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I have a question.I know you guys can answer, how long does it usually take for a male AF starts spitting pollen.....I see one open sac,should I pull him now and collect pollen should I wait longer.a lot of the sacs are still kinda small, and I have nowhere else to put him except with the ladies,I only wanna pollinate the lower branches.PLEASE HELP.....he's a LL AUTO AK_47 30 days old today....females are starting to look feisty. any answer is better than no answer.


For me they usually start spitting out pollen around the 4-5 th weeks. Any pistils on the girls?


i hope you aint got ur geezzas in the same room.ur asking for trouble if you have..


i put mine on a window sill tie it over the side of pot and let pollan fall onto a small mirror..
away from the atic..


Active member
yes,the ladies are showin plenty of pistils,there all locked in a built cab under 600hps,plus I have 2 50w cfls so I could possibly be able to relocate him somewhere else.but its not looking good,I'll have to find a spot somewhere in my apartment...just worried about security,dont want anyone knowing whats going on......rose, you say 4-5th week....very helpful, I really appreciate all of you taking the time to answer my question,I thank you all


Active member
thanks for the link might try that.....checked my bank,payment came out,broke as a joke. hardware store's gonna have to wait til' tuesday,I'm thinkin card board box with a hole in the side hepa filter covering the hole. syran wrap the top, have the filter hole facing the fan in my cab...should blow enough air to keep him alive, best temporary fix I can think of for now.

thanks for the suggestions
the pollen sacs will open when they are really swelling. The little ones at first are not the issue, but a couple days after they appear you should start thinking about getting them out. To pollinate the bottom branches, what method do you use? I knock all the pollen off onto a large mirror, then scrape it up, put in tin foil, and then use a q-tip to gently apply the pollen. Works like a charm.



Just make sure atleast 75% of the male flowers are open. That way it will insure more pollen.


Once the pollen sacks start turning color and look swollen (see the pic) I yank my males and lay them down on a piece of glass. I cut the branches or whatever in order to make it all fit on the glass. I set this glass on a shelf in my closet. After a few days or a week or so.., I pound the branches on the glass and use a razor blade to scrape up the yellow pollen and put it in a small ziplock bag. The pollen sacks will continue to open for up to a week or so after laying on the glass. I've done this and stored it and used it a month or so after taking the pollen with great success. Pollen will spread super easily though, so be careful when pollinating, have fun, and good luck!
