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Newbie needs help, 1st gro

toofat if u are offering i could use some beans.my first grow was also with bagseed and they where just as messed up as ganjariffic's.But i have been reading and feel more confident but won't be able to get any seeds for a while.If u can help it would be much appreciated.peace:wave:


Bakin in da Sun
.... hes offerin the thread starter because of his bad luck ....

ganja take toofat up on his offer, get a shoplight, 40w, make sure your light is never farther than an inch from the cups/plant.

Your temps are lookin nice. Good genetics like hardy indicas can take more abuse than some of the sativa dominant plants that arrise in bag schwag.

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Active member
Oohhhh Poor, Poor Babies!!!!!!!

Oohhhh Poor, Poor Babies!!!!!!!

At least 2 more compact flouros should be used....in my opinion....it's hard to have too much light but, too little light will just ensure death. Those poor things look like they were grown under a standard 60W home light bulb! At least you're learning, but ISN'T it time to get some better genetics?!? and quit wasting your time on shit seeds that will more than likely die! Just food for thought......Peace


thanks yall

thanks yall

thank you one and all for your opinons; i couldn't agree more. no worries fellow helpers, i already have some assitance in the genetic dept. on the way :). i have good news to report though: my prayers have been answered. somehow the seedling came back with a vengence. there is more growth in the leaves. i thought the kiddo would take at least a couple days to bounce back, but i was fooled. the others, however, i'm bouncing around the idea to toss em :(. one looks like its leaves are begining to curl with small spots on the leaves. the growth has been VERY slow also. i believe i have mites, but somehow miracuously they have not infected my prize child. anywho, if u guys think i have mites, PLEASE inform me. i have had some outdo gros that started and ended with those bastard mites :(. i will update pics in a day or so while i watch growth. oh, and yes, i wish i had more light but i am a poor-ass mofo, and when life gives you lemons...

-grific :abduct:


This was a shwag bag seed :wave:

This was also my first outdoor plant :)




This isnt my first crop so don't get discouraged. Also read man, read a lot. Looks good for the first time though.

PS-its not done yet ;)
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thanks for the encouragement Calcio :D. it took me a while to realize that it wasnt done. anywho, here are some great update pics. please tell me if you think the lil one is stretching too much still.


this is an eye-level shot of the seedling:

and a close-up:

this is why i started. i only hope she will continue to gro well. the only thing im worried about is it going rootbound. there may be an inch or less of soil from the rootstem to the bottom of the cup. will she stop growing once she is rootbound. ill go check OG for sure, but as always, feedback is appreciated. i dont think the lil one would have survived my hand if it wasnt for u kind folk. thanks again.

-grific :abduct:


That's why I use clear cups when I start seeds or clones, to see when the root structure is too large for the cup. also it seems a little dry, water it a little more often. Other than that it seems good ganjarafic. :)




thanks calcio, took your advice :). just transplanted the lil one into a half gallon or so container. the roots look great :) very strong. i was correct, they were starting to circle in on the bottom. anywho, the kiddo has a nice new home. i havnt watered for about 5 days i think, but theres a lot of moisture in the new soil i put it in. gave it a misting clean and back under the fluro. heres an update pick:
vertical shot


and one more pick. its my other lil fellow that ive kept off to the side. supposedly a blueberry, and already somewhat smells like it. and my other big kiddo smells like mint. anywho, check out the weird hairs? on the tips of the leaves. very strange

thats it for now. take car n stay safe

-grific :abduct:


resident slackass
that container is a bad idea.
eventually you will need to transplant and your going to have a hell of a time getting her out of that bottle.
this is the reason flower pots are tapered.
so when it's time to transplant you will be able to remove the rootball with minimal disturbance and stress to the plant.

another problem is that light penetrating into the rootball will allow algea to grow along the interior of the bottle robbing the soil of nutrients and oxygen needed by the roots. while this wont necessarily kill you plants, it just doesnt allow for optimal growth.
it's ok for young seedlings as they dont spend much time in the first cup, but even when i used a clear cup i would also put that cup inside an opaque cup of the same size so when i needed to check on root developement i could just pull the clear cup out and inspect the progress.

just my $.02



resident slackass
oh another issue that came to mind is drainage.
you will have to be extremely careful with your watering and feeding
with no way for water to drain out you will have water pooling at the bottom of the bottle and with regard to feeding you will eventually end up with a toxic salt buildup if not extremely careful about the nute dosages you apply.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
mybeans420 said:
that container is a bad idea.
eventually you will need to transplant and your going to have a hell of a time getting her out of that bottle.
this is the reason flower pots are tapered.
so when it's time to transplant you will be able to remove the rootball with minimal disturbance and stress to the plant.

another problem is that light penetrating into the rootball will allow algea to grow along the interior of the bottle robbing the soil of nutrients and oxygen needed by the roots. while this wont necessarily kill you plants, it just doesnt allow for optimal growth.
it's ok for young seedlings as they dont spend much time in the first cup, but even when i used a clear cup i would also put that cup inside an opaque cup of the same size so when i needed to check on root developement i could just pull the clear cup out and inspect the progress.


oh another issue that came to mind is drainage.
you will have to be extremely careful with your watering and feeding
with no way for water to drain out you will have water pooling at the bottom of the bottle and with regard to feeding you will eventually end up with a toxic salt buildup if not extremely careful about the nute dosages you apply.

