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new world order

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ok i know this sounds like some crazy person talk to some and to others not so crazy.i have been seeing all this stuff going on and just starting looking up stuff and every time it all leads to this new world order so how.from what i have been reading they have been talking about this little over a 100 years give or take a few years.what are your thoughts on this?i think it is a load of bullshit but i can see it happing i guess.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
weather you call it 'new world order', 'illuminati' or just 'boundless greed + capitalism' whatever, it doesn't matter.
but there is definitely something up.
the problem is that it is very hard to extract useful information from the gigantic heap of disinformation called the internet.

my tip: read everything, believe nothing - observe and draw your own conclusions.


The truth behind everything:

People who control large amounts of money and resources try to ensure that they and those they like continue to control large amounts of money and resources.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Yes. The international western system is trying to form a new world order and it's working.

I can see their controlling ways and presently they are doing this financially.

Already it's the corporate's and banking systems that are dictating and politicians have no choice when it comes to money.

It's also about greed and power at our expense


New World Order? Whats so new? Same "old" order (pyramid scheme) that built modern/civilized society. The power holders exploit those who they can, and attempt to destroy or, at the very least, disarm/imprison/demonize those who they can't.
Capitalism has no ethnicity, no gender, no religion, no political affiliation, no social conscience. It just is...selfish and driven to win.


I think what we're seeing are the signs of the massive change that is upon us. Technology is now moving forward at such a rapid rate that soon the world will be unrecognizable. In a world that revolves around money it's not implausible to think that those with the most money have the most power and thus are controlling world events to suit there agenda. And they've got it made, we've all become enslaved by debt and under the control of a secretive and ruthless government. Who are, in turn, the money mens bitches. I watch alot of these type of videos myself, and as implausible as alot of it seems I really wouldn't put any of it past them. Although I don't see how the new world order could possibly work....history has proven time and time again that the peasants will revolt when pushed too far, unless of course you believe the depopulation conspiracies...


The peasants may revolt, but not much really changes. You replace one corrupt government for another and what? There is no mystery here. There isn't a conspiracy here.
This is what capitalism/elitism is and does. It isn't like it's one person or group of people. The design is set up to benefit those on top whoever they might be...whatever "political system" they use as there tool. It is so ancient it is nearly impossible to imagine another way.


thanks for the feed back.i was never really one for all this talk but as i am getting older i have been noticeing things a lot more about stuff that is going.i have been reading a lot about this from different sites and what not.once again thanks for your thoughts on the matter.keep em coming.enjoy your weekends


Well-known member


Anyone interested in this kind of thing should check out a film called "The End of Poverty". While not entirely apolitical it is a valid commentary on capitalism and western civilization. You can find find the full film on youtube. I would make a link but I can't ever get them to work :mad:


countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it.

the new world order(1939)
i found this on the opening credits from alex jone's endgame.i only made it through half the movie last night but from what i did see ,it made some pretty strong points.check it out it might be worth the 2 plus hours.


Active member
Brother the NWO is real as it gets. The FEDERAL RESERVE is their money supply and they control nearly the entire world with it.......Hence, "The love of money is the root of all evil."

I'll just give you a few really good videos to check out.

The first one is MONEY MATTERS - It is 3hours of intense information

The Money Masters ~ Full Movie


Active member
Robert Welch in 1974 reveals NWO

John F. Kennedy Secret Society Speech (Part 1/2


Note: 1. Andrew Jackson fought the International Banker (Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc) and they had an assassination attempt on him and both pistils didn't fire.

Note: 2. JFK passed Executive order #11110 that tied the US Dollar to Silver.....He was killed two months or so later.

Note: 3. Abe Lincoln tried to take the money supply control away from the NWO and he was shot too.

JFK Executive Order #11110 & Warren Commission


The idea that somehow one side is better than the other; this duality, has people chasing there tails, and is nothing more than a shell game. Don't buy into that hype. Alex Jones may have some valid points but make no mistake he is a HYPE MACHINE.


oh yeah for sure.at this point i am buying maybe 2% of the stuff have i seen so far.just the few strong points in the endgame were like wow its been there this whole time and i am just now seeing this shit.


ICMag Donor
Yeah it's great that the place is going bankrupt and yet there's some troops in over 100 countries helping that bankruptcy along real good now. But we're free lol



Active member
Alex does go overboard but he is more correct than he is wrong. If you wanna know the real scoop listen to RON Paul's weekly pod casts and much more on him.
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