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Newbie needs help, 1st gro


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bartender187, I don't know what you are implying but, I am not attacking this member, nor am I being malicious. If you read all of the posts you should know this. I am only trying to encourage him to read so he won't cotinue to make the mistakes.

After all, he asked us for our opinion and I gave mine. I would never attack a member for newbie questions. :wave:


good news. the bottle was easy to punch someholes into. it seems there will be no more reverse osmosis watering though. everything must be watered from top. a lil tricky, must wait a couple seconds for the water to seep down, but it does the trick. any insights on the type of bulb i should get would be highly appreciated. peace

Gday Rific :)

Gday Rific :)

The basics i practice for soil growing are:

* proper sized pots

*gentle transplanting methods

*adequate medium or soil

* proper drainage

* well practiced and diciplined watering habbits.

* ph balanced water (if possible)

* adequate light.

*NPK nutrients

This is my basic list of requirments for growing a few indoor plants. I hope this helps :)

In my opinion, i dont think there are any secrets to growing a weed :)

But there are alot of complexities people can and will go into for better results.

Thats for each to explore in their own way and its amazing what different styles people can come up with. Im constantly amazed :D

But as a noob grower, in my opinion,
the basics is what you should be focusing on for now.

If you have a check list of basic dot points and follow them maybe this might help?

Try not to do things like deviate by trying to use glass bottles to plant in for example.

Use designated pots for planting, write up a short shopping list with the basics and go buy them, they dont cost much.

I hope this is making sense and not being offensive but i cant help but notice you are trying very hard to get your little babbies to grow in difficult conditions.

MJ is very forgiving and hardy and you have a constant support network through growing forums and seeds offered by the members here.

Im sure you will prevail!


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thanks for the help leeroy. im sorry i caused so much confusion, but the bottle is NOT GLASS. it is PLASTIC. it also has a system of drainage. i know i could be takin way better care of my lil kiddo, and it hurts me to see it in the conditions its in. however, i was using my bagseed as an experiment. training wheels as you may call it. i know i wont be able to transplant her to a bigger pot. if i could switch to 12/12 right now, i would and maybe get a lil bud off her. however, thats not in the bigger plan for me. and hey, i could always clone her :). i will keep it in my garden unless it shows signs of infestation. thanks for all the help. ill refer to the og faqs a lil bit more from now on. peace



Its a process

Its a process

Looking good grif. :cool:

ok the best starter pots are 16oz clear plastic cups(you can find them pretty much anywhere). The only other pots you are going to need are 1 gallon or 3 gallon pots(depending on how many plants and how big they are going to get). If you want big plants then go with the bigger pots. Also try and keep your transplants down to a 1 time thing if possible. THe more you move and transplant, the more shock a plant gets and the more likely it is to die or take longer to grow.


That is the guide I used when I first started, and I still look at it almost everyday and still learn something new from it everytime i read it. Take a look at it because it is chock full of info. Other than that just listen to people and do it. Like anything practice makes perfect and pretty soon you will be growing like the pros. :cool:



You are making a big mistake by using those clear cups. I found that algea starts to grow almost immediately. It is a good idea for a newbie to try this with some bagseed, just to see how the roots develop. But when using quality genetics, do not use clear cups!!! Use red cups they eliminate more of the red spectrum, so when you switch to flower, they really show sex sooner.

Also I don't think that is true about one time transplanting, I transplant like 5 times just in veg, that is to get a mass of a rootball that is so thick, yout can't even get the dirt out. I have noticed my yields almost double since using this method.

Not flaming, or harrassing, just didn't agree with those two points.


hey guys. thanks for the link calcio :) appreciate it.

just for clarification joemutt, calcio puts red cups around the clear ones to prevent the light penetration. it is a method used to just check roots.

thanks again for the info guys. ive yet to look at light stuff on og, but if anyone has any suggestions on the type of compact fluro tubee to be used, go right ahead and post it.

thanks again :D peace

-grific :abduct:


Thanks joe i didnt know that about the clear cups. :)

actually grif thats a good idea(red cups around the clear ones). :) You are starting to get the hang of it already.

I try my best to keep the transplanting down to 1 at most 2 times but thats me personally. To each his/her own though. :)
Gday Grific :)

Gday Grific :)

Best of luck mate, im really looking forward to seeing what you can muster, dont give up! Grow hard :D