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New to Ebb&Flow setup in Basement...res temps to cold?


Discovery Requires Experimentation
I must also comment that GrowForIt's new feed schedule and resinryder's new light schedule (with down time!) has worked wonders over night.

Old : 3 times per day, every 8 hours, lights 24
New: 2 times per day, 2 hours after lights & 12 hours later, lights 18/6

I can already see the new growth, leaves getting larger, and much more upward facing leaves at 12 30 am (lights on a 12 but we lost power today so they missed a feed cycle, so i ran it briefly) You both are rockstars as i combine your super knowledge!

I bow to youuuuuu


Rubbing my glands together
"Do you have a ec meter or are you converting your ppm? "

I have a Truncheon meter. it reads in PPM, EC, or CF. A little pricey but well worth the money. I've been using mine about 4 years now and have just had to change the batteries twice. Best meter I've ever used.
As far as space goes, If I had to scale down I'd have a smaller veg area and a larger bloom area. The plants are gonna blow up in bloom. In veg you just get them as big as you want but the bloom room is where it's going on, hehe

Instead of KoolBloom, we are going to use the "(Grotek) Monster Bloom""

That's cool. It's supposed to be some good stuff. Just remember that when using it or any other bloom enhancer, use just a very, very small amount of it. Those products are super strong and will burn you plants up in a hurry.

Glad the plants are looking better.


Active member
budelight: Environment plays a huge part in growing, you can try using the nutes and supplements I use the way I use them but there is no guarantee that u will have the same results. For instance if I take 2 - 4x4 tents with the same strain from clone, same nutes, same ec, same ph, and same light, there would be a world of difference in how the plants respond and yield by keeping one tent 10* hotter. Try and get your environment dialed in first, If your grow area seems cold to you it's too cold for your plants to do their best. Ideally your lights on temperature should be around 75 - 85 and and your lights off temperature should be around 10* cooler. I've grown in the low 90s ok and the low 70s ok but results drop off fast outside of this range. If you can't meet this requirement that should be the first area you address before you start a grow.

I generally keep my ph between 5.8 and 6.2, I adjust down if it reaches 6.2. I will at times leave them at 5.3 when mixing fresh nutes and let climb up to desired area by adding back water only.

Generally the maxi grow never gets to 2.0, 1.7 - 1.8 is about as high as they get in veg. Yea I switch from maxi grow to maxi bloom the same time I switch the lighting schedule, but I'm not looking to "feed the stretch". A lot of people will run the grow nute the first week, or do a 50/50 mix for the transition, their plants will remain nice and green while mine are yellowing out after a few days.

I't should say in the specs in the paper that came in the packaging, if it doesn't that's ok it's just a number that is used for you to know if your plants are eating or not. Let me give you an example, lest say you have your reservoir full of nutrients and the ppm is 900, tomorrow you refill your reservoir to the same height with plain water and check the ppm and it 875. This means your plants are eating more nutrients then is in the mix, so you would know that you need to up the nutrient strength next time before you "top up" your res. On the flip side if your fresh nutrients started at 900 and you topped up your res with straight water and the ppm was 950 then your plants are drinking more water then nutrients and you should remove some nutrient mix and add plain water to drop the nutrient strength. Be sure to always make small adjustments to nutrient strength like .1 or around 50 - 70ppm.

1 tsp/gal is about full strength (2.0), 1/2 tsp/gal is half strength (1.0) and so on.

Can't comment on the Monster Bloom I've never used it, you don't have to use it, I just add the kool bloom because I think it works to fatten the buds, I might be my imagination I haven't ran but a few grows without it and they were a one time strain so I can't really compare. But if you do decide to use it remember to use it sparingly the way I do or at a quarter or half the strength it recommends during last few weeks of flower before flushing.

Good Luck


Discovery Requires Experimentation
So my TDS-EZ came in the mail yesterday.

Checking the PPM of my water supply and my reservoir resulted in these numbers...

Water - 280 ppm
Nutes - 970 ppm

doing some handy math...

Water - .56 EC
Nutes - 1.94 EC

Do these number sound right / high to you?

