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Nice Sun Tool


weed fiend
I bookmarked the page, thanks for the tip. I noticed at my latitude, Nov 30 is only 9.9 hours daylight. Makes me wonder if reducing lights "on" to 11/13, then 10/14 in late flower would help. I doubt it would grow more mass but it might affect the quality.
Really nice one to play with but i wonder how correct it is ? When i look at my local calculator for my town it seems not be so accurate, but anyhow it is nice and easy to understand how the sun moves over the year. . . I liked it. . .


^^^ It will probably be off somewhat, but it does give ya an idea of the hours. I did notice that if I manually put in my stats instead of using the slide bar it gets a little better.
You can do it manually ? I will try that. But as i said it is very good for you to understand how the sun moves over the year and how the light hours rise and falls. . . I like it. . .