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New member
As a 'nucks fan, I can't help but notice the lack of comments on Lack saving a point against one of the worst teams in the league tonight...I have a feeling Miller might just continue to be a waste of money for a couple of years.
Nice to see that Benning had his head on straight through the deadline, though. Gillis was a deadline disaster.
I would bet on the Habs to beat the Wings. I don't like him, but Price is just that good. The cup might be a stretch, but they are the best bet of the Canadian clubs right now.
all right i can deal with that. at least you can give due credit not like those horrible leafs fans. A buddy of mine just got called up a few weeks ago(cunucks d). He got his first nhl goal in his first game, so behind the habs i'm cheering for the nucks.
and miller was playing good for you guys at the beginning of the season he stole 3 games in a row i seem to remember. i wouldn't put all my playoff hope in the lack boat if i was you. then again millers never played amazing in the playoffs

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
Habs season has been good apparently. not that I get to watch the games anymore.:mad: games on RDS are blacked out this year fucking horseshit


Active member
Red wings finally played a great game yesterday shutting out the Tampa bay lightning for the first time this yr. We won 4-0 agianst the top scoring team in the league. I just hope we kee jimmy Howard on the bench he is such a bum I bet he wouldn't be able to stop a basket ball from his net. Our young goalie is playing great! Go wings we should hopefully beat NY islanders today


Florida for the cup :D
Hope it seriously. Love it how superveteran (Jagr) has impact whole team to play better and young team like Florida needs someone to show how to win and play hockey. I can see from Jagr's face that he is enjoying alot of that he is teaching these boys and i think he loves Floridas warm and beautiful climate :)

Peace out and greeting from 65Fin'lat


^ Florida for tha cup, haha :D Maybe next year or decade...
Till 2025 florida will win stanley i promise that you guys ;)


Active member
ICMag Donor

Enough said.


Jets is on fire right now, i think they gonna go to playoffs. But that's my opinion and maybe i little wish they can do that. Habs also deserves to go long on cup run, so many years without success.
Maybe penns don't get there? Maybe i little wish that :D sry
Very tight battles who hit the last playoff spots, love this time off the year cause real games are just began to start! Are the kings again hit the last spot and then cup? Who knows...
Now i hit the bong and will play NHL with my console...best team wins!
Minnesota will be tough this spring


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm loving the tight playoff races too.

how about ottawa, they have been on fire as of late. Impressive if they get in. Jets too, fantastic run into the playoff's, I really hope they make it. The Pens are falling apart as of late, maybe will miss the mark. That would be an epic failure, they had a really big lead on the Sens and the Bruins only a few weeks ago.


Active member
Jets are in the Playoffs...first time in 19yrs....

Now they will choke...Hopefully not, but if they are like our Bombers...the pressure will be too much and it will be over in 4 games.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
here to put blast on blast , dude u a fuckin idiot , said 4 posts ago they were even goin to make it , AND comparing cfl and NHL is like comparing your White widow to the GG #4 , cant b done.... I can speak for many , PEGG'rs we are all pumped and hoping to do as well as we can in post season.



Active member
Lol I hope I'm wrong, this province needs something to root for besides the bombers. And 4 games ago buff was gone, that was part of why I figured they were done. 23% chance of making it before Calgary cinched it for them.

As for the jets being on fire, good, but there are other teams on a better tear, give the jets a few more years to mature.

As for my ww, lol never tried gsc unless the stuff from bc that was given to me that smelled like cake was legit, if so it was nice but your right no comparison. Sure would like to know what all the fuss is about