That's just about exactly what I was going to say. Thanks for saving me the time Beans.

GreatLakes THC
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damn... i dont think that root ball is going to come back up :( i guess i could rap it up in duct tape, but u guys also said theres gonna be nute probs. should i just toss it? does it look like a seedling wirth keeping? im not sure what to do now. i dont even get the concept of feeding, but i have a bad feeling. oh well. can i use this container to grow all the way during flower? u guys think i will have a lot of problems? i should just toss it, shouldnt i. the root went in real snug. darn. oh well. so should i toss it. if so just say yes.


oh, i just read ur other tips guys. first, where do i find neem oil? second, i should just toss this lil kiddo n start with a clean setup, shouldnt i? peace
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Dont toss it man, just turn it upside down and start shaking if it is really tight(I would hold on to the seedling really carefully while your doing that....). The worse that can happen is the plant dies... But if you toss it it dies anyway.


Just an idea.



Active member
You are still making critical mistakes. Did you ever read the basics of growing on OG. The link that I sent you. OG can be a hard place, but it is very good for learning. It seems like you are listening to only part of what we say. We explained to you from the beginning that drainage was a MUST, then you replant in a jar with no possibility for drainage. Why are you asking for our help and not following it? :wave:


That must be one killer strain, you have done everything wrong you could, and still it has life in it. The Ganja lords are watching over you, they want you to be successful. But for petes sake read! You are trying to do the magyver thing and use stuff lying around the house. That is great but ask us first from now on.

You need to run everything by us first, then try it. We told you about the drainage, how to make holes, and you transplant into something with no drainage. Read! Read! Read!

If I get a stretchy lil one like that, I use something to support it. It will spend energy on leaves rather than support, when it gets a few leaves, then let it work on support, right now you are just trying to get leaves. Read Read Read!

The FAQ would have probably saved their lives, but make sure to read before the good seeds are popped.



Just break that bottle, wrap it up in a towel, or put it in a paper bag, and smash it with a hammer, carefully remove your baby, and toss the rest.


Bakin in da Sun
toofat said:
You are still making critical mistakes. Did you ever read the basics of growing on OG. The link that I sent you. OG can be a hard place, but it is very good for learning. It seems like you are listening to only part of what we say. We explained to you from the beginning that drainage was a MUST, then you replant in a jar with no possibility for drainage. Why are you asking for our help and not following it? :wave:

chill out...let him be. my .02


whoa there nelly

whoa there nelly

hey guys n gals. sorry for the worry, but no troubles. i blacked out a part of the reflection in the pic, or else u might have realized its not glass. however, it is very thick plastic, and i 4got to put drainage holes in it... poop. anywho, ill fix that later. i appreciate the help. i will ask in advance from now on with tough questions. i knew about the light-alage thing, but didnt really give a damn. will the shape of the bottle effect the grow? anywho, ill put a couple layers of duct tape around it n leave about a half inch clear on the bottom for now. does that sound alright to u guys? and as far as neem oil, im gonna be putting in some quality seeds in the comming days and was wondering how to keep my room clean n safe from pesky invaders. i would rather kill a bagseed baby than have it infect the rest of the kiddos, ya know. anywho, i will also hopefully purchase (2) 40 w 4 ft shop light type thing later. but i also need some help with that. they have different types of compact fluros for a variety of reasons. they even have an aquarium/plant type bulb. i have two very important questions:
1. do i want a higher or lower degrees k at which they burn?
2. do i want more or less lumens
now b4 u jump the gun, let me say yes, i know more lumens is almost always better. BUT the aqaurium plant bulb burns at the lowest amount of lumens??? plus they all burn at diff. colors. i would think i would want a bluer bulb, but the bluer put out less lumens i think. there was also a "cri" rating on them. do i want a higher or lower one??? thanks. oh, and also, what cfm should i be shooting for on a "inline" fan or whatever to vent a 400 w hps???thanks alot for all ur help u guys. i know its fustrating to see a pupil fail, but hey, ill get the hang of it soon enough. im a quick learner :D peace

-grific :abduct:

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