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NFL -Al Davis Passes...at 82

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Al Davis, whose iron-fisted reign over the Raiders for practically their entire existence led to three Super Bowl titles and made the silver-and-black franchise a symbol of renegade toughness, died Saturday. He was 82.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/10/08/SPS51FBUGF.DTL#ixzz1aDCAvdmQ

All RAIDERS fans feel free to drop by and comment...I am definitely curious to see how the team plays after the news..
As a kid, I idolized Marcus Allen, but I got to meet Kenny King and touch "the ring." :bow:

Stay Classy!

turtle farmer

Just win baby!!!!
a sad day for silver and black fans......I was born and raised in the bay,this is a bad week.
hopefully no more blackouts on home games....only time will tell
R.I.P. Al Davis---what a welcoming crew of old Raiders in heaven,if thats where he went.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

The Raiders fielded some awesome teams during the 60s/70s, their defense was feared as they w/out a doubt took every clean and dirty shot they could at opposing players, I remember it well, you could only hope your team came out intact (never did) after playing them Raiders.......

R.I.P. Al Davis


I love my life
A sad day for all football fans.

Al was a great individual who helped build the most powerful spots league in the world.

I think the Raiders will play way above their talent level this week. Underdogs on the road, but I now think there is no way they will lose.



there really is no practically, he was a founding father of the AFL and things wouldnt even be close to what they are without people like him, Ralph Wilson (him and al were two of the biggest) and so many others who have given us this great game thast we enjoy today.

Thanks for the memories Al, you did it your way and didnt take shit from anyone, anyone who can say that when they die should be happy :D


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