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NGB (OG) Cabinet Modifications - Thoughts/Ideas/Suggestions?



I have done this befor. it worked out good. do u have a fan in there?

Yeah...as you can see from my previous post, it worked out well. I do have a fan in there. It's a little guy, just blowing on the bulbs.

I'm going to try and figure something out for better watering this week, my wick system doesn't seem to be working out all that well...


Bitchin! I just got my tax refund! I'll be buying a 250w HPS/MH switchable from HPS tomorrow using one of those prepaid debit cards! Woot-woot!!!!



Here's another update - as of right now 7 of 10 have germed and are growing. It's incredible how much growth they've put out over the past few hours.

No sense in taking pictures right now...they're not coming out too well. Hopefully they'll be some better shots near the end of the weekend.

I did notice that one of seedlings was yellowing a bit so I took the dome off of it to let it air out a bit...it was a little soggy. I let another one air out as well.

Well, maybe the wick system is working in that they won't be draining as quickly as I anticipated. Perhaps a good soak Monday morning will keep them throughout the week. I might "upgrade them to some two litre bottles to give them some room to grow...we'll see.

Goodnight everyone!


More pics of cab construction and finally some seedling shots!

More pics of cab construction and finally some seedling shots!

Well, here is a pic of some minor work done today and some pics of the prefilter I installed on the darkroom louvers.

First of all, as you know, I installed two 8x8" darkroom louvers - one in the mother room and one in the flowering room. I didn't want any problems with bugs, so I decided to buy an air filter, cut it to fit the darkroom louvers and "wrap" it around the louvers when they were installed.

Here are some pics of the filter and the louver:

I did a little work on the cab today as well. Everything is just about done except for one lock on the front and the rear panel of the utility and mother rooms. Here's an inside shot of the utility room. We'll see if I'm able to fit a carbon scrubber inside or not. Right now, I'm thinking no...oh well.

That's all for now...maybe tomorrow I'll get some shots up of the seedlings!

*EDIT* - Ok, y'all - I couldn't wait any longer so I decided to add these couple of pics into the mix. 3 of the seedling appear to be doing very well...the others are a little behind them, but are healthy so far. Below is a pic of the healthiest seedling, followed by one little seedling that sprouted 3 cotyledons. Nothing I'm concerned about, but it looks kind of funny, I guess. Sorry about the fuzzy photo of the 3 headed mutant...

So - that's it, I guess. C'mon babies!!! Grow! Grow! Grow! :canabis:


Good starts on the seedlings so far!

Good starts on the seedlings so far!

After being unattended for 4 days, my babies are doing quite well! The have more than doubled in size, and seem to be very happy. Prior to leaving, I decided to cut down on the wattage I was giving to my seedlings. At that point, I was running 6 x 23w 6500k CFLs. At 4sqft, that was 34.5w/sqft. After some discussion with RedGreenery, he recommended switching my bulbs to 13w, as 15-25w/sq ft was ideal for seedlings. Running 6 x 13w 6500k CFLs gave me 19.5w/sq ft...so taking advice from a seasoned veteran, I made the switch Sunday night.

A thorough watering on Monday morning coupled with the wick system seems to be working well. I just found out that I will be traveling in 8 day stints starting in a few weeks, so I'm trying to figure out what to do. Perhaps attempts a transplant into hydroton and get them rolling in dwc? I don't know. Perhaps I'll do a test run and see how long I can leave them dry. We'll see. At any rate, I've got some time to figure that out.

Now let's see some pics!

Here's what I saw when I opened the cab and slid out the babies. So far, it's a success! I've got 8 out of 10 growing, and most are doing well.

Here is #5. "She" (hopefully) is doing quite well, followed closely by #3 and #8. Real names will occur after sexing.

Here is #pi. Not the healthiest one of the bunch. Let's just say she's the runt of the litter. But you know what they say...sometimes they turn out to be the biggest! Or just mutated weirdos. Upon popping, the cotyledons were all weird, but the true leaves, although small, appear healthy. It would be sweet if it was a mutated plant. I'd love to grow some weird stuff. :yoinks: We'll see!

So that's it! I think I'm going to start a grow diary and link it to my sig as well for ease of following this grow. Not that anybody's reading or following this thread anyways...:petting: *sniff*
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I have decided to start a grow diary for my first grow here: Banjo's First Grow - Sadhu - Spring 2009 - NGB Style 250w MH/HPS DWC

Thank you to everyone who has assisted me during the construction of my cab, the germination of my seeds and making this dream become reality! I truly appreciate it and hope that someday I will be able to pass on some of the knowledge that was so freely given to me.

I'll be checking this thread out every now and then in the case that anyone might have any questions regarding construction of a cab. All in all, it went well, but of course, looking back there are certainly some things I would have done differently.

Perhaps, I'll just have to build another one someday! Maybe after my first harvest!