I gather from this that my pants are using very little nutrients as i added the maxi @ 3.5 g/gal on Tuesday (12/6/11). and they are still over the ec they should be?!? does that make sense?



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
If the day comes and you decide to use a res for your food water might I suggest a Tri-Meter for constant readings of your nutes.

They can be had anymore for under 130.00 usd and for that you get readings that will show you what your girls are doing 24/7 without the added time of getting the meter dunking it waiting for a reading and so forth. It really is a matter of preference but the time saved over the course of a year will surprise you.

You got some of the Best in your corner so I'm gonna sit back in the corner and check out the show.

AS far as rez temps go I have my chiller set at 67 degrees. If your is in the basement I'm guessing it's gonna stay close to room temperature and will be colder if you set it directly on the concrete floor as compared to raising it off the floor. That damn concrete stays cold and have found a 5-8 degree drop simply by setting the rez tank directly on the floor and covering it up as compared to raising it so maybe you can remeber that in the summer when you need it :)

Have A Great Day


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Quick post

Quick post

Working on my new cab so dont have a TON of time.

Here is a photo update of how the plants are doing!!!

:tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::thank you::thank you::thank you::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:

As you can see they are looking MUCH healthier thanks to your help resinryder & GrowForIt !!!

Fact: My pH tester says my tap water is 9.0 which is what i have been using to mix the nutes. (just calibrated using this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sHbbbJ2E5Q)

Question: When I add the nutes to this water, will the pH will drop to a very low level & what can i expect?? If so, then would I add a little ProTeKT to bring the pH to an acceptable range (5.8-6.2).

Is This Correct?

My current nute solution in my res is...(again i mixed the maxi bloom @ 3.5g/gal)
ppm: 975
EC~ 1.95
pH: 6.7

What should i add to bring it to good levels and can someone confirm what my target levels are for every week of bloom. This is all so new to me and I am addicted to learning more about it. Thanks!


PS. i got a free sample of the Floralicious Plus. Would it be too much to give the plants now or will it help them. And at what amount per gal?



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Active member
Yea depending on your water source the maxi will drop the ph pretty low, fresh maxi near full strength in ro for me puts the ph about 4.40 - 4.80. The Pro TeKt will get it up to where you need it to be.

If your ph is 6.7 that's way too high for hydro.. I'm going to assume you meant it's 5.7, if so it's fine.

If your conversion is correct 1.95 is bit much for those plants with the lighting you have. I keep stressed clones in the 1.55 - 1.65 range.

Budelight you will need to find what ec range works for you and your environment, but to get you started I can let you know what I use. Again no guarantee this will work for you, it may burn you plants up, or it may work well.

Germinating Seeds .40
Seedlings .40 - .70
Early Veg .70 - 1.20
Mid Veg 1.20 - 1.50
Late Veg 1.50 - 1.70
Early Flower (HID) 1.75 - 1.85
Mid Flower 1.85 - 2.00
Late Flower 1.85 - 2.00

I root my clones in 5.5 net pots right in the flood tray.
Unrooted Clones 1.55 - 1.65
Fresh Rooted Clones 1.60 - 1.65
Established Veg 1.65 -1.80
Flower 1.85 - 2.00

Now remember these aren't written in stone, I've ran strains that burned up at 1.70, I've ran strains that still looked pale at 2.10.

Here are a few links to some good reading





Good Luck


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Thanks GFI!

My Target right now is 6.0 pH and EC 1.60

I just mixed 2 gal of tap water with 7g (3.5g/gal) of Maxi Grow and my EC is 1.9 and pH is @ 6.1

Would you:
A. add water to dilute out the nute mix and lower the ppm (might raise the pH, my tap is 9.1 pH)
B. use less Maxi Grow (2/3 tsp maybe) and then ignore the pH?

I guess what im asking HELP!!!

Edit: About 5 minutes later...

Ok so after writing this post i went back and checked the ppm and pH.
*ppm was 800 / EC therefor is 1.6 - PERFECT!
*pH ended up staying at 6.1 - Im OK with it!

Now about the Floralicious Plus that I got. Is it the right time to use it now? If so, how much should i feed them?
*The directions say 1ml / gal... but now im worried about messing up my ppm & pH ... this is frustrating, exciting, and scientific...I LOVE IT!

