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Active member
Can ya ban those anoyying animated sigs,I dont care what he did,just glad thats one less gif!!When him and krunch talk I start to have seizures!!!


New member
Here's an idea, let's ban the top 50 contributors to the site, and then see what kind of content is left. That would be exciting.


Active member
ya wanna smoke some marijauna ??

ya wanna smoke some marijauna ??



shut the fuck up Donny
I have expressed this privately to another moderator but it seems to me that a whole lot of people have been banned in the past month or so who were to all appearances upstanding members of the community. I know that there must have been some reason for their banning but it seems to me that maybe there has been a step-up in the enforcement or maybe less tolerance of things? I don't know what is going on but it kind makes it seem sort of scary around here like if you say something wrong or get heated in a discussion or not like someone and express that openly that you are just gonna get axed. I guess that I don't know what I expect from writing this, I just wanted to maybe say something that a lot of us are feeling. Feels like the gestapo is listening to us and we might log out and never be heard from again.

Your fears are unwarranted. If you are truly scared, feel free to go to another forum. Nobody gets banned for following TOS and simply voicing their opinion in an appropriate way.


Your fears are unwarranted. If you are truly scared, feel free to go to another forum. Nobody gets banned for following TOS and simply voicing their opinion in an appropriate way.

No, people have been banned on whims by moderators here. Not saying that is "the policy" but I myself have witnessed long-standing members banned because of beef a mod had or because the mod was pissed, not because they broke the TOU.

Moderators will always attempt to project the "we only ban people who deserve it" yet there are certain moderators who have temper tantrums when they debate an issue and/or can't appropriately put forth ideas. This has been witnessed by dozens of people and a lot of people won't say anything because they are afraid they will be banned, and when you have thousands of posts and a decent reputation, being banned is a kick in the nuts especially over stupid shit like owning a moderator in an argument...


ICMag Donor
I guess Nicoli's not as afraid as he tried to make it out to be, lol...... I don't think I'd be sitting on the net making up dozens of troll handles.... I'd also say he's proven we don't ban IP's. If we did he wouldn't be able to keep making troll handles.... Ain't that right Nic? Take your bullshit threats somewhere else.....

There's no sense of keeping this open any longer. I just wanted to let people know what happened last night and the garbage he was pulling. I think most members know we take their safety very seriously....
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