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teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Since everyone is freakin over the end of the MMAR prog , there has been no mention of Hockey at all, new division structure , which has made it pretty tuff on ol-TS's jets ,so far T.O is actually looking decent , nuks are in 4th spot in Pacific division with 24 pts so far ,.....

Jets are barely @500 , with a record of 9-9-2
Edmonton is the embarrassment of Canada once again with just 10 pts in 20 games,.... MTL - OTTAWA kinda boring so I want bring them up ,.....

Alright fellow Canuks lets talk Hockey !:woohoo:


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
The PacWest is fucking retarded.

It's so dumb. The top 16 teams should make the playoffs. Canucks might have more points than 85% of the Eastern teams but could possibly miss the playoffs? Ridiculous.

Still think the Blues are gonna me some noise this year. Wouldn't be surprised to see the Yotes make the WCF.

Edmonton should just fold and move to Seattle.

Honeymoon is over in Wpg. The Jets fucking suck. Not only do they fucking suck, they are terribly boring to watch.

Stammers injury sucks for TCanada. Hope that doesn't mean StLouis won't make it. He should and should be captain.


Well-known member
The re-alignment is the most stupid thing I have seen in a while. 16 in one conference and 14 in the other, Im no math whiz but something seems off no?

The best teams will not be the ones fighting for the cup. If the playoffs started next week, the Canucks would be fighting for the last playoff spot in the West but would be second overall in the East. It makes no sense.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
jets win again 4 in a row , 3 of those ot shoot out winners , not that exciting ,eh !

muhhaahha GO JETS GO



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sad about stamkos, he was just heating up. I don't think he will be ready for the Olympics. I broke my leg in a similar fashion and it was almost 4 months for me, but he likely will have the best treatment possible.

I also can't believe the Oil, what is going on there. With all of there talent they should be improving. They needed to use some of there high pics for d and goaltending instead of so many forwards. I think hey choose the best players they could though, but I think they should move one to bring in someone for the back end. They also need some more vets to help there young core develop. And I say fuck that to them moving to Seattle, do you hear yourself. We want team in Canada!