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Newt Gingrich on drug laws

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Not gonna vote for him anyway. It's ok to fuck around on a couple of wives but not ok to use a plant that provides relief. Fuck his adultery whoring ass.

Welcome to the GOP. Your welcome to lie, steal, and cheat just as long as you publicy condemn drugs while you snort or smoke them in your tax payer constructed mansions...

lost in a sea

and he's just such a blatent zionist war mongerer,,, the most obvious out of any candidate for presidency ever and there have been alot of them,,


Active member
Got a link? Preferably to NEWT saying it? I dont really doubt, but i would like to hear it from Stay Puff's mouth.

OTM - Death Penalty for Pot Smokers? (Newt Gingrich) THIS ONE FIRST and ACTUAL BILL BELOW!


H.R. 4170: Drug Importer Death Penalty Act of 1996
104th Congress: 1995-1996
To provide a sentence of death for certain importations of significant quantities of controlled substances.

Sponsor: Rep. Newton Gingrich [R-GA6]
Drug Importer Death Penalty Act of 1996 - Amends the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act to direct the court to sentence a person convicted of bringing into the United States a proscribed quantity of a mixture or substance containing a controlled substance in an amount the Attorney General has determined is equal to 100 usual dosage amounts to life imprisonment without possibility of release (or, if the defendant has violated such provision on more than one occasion and if certain requirements under the Federal criminal code are met, to death). Makes conforming amendments to the code.
Newt Gingrich's Foolish Response on Marijuana

Another reason not to vote for NEWT GINGRICH 2:52 TIMESTAMP!

Execute Drug Users? - Newt Gingrich

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Where was Newt during Vietnam when fellow Americans were fighting the communists?
There was a great back in forth between Dr Paul an Newt at one of these debates.

Dr Paul says he didnt take deferments.

Newt attacks Dr Paul for his 'repeated mis-characterizations... I was married with a child when i took my (FIVE) deferments.'

Dr Paul politely responds, I was married with TWO children and I SERVED.

Pretty much the only time anyone has thrown a gear in Newts Spin machine, too bad Dr Paul, nor anyone else called Newt on it.


Active member
Newt is scum. I can't believe Americans would actually vote for that bloated bastard. This is the best the Republicans can come up with?
I cannot believe that Newt is the face of the Republican party.
This has to be a nightmare....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Where was Newt during Vietnam when fellow Americans were fighting the communists?

All you need to know is in this 3 minute clip:

Basically hes just a fucking coward who tries to divert any attack his way and turn it around so he can play the victim card like every pathetic piece of shit republican who is willing to send your family to die in a pointless war, but doesnt have the balls to go themselfs.

Id like to see one of his wifes cut his fucking dick off and shove it up his fat ass because hes nothing but a bitch.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Newt is scum. I can't believe Americans would actually vote for that bloated bastard. This is the best the Republicans can come up with?
I cannot believe that Newt is the face of the Republican party.
This has to be a nightmare....

i know, right?

a fucking joke for sure... :tiphat:


Active member
Newt is the face of that one backer....that's it......The R party know that Newt has zero appeal to the masses.

His surge was $5 adrenaline shot followed by another that is going to yeild 0 delegats as Romney had even more money.....Sad but true, it's all about the money.

If I were President, I would not carry Oh No spare change
I would rearrange the whole Gov't structure because there seems to be something wrong with the flucture of the money see
None of it seems to be coming to me,
I look in my pocket for buck, damn I outta luck :D

PHARCYDE - Song: If I were President. That album tat is on iis fucking awesome, OLD SCHOOL SHIT!

Ya Mama
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weed fiend
"The R party know that Newt has zero appeal to the masses."

No so sure. The party apparatus is against Newt but the electorate is another story. Newt threatens the inclusive narrative when he blasts Romney's wealth strategy, i.e. "[Romney] lives on an island of Swiss bank accounts". SC ate that stuff up, Florida not so much. Newt hasn't had that one good zinger to woo FL voters. That said, Newt is surging nationally.

I thought it was hilarious when Mitt pointed out that Newt also has mutual funds invested in Fannie and Freddie.:biglaugh:


The things that Newt claims to be are the reasons the R hate him.

He captipulted himself to the Speakership by attacking Bush Sr for raising taxes. "Read my lips, no new taxes".

One thing for the Dems to attack bush, its another for a loudmouth Repub in the House.

Clinton gets elected.

Newt runs obstruction for 18 months, on hillarycare, paula jones, etc.

Newt ushers in the HIS 'republican revolution' (which is the foundation of todays gridlocked congress and their 12% aproval rating). First time they control shit in 70 years. He then burns all these bridges too!

Its the same old playbook.


Newt is the face of that one backer....that's it......
Newt has the support of more than the owner of the Vientian. He has the support of all the 'anti romney' people.

Santorm will be gone after FL. He didnt even buy TV time in FL.

Santorms supporters will go to Newt 3:1.

Some of these people that think Mormonism is evil. (They baptize the dead, including Jesus and over 400,000 holocaust victims)

The R party know that Newt has zero appeal to the masses.

They dont need appeal. This is the blatant fallacy that no one seems to see.

All they need to do is point the finger at the boogie man.

You can vote for us or Charles Ted-Bundy Manson.


If you say 'fair and balanced' it must be,
if you call your show the 'no spin zone' it must be.

There is no such thing as yellow journalism.



What you lookin' at?
You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes.
You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be.
You need people like me.
You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy."
So... what that make you? Good?
You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie.
Me, I don't have that problem.
Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
So say good night to the bad guy!
Come on.
The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you.
Come on.
Make way for the bad guy.
There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way!
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This owns.

Time Traveler From The Year 1998 Warns Nation Not To Elect Newt Gingrich

January 26, 2012

WASHINGTON—Saying he came bearing an important message from the past, a stranger from the year 1998 appeared on the Capitol steps Thursday and urged voters not to elect Newt Gingrich president in 2012. "In the late 20th century, Newt Gingrich is a complete disgrace!" said the time-traveling man, warning Americans that 14 years in the not-so-distant past, Gingrich becomes the only speaker in the history of the House of Representatives to be found guilty on ethics charges, and is later forced to resign. "In my time, he shuts down the federal government for 28 days because his feelings get hurt over having to sit at the back of Air Force One. Gingrich gets our president impeached for lying about marital infidelities when, at the same time, Gingrich himself is engaged in his own extramarital affairs. And for God's sake, he divorced his first wife after she was diagnosed with cancer. Won't anyone listen to me?!?" When asked about Donald Trump, the time-traveler said he had no information on the man, as no one from 1998 cared about a "washed-up fake millionaire."

Edit: also, this.


It's absurdist humor- funny because it'd never actually happen in a million years. And besides, the GANKED! is just too good.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If there is a President Newt "death penalty for drugs" Gingrich, then I may have to take a 4 to 8 year vacation from the good ol' U.S. of A. lol


Active member
I still cannot believe that the Republican party could even back him...he had to resign as speaker of the house because of ethics violations.....and this is the front runner? If the senate votes to chastise you, then there is a real problem...those turds wouldn't know ethics, if they were shoved in their asses. I really think the country would never recover from a Gingrich administration. He has already proven he is a thief, has no ethics, and will take care of himself and his cronies, before he takes care of his country. American politics is really dredging, the bottom of the barrel, and hoping we swallow the shit....and it looks like some Americans are taking heapfulls of this shit, and loving it!!!!

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