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New water restrictions in Cali?


Just Say Grow
this drought REALLY has me re-thinking buying a black vehicle, that I can't wash...so some rich kid can eat an almond butter sandwich in his high rise in nyc....weak.


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California Water Wars Escalate: Government Orders Massive Supply Cuts To Most Senior Rights Holders

Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/13/2015

the California government has - just as we predicted - ignored any efforts at self-preservation and ordered the largest cuts on record to farmers holding some of the state's strongest water rights. While frackers and big energy remain exempt from the restrictions



if it smells like fish
living in the foothills of the sierras I can say the drought is going to be worse than ever this year...lowest snow amount in mountains ...every year gets worse.....yeehaw...couldn't even kayak thekaweah river to lake this year....sad


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California Has Never Experienced A Water Crisis Of This Magnitude – And The Worst Is Yet To Come
Things have never been this dry for this long in the recorded history of the state of California, and this has created an unprecedented water crisis. At this point, 1,900 wells have already gone completely dry in California, and some communities are not receiving any more water at all.
Other communities throughout the state are pumping groundwater like crazy in a desperate attempt to continue with business as usual. In fact, it is being projected that groundwater will account for almost all water used in the entire state by the end of this year…

Underground aquifers supply 35 percent of the water used by humans worldwide. Demand is even greater in times of drought. Rain-starved California is currently tapping aquifers for 60 percent of its water use as its rivers and above-ground reservoirs dry up, a steep increase from the usual 40 percent. Some expect water from aquifers will account for virtually every drop of the state’s fresh water supply by year end.

But of course this creates a huge problem. When the groundwater is gone, it is gone for good. Those aquifers took centuries to fill up, and now they are being drained at a staggering rate. In some parts of the state, aquifers are being drained so fast that it is causing thousands of square miles of land to sink

^ yet oil fracking continues during a global oil glut. fracking chemicals are contaminating the underground aquifers. contaminating them to the degree that the water is unusable for even irrigating food, let alone drinking.

reflect on this.

do your own research. believe the truth. don't believe me or another person. I am not the truth, neither is anyone else. the truth is the truth.


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Since its first publication, “Owning the Weather 2025“, and “The Weather As a Force Multiplier“, both published in 1996, the Air Force has made it clear that it has the capability to control the weather to the degree that their documents admit that they can weaponize both weather and earthquakes (see Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). Before you wrinkle your nose up and fall back on the phrase that so many have been conditioned by, “You must be a conspiracy theorist”, I have published the Air Force’s annotated bibliography on this subject of weather modification which is listed below in the Appendix (see Exhibit 1). I dare any reasonable person to read the data contained in the Appendix and not be able to conclude that the California drought , now in Arizona, now in New Mexico, now in Nevada and et al, in the Southwest, is not being artificially manipulated
The Air Force actually maintains a separate entity in its branch known as the “Air Force Weather Agency”. Its mission is weather modification




Just Say Grow
apparently big fish die offs around so cal beaches are signaling rising ocean temps at the equator...lots of other out of usual things going on in so cal water right now, people are catching marlins in OC...


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The UN Is Conquering America Through the Control of All Water

Posted on June 21, 2015

In yesterday’s article, I briefly touched upon the fact that California would experience a mass population exodus due to the artificially contrived water shortage. A few of the readers had trouble believing that the water situation was as grave as I stated in the previous article. Here is a chart that counters these misguided beliefs as it depicts the severity of the California drought.



Nestle is not just taking water from the Great Lakes, they are contributing to the misery in California as Nestle is, today, in the midst of the California water crisis, draining California aquifers, from Sacramento alone taking 80 million gallons annually. Nestle then sells the people’s water back to them at a grealy inflated price and this is being done under dozens of brand names.



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What Drought? Nestle Pays Only $524 To Extract 27,000,000 Gallons Of California Drinking Water
Tyler Durden's pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 08/21/2015 09:20 -0400

Nestle has somehow managed the most sweetheart of deals for its Arrowhead 100% Mountain Spring Water, which is ostensibly sourced from Arrowhead Springs — and which also happens to be located on public land in a national forest.

In 2013, the company drew 27 million gallons of water from 12 springs in Strawberry Canyon for the brand — apparently by employing rather impressive legerdemain — considering the permit to do so expired in 1988.

But, as Nestle will tell you, that really isn’t cause for concern since it swears it is a good steward of the land and, after all, that expired permit’s annual fee has been diligently and faithfully paid in full — all $524 of it

And that isn’t the only water it collects. Another 51 million gallons of groundwater were drawn from the area by Nestle that same year.

There is another site the company drains for profit while California’s historic drought rages on: Deer Canyon. Last year, Nestle drew 76 million gallons from the springs in that location, which is a sizable increase over 2013’s 56 million-gallon draw — and under circumstances just as questionable as water collection at Arrowhead.




Just Say Grow
nestle has bottled up 223 acre feet of water = 76,000,000 gallons

the state of CA used 42,000,000 acre feet of water in 2010(USGS estimate)

nestle's contribution was equal to only 0.00053% of the total water used in CA...they should be paying much more for it though.

the average us citizen consumes 270lbs of beef in a year; is requires approximately 1,847 gallons to produce every pound of beef. meaning that the average us citizens water consumption by beef alone is 498,690 gallons of water * the population of CA(38.8 million)=19,349,172,000,000 gallons or approximately 59.3million acre feet of water FOR BEEF! that's significantly more water than the entire state consumes on an annual basis(how much of that water is coming out of the CA watershed is in question when considering the sources of feed etc.)

I'm washing my fucking car today...I've been putting it off for probably the last 4 months


My cows drink about 20 gallons per day each (about the same as a plant in 200 gallon smartpot), in no way whatsoever does that equal out to 1800 gallons per lb of beef. How much water we use isn't really the issue, the lack of rain and snow is however.


My cows drink about 20 gallons per day each (about the same as a plant in 200 gallon smartpot), in no way whatsoever does that equal out to 1800 gallons per lb of beef. How much water we use isn't really the issue, the lack of rain and snow is however.

i think they calculate the water needed to produce the cows food as well as what they actually drink.

but i agree with you. the issue is lack of rain where it is currently needed.


Active member
Hello all,

A lot of hopeful expectation of a very wet winter this year in N. Cal what with "The Nino"...

Is it bad to wish it to be the end of October?



Just Say Grow
My cows drink about 20 gallons per day each (about the same as a plant in 200 gallon smartpot), in no way whatsoever does that equal out to 1800 gallons per lb of beef. How much water we use isn't really the issue, the lack of rain and snow is however.

schrews pretty much summed it up, that figure takes into account the water needed to produce what they are consuming as food as well as the normal water uptake...it takes what, like 3 years to have a harvestable cow? thats 1095 days...it all starts to add up once you really look into it.

not trying to knock ya for having family beef at all, wish I could do the same...I just think about how much beef ends up in the garbage and how much water that is taking away from all of us.


Just Say Grow
Ive been basically living on carnitas and al pastor haha

that's makes it easy! lol I tell the taco spot to give me the dryer, crispier carnitas...now that shit is just something else...I generally prefer carnitas over asada anyways! lol