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nicritz' 400w vertical cooltube closet extravaganza


New member
Alright guys so this is my first medical grow. I have a 20"x36"x62" tent in my closet with a 400w HPS veg to flower in a cool tube that is being extracted by a 400cfm green 6" activeair inline fan. In order for air to be pushed out of my tent, the ducting must be reduced to 4" and then is increased outside the tent again back to 6". I had it set up as a horizontal grow and the cool tune had a reflector on one side, but i removed it. I plan on getting some tall narrow horizontal screens and setting them up in a diamond fashion around the light. Currently temps are about ~85". Everything is planted in 3 gallon smartpots with FoxFarm Ocean Forest as medium.

My strain selections are:
2x Green Crack (2 plants to the left)
1x Blue Dream (Top right corner)
1x Afghan Kush (Bottom right corner)

Here is a photo:


New member
Alright so here's the GC ladies, followed by the blue dream and afghan kush, and then finally, an overview. I see a TON of new growth, so things are looking very good! So are temperatures :D I think I will wait maybe another week or 2 to push them into flowering:





nice lil setup you got going there nic.. i see a bit of heatstress on them girls "i had the same thing on my girls early on" them temps need to be about 70 - 75 at this stage with the humidity as high as you can get it is there anything you can do?

good luck man am here for the ride :D


New member
Most importantly–What should I use to train the plants? Orange plastic fencing all over the walls of my tent or a tomato cage around the light? I think I want to maximize sq. footage and put the fencing all over my tent.

There's not much I can do about the temperatures, sadly. I have my 450CFM fan on full blast pumping straight out the window. I have my AC on, but I live on the 3rd floor of a 3 story townhome with the thermostat on the 2nd floor. The ambient temperature in the room is usually about 80.

Growth is going well, otherwise. Pretty fast in my opinion. I think I am going to flip them in the next week or so.

I wish I went with all blue dream. The top right corner is blue dream. It was the skimpiest clone, but is now the biggest. Go figure. Next time will be ALL chemdawg I think.



New member
Shit MAJOR PROBLEMS they are wilting like crazy. I think that may be in response to topping them a few days ago:




if your ambient temps are 80 what are they in the tent right now? also whats your humidity... how often are you watering?


New member
They actually got a bit hotter and ended up around 87 or so. I think they are settling down some. I am not sure of the humidity. I probably water every 3-4 days. Soil is dry on top and moist maybe an inch below.


ok well your grow area is way to hot and what with the heat and how close they are to the bulb your straight up cooking them... not knowing you humidity is a bummer too as i assume its real low "unless you live in a high humidity place or have a damp home" i would pull them as far away from the light as possible.. get a small spry bottle and spray PH'ed water on them... and then the walls. floor everywhere.. you need to create humidity... Also water untill you have run off get them really wet... if the tops dry out an inch water some little and often is going to be the key here...can you not pull some fresh air in from anywhere? also where does your hot air go?

Edit: make sure you turn the lights off before you mist/spray... you can do this up to 4 times a day i do in early veg if im about and humidity's low


New member
ok well your grow area is way to hot and what with the heat and how close they are your straight u coking them... no knowing you humidity is a bummer too as i assume its real low "unless you live in a high humidity place or have a damp home" i would pull them as far away from the light as possible.. get a small spry bottle and spray PH'ed water on them... and then the walls. floor everywhere.. you need to create humidity... Also water untill you have run off get them really wet... if the tops dry out an inch water some little and often is going to be the key here...can you not pull some fresh air in from anywhere? also where does your hot air go?

Yeah I opened the tent to give them more ventilation. I just checked the soil again and it was way too dry so I gave them a nice fat water. Not to the point where they will be overwatered, but a good water nonetheless. I live near the ocean, so I guess the humidity is somewhat high. Oh I just checked and it's 33%. I moved the light up up up. Fresh air just comes in my room through the window and hot air is exhausted via a 400CFM 6" inline fan (Hydrofarm brand, the green ones)out the window.

Thanks so much for your help man!


you will want some run off to make sure the water has got every bit of that soil wet.... 33% is not as bad as what i was expecting but its still dry.. like i said you want to get that humidity way up to like double.... so is your exhaust actually going out of the window totally... i mean no chance of it recirculating back in...

Pleased to help man good luck...

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