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newbie with pheno questions

bud wiser

New member
I have searched quite a bit, but can't find the answers. Aside from the obvious, smell, size, finish time, if I grow a dozen or two of seed x, would the "good" phenos make themselves obvious? In other words, could two plants look, smell, taste and finish, exactly the same, including tric amount and color, and one plant be much diiferent, or supperior in high? Thanks in advance.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
i have had the opposite happen, check my James Dean pics, this is a pakistani landrace. they look different, smell a little dif, but the smoke is damn near identical in all 5 phenoes?????? go figure
For example I've had experience with AK's. Their is a sat.-dominant pheno and a indica-dominant pheno. I can't say one will be stronger than the other, but the dominant (sativa or indica) traits are displayed more in certain phenos of the same plant. So some Ak-47 will give you chouch-lock affect and another will give you a mind-soaring clean high, you get me or you need further explanations? Remember I grew the same plant, same seeds, just different phenos came out. And some phenos also yield more than others.


I think your question doesnt lend itself to an easy answer.

Basically, Yes and no. Often times the appearence of a plant during flowering will be a good indicator of its possession of desirable traits, but does not guarentee it. Some will be worse than youd hoped and some will be sleeper hits. If you dont have a choice then what choice do you have? If you can keep clones of all that would give you best selection, if not then just pick the best looking ones or one.
Traits that are desirable that can be observed before harvest include, Length of flowering, appearence, smell, trichrome production (not same as potency) Growth style, and to some degree yeild, as well as deliterious traits like hermi tendency.
Good luck!

bud wiser

New member
thanks everyone. So Pyramid, you're saying I can grow two seeds from the same pack, and one be covered in trichs and the other that has half as many could be more potent? If so, you have answered my question.


thanks everyone. So Pyramid, you're saying I can grow two seeds from the same pack, and one be covered in trichs and the other that has half as many could be more potent? If so, you have answered my question.

Well, since glandular trichomes are where cannabinoids are synthesized I would say that more trichomes is certainly the best visual indication that the weed is going to be potent.

A big problem is that potency isn't solely to be attributed to THC but to other terpenes as well.


Active member
Every plant from every pack of seeds will be different. That's my experience. Some are stinky, others not. Some smell sweet, others sour. There has been too much diversity, mixing of genes, to get anything "pure". And, the only way to tell...grow it out and smoke it.