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new to teas, was suggested earth juice rainbow mix?


i'm looking to create a ACT for supplemental use in my coco dtw to be hand feed to plants a few times in veg and a few times in flower. i want to see what difference a few drenches per cycle will do as a start. i was thinking about getting the bountea setup as i know some people have loved it and it's all inclusive but it's expensive as well compared to making your own.

my local store carries the bountea and the owner who has the 2nd oldest store in the state recommended the earth juice rainbow mix as a all in one tea brewing source. he stocks the bountea and other tea related items and this was actually the cheapest solution he had and i really trust his judgement due to knowledge and i know he never steers me wrong for profit margin he's a friend and has proven he's not looking for best profit many times with recommendations.

so I'm starting with the rainbow mix grow and i'm going to start with 1 cup per 5 gal that i will brew. i am planning on giving each 3 gal pot 1 qt each the first time and see how they respond then maybe moving to 2 cups per 5 gal brew and 2quarts per application and doing one application per week as a supplement to my normal feeding schedule.

N5.00% - P5.00% - K2.00%
A fined-tuned dry-blend of natural-organic nutrients with multiple strains of beneficial Mycorrhizae plus Humic Acid, all professionally formulated for vigorous vegetative growth for a variety of indoor/outdoor plants. For container plants, apply every 3-4 months. For determinate plants, a single application is the general recommendation. May be used as a premix or applied as a top-dressing Rainbow Mix Grow and Bloom may be used together. *Compatible and may be used in conjunction with other Hydro-Organic/Earth Juice Formulas. The “Sure and Easy” way to get plants to “Get-Up-And-GROW”!

what do you think? something better and cheaper exist do you believe? he said earth juice uses the best guano's on the market which is why he likes them for a quick tea.


Did he suggest that brewing the myco's would be a good idea? From what Ive gathered they remain dormant until there is some root contact. Root drenches with Myco doesnt seem to be all that effective at getting them to the newly growing root tips.
Id suggest getting a bag of EWC to brew in your tea and mix into your coco. Some seaweed and molasses is all you would need to make a tea once you have EWC.
I'd also suggest getting some PVC and making a manifold instead of using airstones if youre not doing so already.


since i am using this as a supplement i was not really concerned with the myco's as i have ample in my nutrient application. i use mykos full spore non soluable at transplant and i use great white during veg.

i did use one airstone and then 3 air lines off of two air pumps each containing 2 outlets. i will be going to a vortex brewer diy if i stick to teas so this is more for just a test so i threw something together quick so i could start brewing asap.

as for the drench getting to the bottom of the pot i'm not too concerned. the only reason it's not a concern to me is that i dtw with a little runoff with 2 watering a day so this drench will get diluted and pushed to the bottom of the pot by the end of the day anyways. i did think about skipping a cycle after the hand drench but idk if that's would be most beneficial. the medium will be more then wet enough to keep the plants happy missing a watering but i like to not miss them.
While I agree with tribe's suggestion for tea ingredients...I disagree with soluble myco products being ineffective.

I know this from experience and side-by-side testing.

Also, you don't have to worry about losing microbes due to runoff. The microbes hold onto the roots and soil and don't get flushed away. This is also why flushing in an organic system is utterly useless and a waste of time. Don't be afraid of wet/dry cycles either the plants want/expect it.


Edit: Shit, forgot to tell you if you don't have enough air...like 50l/pm for a 5 gal bucket...then you ain't making tea. You're feeding your plants a shit sandwich instead.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
While I agree with tribe's suggestion for tea ingredients...I disagree with soluble myco products being ineffective.

I know this from experience and side-by-side testing.

Also, you don't have to worry about losing microbes due to runoff. The microbes hold onto the roots and soil and don't get flushed away. This is also why flushing in an organic system is utterly useless and a waste of time. Don't be afraid of wet/dry cycles either the plants want/expect it.


Edit: Shit, forgot to tell you if you don't have enough air...like 50l/pm for a 5 gal bucket...then you ain't making tea. You're feeding your plants a shit sandwich instead.

What did the myco mix in your side by side consist of?
The only way to confirm endomycorrhizal colonization is via microscopy.

BTW 50 LPM would be good up to 20+ gallons


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
i'm looking to create a ACT for supplemental use in my coco dtw to be hand feed to plants a few times in veg and a few times in flower. i want to see what difference a few drenches per cycle will do as a start. i was thinking about getting the bountea setup as i know some people have loved it and it's all inclusive but it's expensive as well compared to making your own.

my local store carries the bountea and the owner who has the 2nd oldest store in the state recommended the earth juice rainbow mix as a all in one tea brewing source. he stocks the bountea and other tea related items and this was actually the cheapest solution he had and i really trust his judgement due to knowledge and i know he never steers me wrong for profit margin he's a friend and has proven he's not looking for best profit many times with recommendations.

so I'm starting with the rainbow mix grow and i'm going to start with 1 cup per 5 gal that i will brew. i am planning on giving each 3 gal pot 1 qt each the first time and see how they respond then maybe moving to 2 cups per 5 gal brew and 2quarts per application and doing one application per week as a supplement to my normal feeding schedule.


what do you think? something better and cheaper exist do you believe? he said earth juice uses the best guano's on the market which is why he likes them for a quick tea.

No professionals should be giving advice concerning ACT if they have not seen the microscopy behind what they recommend. Hopefully he has. I assume you have looked over the two stickies related to ACT and managed to link to some of the video of mycroscopy providing irrefutable evidence of the efficacy of a simplistic recipe (eg. [vermi]compost & molasses)


the thing i took away from my earth juice rainbow mix experience is the stuff smells horrible, which i've heard makes tasty buds.


Ive always gone by the foam on the top of the bucket indicating it was a decent brew. Ive read that might not be the case. The only other indication that I know of that things have gone wrong is smell. Besides a scope, is there any other way for me to tell if my tea is a shit sandwich?


i'm looking to create a ACT for supplemental use in my coco dtw to be hand feed to plants a few times in veg and a few times in flower. i want to see what difference a few drenches per cycle will do as a start. i was thinking about getting the bountea setup as i know some people have loved it and it's all inclusive but it's expensive as well compared to making your own.

my local store carries the bountea and the owner who has the 2nd oldest store in the state recommended the earth juice rainbow mix as a all in one tea brewing source. he stocks the bountea and other tea related items and this was actually the cheapest solution he had and i really trust his judgement due to knowledge and i know he never steers me wrong for profit margin he's a friend and has proven he's not looking for best profit many times with recommendations.

so I'm starting with the rainbow mix grow and i'm going to start with 1 cup per 5 gal that i will brew. i am planning on giving each 3 gal pot 1 qt each the first time and see how they respond then maybe moving to 2 cups per 5 gal brew and 2quarts per application and doing one application per week as a supplement to my normal feeding schedule.


what do you think? something better and cheaper exist do you believe? he said earth juice uses the best guano's on the market which is why he likes them for a quick tea.

I just noticed this at the bottom because it was in small print and Im used to peoples stupid signatures.
Anyway, this should tell you the guy doesnt know shit. I still havent seen EWC on the list of this rainbow stuff...
MM- Side-by-side testing included just that. 40 plants total all in the same environment same strain -everything. 20 received a soluble myco product by Roots (can't remember the name) the other 20 did not. The plants that received the treatment grew bigger and healthier. I did this on a couple of different rounds because I wanted to know if I was wasting 20 bucks on the stuff. Pretty simple shit really.

I do have a microscope. Do I know what I'm looking at? Hell, no. My science is a little simpler than that.
Trial and Error. It either works or it don't. Thanks for letting me know about the l/pm on the air pump...I wont feel so bad about making teas in an 18g bucket anymore. With that being said, my flexible air stones finally clogged after a little more than a year. Teas barely foamed, smelled a little funky and the plants suffered a bit. IMHO, you will know if your making a good tea or not because your plants will either thrive or not.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
MM- Side-by-side testing included just that. 40 plants total all in the same environment same strain -everything. 20 received a soluble myco product by Roots (can't remember the name) the other 20 did not. The plants that received the treatment grew bigger and healthier. I did this on a couple of different rounds because I wanted to know if I was wasting 20 bucks on the stuff. Pretty simple shit really.

I do have a microscope. Do I know what I'm looking at? Hell, no. My science is a little simpler than that.
Trial and Error. It either works or it don't. Thanks for letting me know about the l/pm on the air pump...I wont feel so bad about making teas in an 18g bucket anymore. With that being said, my flexible air stones finally clogged after a little more than a year. Teas barely foamed, smelled a little funky and the plants suffered a bit. IMHO, you will know if your making a good tea or not because your plants will either thrive or not.

The reason I ask what it was comprised of is that many mixes have only a very few endomycorrhizal spores (that associate with cannabis) but have an overwhelming number of Trichoderma spores and some root promoting bacteria thrown in for good measure.

'IF' this was the case with the mix you used, you cannot claim the results you observed were the result of endomycorrhizal fungi unless you actually examined the intracellular infection microscopically. Otherwise your positive results could be a result of Trichoderma fungi and/or bacteria. Trichoderma has been shown to inhibit endomycorrhizal fungal infection.

There is no such thing as soluble spores. It is like selling soluble seeds. It is nothing but a sales gimmick.

Many people have thought they saw the results of mycorrhizal infection when in actuality it was Trichoderma, etc.

As far as tea quality, people were making teas far before pumps or microscopes and the nose is a worthy instrument. It is difficult to make a destructive tea but I try to help people learn to make optimum ACT.
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Active member
havent tried it in teas. let us know how it goes. i been using ff piece of mind fruit and flower in teas. testing it on veggies first.
Very helpful explanation of it MM. yep, sure as shit there is some trichoderma in the stuff. I've actually read that the science isn't there yet on whether trichoderma helped or hurt the myco. Interesting stuff nonetheless. I'm gonna have to do another side by side with a pure myco product...most seem to have other shit mixed with them.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Very helpful explanation of it MM. yep, sure as shit there is some trichoderma in the stuff. I've actually read that the science isn't there yet on whether trichoderma helped or hurt the myco. Interesting stuff nonetheless. I'm gonna have to do another side by side with a pure myco product...most seem to have other shit mixed with them.

Thank you for having an open mind and not thinking I was putting you down as so many do.

You are correct on the studies. There are studies indicating both but I figure if the Trich outnumbers the AM, 9000 to 1 it does not take a rocket scientist [even though I am one] to figure out what likely occurrs.