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new toy


Now in technicolor

Been smoking fat ass JWH/weed joints and just cruising all over the neighborhood. I can see why people like motorcycles.. and getting one has suddenly entered my not-too-far-off to-buy list.

Bought this on a whim. Had no real interest in motorized bikes before but damn they're fun. Great for urban cruising because of the constant red lights/stop signs (motor kicks in to help you take off and keep you at 15 mph from a starting stop) and the ability to go 3-4x the distance.

Can't wait to trip on 2c-e, put on headphones and go ride around in the city. I can't say I'd recommend the specific bike I got (pic above) because of cost, battery doesn't charge when you pedal, battery is very expensive to replace and the weight of the damn bike is unbelievable. The latter doesn't matter much when the motorized assistance kicks in.


Looks crisp, seems complicated but I definitely see how it could be really useful in a busy city environment like you said. I am too lazy though, I would need to get something either completely with or without a motor, with this thing I see myself using this and wanting more motor help, like the entire time insted of just takeoff etc haha.


Now in technicolor
haha yeah I know what you mean. The motor actually kicks in to assist anytime you're peddling (unless you turn it off.) So you still need to pedal, but you're peddling maybe 25% to reach the same destination at the same speed as you would on a regular bike peddling 100% of the time.