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New to Hempy, and having troubles!


New member
We have been reading through threads for a while, but not logged in before, we are pretty new and didn't have much to add, now we need help!

My husband and I have a room we are having trouble with. We planted clones into three gallon hempys with 3/1 perlite/vermiculitewater ph 5.8-6.2, We had them in our veg room under T5 for 7 weeks, getting our 2nd sealed room finished up.

Kelp and Humic and cal mag water every other day alternating with floranova feedings. The plants did pretty well, with some leaves having the talon looking leaf tips. When we moved the plants into the flowering room, we thought we could let them acclimate for a week to the DE lights and then flip.

My husband began to feed them a little more and they starting to look really over watered. There is all kinds of conflicting info online about whether or not you can over water hempys, this was our confusion.

He flushed them once with biozyme and them once with a root treatment. When we fed them after they cleanout effort we smelled a rotten egg smell. This sent us down a path of worrying about root rot.

We watered them after three days mid week and the smell was very mild but still there. Today we fed and the smell was really strong again. The plants are stunted, they are growing a little, but lots of limp leaves, leaf discoloration and small curled leaves.

I have been on line today reading as much as I can, he had done the original reading and set up. I think we may have been using information from too many sources and cherrypicking methods of feeding. I think in response to the plants looking over watered/fed we backed off too much and starved the plants, maybe?

Does the sulphery smell mean root rot? Any help is appreciated.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Hempy is designed for coco as grow medium. If you want to save
the plants perhaps re pot them in coco.

Coco can grow great plants with only a few rules to follow.

Good luck, and don't give up!


I stand corrected, coco is not needed for Hempy style.

Thank you Jelly for correcting me.
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Invertebrata Inebriata
I think you're probably over watering/feeding. Give the medium a chance to dry out before you water/feed again.

I don't know about your nutrients. I only use GH (General Hydroponics) and follow the regiment on this thread-
==The Recipe==

That smell will go away when you get your roots right.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Hempy is NOT originally designed for coco, it's originally designed for the perlite/vermiculite mix you're currently using. Some people use coco, but using the older method won't cause problems in itself.


New member
Thanks for pointing that out!!

We are familiar with coco hempy, and might try it eventually. We started our plants in this medium and wanted to see it through. My husband used h202 while the plants were in veg, the algae on top of the vermiculite perlite mix was bugging him. He is now thinking/read that the plants lose their ability to make good bacteria is you use h202.

I would agree with you about the over feeding usually and we backed way off, but as of this morning we hadnt fed nutes in a week! and before that it had been a week as well. We watered(thinking flushing), but hadnt fed nutes.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I would agree with you about the over feeding usually and we backed way off, but as of this morning we hadnt fed nutes in a week! and before that it had been a week as well. We watered(thinking flushing), but hadnt fed nutes.

As long as the plants don't look stressed, you're fine. I feed mine every second or third day, depending on how light the buckets are. No watering between feedings.

Back off your nutrients 50- 60% and try that for a week or two would be my advice.

You're just growing a weed in a bucket, it's not real delicate. You might be worrying them to death with all this attention. If I can do it anybody can. :tiphat:


New member
They look super stressed! discolored leaves, stunted curled new growth on the branches, leathery looking branches, a good deal of droop. Sorry to have not included enough info.


New member

The bright light is a bit much


Yea back off on the watering. Let the plants establish themselves and the roots hunt for water. If you're not too far into veg you may consider just cutting her for clones and starting over. Likely hood that will put out something worth the 8 weeks of effort you're about to have to endure is almost nill.


pure dynamite
That doesn't look like something the lights did. Roots are not happy. Check watering/feeding/PH.


New member
This morning we found MUCH happier plants. It seems like they were hungry. The feeding made all the difference in the world. Has new growth in 18 hours like we have not ever seen before.

While I have your attention, can I get a consensus?

Do you think its possible to overwater Hempy? we have seen arguments on both sides.

Hempy says ( I think ) feed every two days, who agrees with that this is truly from hempy himself?

We need to learn to be able to determine over feeding/overwatering/underfeeding. The symptoms are confusing and similar.
Hempy is your basic hydroponic system....the medium u chose is fine....im fact I am using that mix in my hydro set up after 35 years of growing...having not seen pics, the talon look is an mid range over fert sign....tips will yellow/brown first, then talon or clawing and then lockout with all kind of issues....usually, prior to tip burn, your plant get a dark green which is your first clue of heavy nutes....Hempy has the holes a cpl inches up to keep and hold water in a type of res within your container...if u can tip your container and water comes out those holes, they are NOT ready for more water....not saying u have done this, but the biggest problem newer grower have is using too much nutes....I typically NEVER exceed 700ppm during heaviest growth, but some thick indica strains need more....have a ppm meter and watch your feeding program...learning how YOUR plant feed is a key to success....a slight upgrade to the hempy is to use lava rock, or large clay type medium up to the level of ur holes or even an inch higher...this offers a nice airy mix where most of the water is....Root will tend to ball up on TOP of the lava rock and drop some roots into it....it makes a type of reservoir in your container...even with a hempy, perlite/verm mix can be too wet at the bottom unless it is allowed to dry more btwn waterings...roots will reach the bottom and ball up there since its as far as they can go...it that root mass is in a very wet mix, root rot will follow....dont water till they need it and dont raise nutes till they tell u and all will be well..hope that helps...regards, YT


That's a hard question to answer. The mcppk system is loosely based on the hempy and it's a constant feed, and I have ZERO experience with that system... but I have over watered my hempys before and the result us slow growth and weak roots.... something that should be tested....
YT again....pic of my current grow with perlite/verm mix with 3" lava rock at the bottom of each...my holes are at the bottom edges and they all sit in a res of water/nute mix....the res is highly agitated/oxygenated with pumps blowing it around...each container is really just a hempy with the holes lower on the containers and an externat res to sit in....I call it a shallow water culture system (SWC)....has worked flawlessly for about 25 years now...pics are white widow extreme, 5.5 weeks into flower....regards, YT


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Invertebrata Inebriata
If you're not too far into veg you may consider just cutting her for clones and starting over. Likely hood that will put out something worth the 8 weeks of effort you're about to have to endure is almost nill.

This is what I would do, now that I saw a photo of your plants.


oh man that plant is so overwatered lol i know for a fact that a nutrient feed did not fix that problem. If you dont let those roots establish in the buckets you will over saturate the plant and choke the living shit out of your girls.

I learned this the hard way in hempys when i went from smarties to them. I went back to my method that worked as my initial attempt in hempys went south.

those cupping leaves can only happen the majority of the time when you overwater or overfert excessive nitro !

Back off those waterings next time ! wait until you see roots in the drainage hole that key. I found that smaller hempy buckets like 2 gal were optimal for me and that was under a couple K of lights too !

Good luck


New member
Call a hydroponic tomato farm and ask them what pH and EC they feed at and I bet you would be surprised to hear what they will say. Ive read alot of people on other threads and I think here say 700 ppm max which is 1.4 EC, and people keeping their pH well under 6.0. I would bet 100$ a professional hydroponics tomato farm (not organic) would have not problem feeding double that in full bloom.