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newest noob, 1st thread ever, HELP

So I am new to growing (legally) I have been scouring the net for weeks trying to find out whats the matter with my plants, I have 4 about 3 weeks into veg. 2 OG Kush and 2 Purple Haze. Both from clones I got from a Friend. My 2 Kush plants are doing sweet no problems. But the Haze is showing signs of some nute deficiency. Afraid to just start trying stuff but here are some pics. Plz help.
I picked the worst leaves off this morning. I have read about nute deficiencies but the weird thing is that the yellowing affects old and new growth, top bottom middle doesn't matter. Leaves are thin and plant is not growing. New growth is forming but not getting any taller.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Your pics aren't showing up.

IF you are feeding them the same diet that could be your problem.

Hazes don't eat like kushes.

Your deficiency is possibly actually burn.
Ok thank you. I am using a drip feed system to water my veg room. How long would i rinse for before going back to nutes? Also I am using Technaflora's "recipe for success" They call for a ppm of about 1100 for veg, is that to much? They guarantee results if follow recipe to a tee, but all the sites i been to and books/bibles i have say that way to high. Any clue why pics not showing up? Im a computer noob as well :)


A good rule of thumb is to start any manufacturer recommended program at 1/2 strength. 1100 is way high for veg in all of my systems, that's generally my flower/stretch strength.

A flush and refeed at 1/2 strength, making sure to pH adjust sounds like a good idea.

How are your roots? Any poking out of the cube? Are you sure they rooted?
i can see roots on the kush but not the haze. do i flush with 1/2 strength? or just plain ph water? and for how long. My ph has been at 5.8 since start, check every morn. Prob is my kush are doing great. Or is that because of like mustard said 2 totally diff strains? Thought most grew more than 1 strain


New member
I'd give them a flush with Ph neutral water and then start slowly with the feed...I'd also read up Ph as well as thats prolly your issue...

Hope this helps...nothing that hasnt already been said



from looking at the pics it def looks like nute burn!

as every one else said, flush and try and half strengh


Active member
Whenever I've overfed (Following those labels is a recipe for it everytime) I use a Flushing agent like Final Flush... then wait till dry and feed at half strength. Those flushing agents grab the salts and really get the plants flushed.

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