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Newbie Question


New member
Hi guys. I have a quick question. If I let my plants in flower go without water and they wilted and the tops curled over. this was due to being locked out. doh! I have since watered with some micro nutes and light ferts. my q is will they make it. they have perked back up but most feeder leaves are yellowing and dying. so will they make it? thanks in advance for the help. peace


New member
you need to flush them with a full fert mix, including epson salts (1/2tsp grow, 1 tsp flower per gallon) at the rate of the times water to growing medium.

sounds just like you left em too long, they should be fine, but do taht anyway and it will be almost guaranteed!

Good luck! dont worry about the mistake though, we all make em a few times, just try to be more vigilant with your grow! you should make a schedule for waterings, and use that as a base for if they need it or not.



How often do you give them nutrients? The leaf problem sounds more like a nutrient problem if it is still happening after they've perked up. How long ago was it when the tops fell over? It might not be a nutrient problem. You may have just left them too lng without water like Sugar mentioned. Or, they could be locked up. I would flush like recommended and take it from there.

Good luck,
