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Hey all,
I've been a long time lurker and recently joined. I've grown tired of having to find a connection in my city (or nearby) and would like to be self-sufficient for my recreational use. I'm a moderate user from the center of the US, got started at the end of high school on some Mexican dirt-weed, only later to discover the better stuff later in college. I live in a really conservative state, so I'm going to try to keep it all as low-profile as possible. Any tips would be appreciated, especially about getting beans shipped to me. I'm going to just do some research and some planning in order to find the most-removed-from-me and safest way possible.

Besides cannabis, I enjoy most all things geek-related; computers (Windows, Linux and Mac), the Internets, video games (XBox 360), TV (Futurama, The Sopranos and Arrested Development might be my all-time faves). In addition to "geeketry" I enjoy crossword puzzles, my cats, tinkering with my car (02 Maxima), and trying to exercise (it's tough getting in the routine).

I've got a loving live-in girlfriend who doesn't use but is very understanding, and more importantly, discreet.

Well, if anyone is still reading this, I'm excited about being a member here and look forward to learning as I go.



Long times lurkers are very much welcome too :laughing:
Have a nice time here, I´m sure you´ll have

Paddi :smoke: