best as suggestion instead of gospel until used and proven......believe this.....and...

Point blank....Try the experts way and see where yas end up up and report back to us.....

The learning`s in the doing........Not what folks tell yas ta do .......Including me......

Knowledge is power..........Do the work and gain it , so yas won`t haveta listen and read shit you`re unsure about like what I post as personal experience from fuckin up and fixin it............anyways......

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Active member
I agree with you DHF,took me a long time to figure out that the mags are mostly full of shit.
I follow advice of reputable people on forums before I do people in grow stores, magazines, etc. Many people simply just repeat what they've heard and never put it into practice. Many people also think that its the nutes/additives make your plants do well when really a dialed environment is where its at. Not saying that nutes/additives dont help but I believe in helping a plant do what its supposed to do at that specific time.
"Plants respond massively to Day and Night temperatures. . . duh. . . but what I only loosely understood until now is that there is a concept called DIF that is very important for growers to control! DIF refers to the difference between the day and night temperature, and that means there can be both a +DIF (day time temp was higher than night time temp) and also a -DIF (night time temp was higher than day time temp).

The effects of a +DIF is going to be taller plants and much better carbohydrate (energy) storage, versus the effects of a -DIF are going to be shorter plants and less energy storage. These are factors that some growers would like to control, and therefore will manipulate their DIF to suit the crop growing needs. ."

This was copy and pasted from a grower by the name of nmeeks from the farm. He goes more into detail on the topic and pretty much explains the results of the varying temp swings. Im still looking for his post that goes more into detail.


ok this is a good topic, and I have a topical question :

Lets say hypothetically I had an air conditioner in a tent in a room with an exhaust fan.
Say I ran the air con ON with the exhaust fan OFF during lights on and then swapped so the exhaust fan was ON and the aircon was OFF during lights off.
This gives me day time cooling and still gives fresh air.

Its quite possible that its warmer during lights off and cooler during lights on.
Does this really fuck things up ?


Active member
All valid points Bud......except.....

We`re creating the most optimum environment and watts per sq ft "inside" not outside , and ambient temp differentials between lights on/off have been determined for more yrs than I can remember to be most effective with 10 degree variable or less if environment can be dialed as such for max returns by end of cycle.....and hey....

The "more frost" production thingy is a myth with lower lights off temps , and I`ll be gladta explain......In late bloomage the plants job is to suck juice for lights off swellage , and yeah.......

Plants flower and swell at night.....JUST like "outside".....but.....The only other thing they do during lights on till end of cycle is pump resin for survival mode in extreme heat/light exposure from HID lighting to mimic the big Metal Halide in the sky........and THAT`S where the frost comes from......and.....for the record....

Once I knew what I was doin after yrs and yrs , I did in fact manipulate my lights on/off temps further during the last 2 weeks before chop to kill excess chlorophyll and bring out the anthocyanin in each and every plant for those "fall" colors everyone drools over , and during lights on I "raised" temps and slowed airflow to stress the plants into pumpin even more resin as a defense mechanism........but......

Unless yas`ve have run monocropped and dialed bitches , it`s better to keep things within a 10 degree variable for dialed results and more bottom line returns with different varieties runnin at once........anyways....

My 2 cents from all them yrs.......Hope that helps.....

Sounds like you ran hoter with lights on cooler at lights off


Sounds like you ran hoter with lights on cooler at lights off
Yes Maina the last few yrs I cropped during the last 10-14 days before chop I did indeed stress my plants with lower temps lights off and higher temps during lights on , but.......

It was only after yrs and yrs of learning and understanding what DrKB posted bot "DIF" with "inside" setups , but I really knew about drastic temp swings from day and night temps from growin outside in Hell for over 12 yrs before I ever went indoors , and.....

What colder temps do to kill chlorophyll , and also what hotter temps during the day did to frost up the bitches by their defense mechanism and survival mode to protect seeds inside the calyxes before end of cycle.......and it`s simple to explain , but hard to dial unless yas truly know your strain......so.....

Back in the day my partner and I isolated 3-4 keeper mex and south american hybrids from bagseed cuz it`s all we had , and in order to hedge our bets against crop loss from excessive male counts , deer , termites , leaf borers etc. , we started planting after Good Friday and again every couple weeks religiously till the 4th of July weekend , cuz.....

We found out early on that the late plants would survive on up till the first real hard freeze in early January , and what we found was just short of amazing in that the exact same plants we set out in late march-early april would finish by mid-late October and be green as a gourd and stink to high heavens.....but....

As the later plant beds kept going through nov , dec , and on into jan , the plants progressively got less and less green as the night temps dropped , and day temps were still hot and mild comparatively....so....

God turned my plants purple and wine colored as the chlorophyll died off , and the anthocyanin inherent in ALL pot plants came out slowly until the last plants pulled were dark dark reddish purple and almost black from the torture /stress they endured till the final chop....and... their smell and flavor profile changed drastically....

Same strains , but later plantings that caused it , so that`s the gist of what can happen if yas know howta manipulate the environment without em dyin on the vine if they`re stressed too much when they`re that close to end of cycle.....Inside.....anyways.....

Hope that helps guys.....and Dave....Not sure what the reverse does with your setup , although I`d haveta think it prolly ain`t a good thingy , but dunno fer sure....



and Dave....Not sure what the reverse does with your setup , although I`d haveta think it prolly ain`t a good thingy , but dunno fer sure....


yeah it would solve a few problems, but I figure it would create a few too


I have the exhaust hooked to a temp sensor. It runs full time during the lights on to keep the temp at the setpoint. But at night the exhaust is usually off, unless temps creep up then it turns it on to cool the room. I also put a space heater in there to come on if it drops below 70.
Seems to be working pretty good.

I would think 62-64 lights off temps might be too cold and slow the plants down. But it also depends on what week your in.

that's exactly what i do as well, keep the exhaust fan plugged into my controller set to cooling mode. works well for me since my grow is in my basement so it provides free cooling and i use a small heater to control lights out over cooling.

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