Cheers to everyone for their help!


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Discovery Requires Experimentation
I second that statement about it being impossible to find anything using this search function!!


Active member
I second that statement about it being impossible to find anything using this search function!!

The search here will return relevant results if you use the "advanced search" and select "search by title", you can search long threads by selecting "search this thread" from the --->top of the thread<---. This is available after you click on a thread, it's not the the menu bar.

Hope this will help.


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Another fast photo update.

I checked them about 7 pm tonight and they were very weak feeling. Now, at 12pm, they are stiff as a tree!

I am certian that without both of your helps, i would have 3 dead clones right now.

NEXT: my next job is to lst train them by bending my ladies over. Since i dont have smartpots like GrowForIt and i don't feel comfortable drilling holes in the side of my tub. What are my other options? I know i could weigh them down...but with what that wouldn't mind getting wet and wont move around too much.

Ideally i would like to get 1liter smart pots (or another brand) and use the velcro tape HD sells. Any suggestions on what company sells 1L smartpots? I went to HD to buy weedblock (no pun intended) but they only have it seasonally, i was going to make my own smartpots.

Anywho... Heres what i have for you!


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Rubbing my glands together
You could run coated wire around the side of your tub. The lip around the top of the tub would keep it from coming off the top. Then you would be able to tie the plants over by using whatever string, wire, etc you wanted.
I think 1 gallon smart pots are the smallest the make. I prefer the 2 gallon ones.


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Hey resinryder!!

I just checked my pH and its at 7.0 (OMG!)
And my ppm is at 894 (1.78)

What would cause them to climb like this from 2 days ago?

Additionally - Is now a good time to add Floraflicious Plus or will it raise my pH and ppm further?



Active member
NEXT: my next job is to lst train them by bending my ladies over. Since i dont have smartpots like GrowForIt and i don't feel comfortable drilling holes in the side of my tub. What are my other options? I know i could weigh them down...but with what that wouldn't mind getting wet and wont move around too much.

Ideally i would like to get 1liter smart pots (or another brand) and use the velcro tape HD sells. Any suggestions on what company sells 1L smartpots? I went to HD to buy weedblock (no pun intended) but they only have it seasonally, i was going to make my own smartpots.

Anywho... Heres what i have for you!


You could give metal binder clips a shot, I've been using them to tie up my floppy chem sour buds, and they work great. Just tie a string around the shiny part you squeeze then clip it -->around <--the stem, leave the other end of the string untied and place it in under the clipping part when you clip it to something. In your case the lip on the tub. They should work equally as good for tying plants down as they do for tying them up.

For the pots I use 3 gallon Aurora Root Pots, your local grow shop should carry them for about $3 and some change each. The smallest they make are 1 gallon and cost around $2 each. You can find them online cheaper if you want to go that route I'll get you a link.

Here is a good link to home made ones, same thread I learned about the velcro plant ties in. You can get the fabric at any nursery, or landscape supply place.


Good Luck


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Binder Clips!!!

I should have thought of that one myself :) must be this dope ass purple kush im smoking.


I did raise them closer to the light as you can see in the photos, and in the last photo you can see my bondage of them.

Thank you thank you thank you GFI & RR for both of your help to turn these plants around!!

QUESTION: Floralicious Plus... Should i add it now? if so, How much? (should i expect it to raise or lower my ph / ec?)

...on with the photos...


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Discovery Requires Experimentation
Three Cotyledons on SW #2

Three Cotyledons on SW #2

Hey All, :ying:

Been 2 weeks since my last update and i have been keeping busy!

Move the lovely ladies to my new cab finally :)dance013:) with the carbon filter all setup and running. The next airflow is keeping the conditions rather cold however. With the lights on im running about 68*F... not sure what night temps are as i havent checked yet.

moving on...

LST training has begun, using some handy binder clips and twist ties i have worked the tops of these ladies down to a horizontal position and its very apparent that the side nodes are now reaching up to the sky.

If i didnt mention already, the new cab has a 70w HPS light with cool tube, quite a switch from the 55w red and 55w blue pl-l's the plants were under a week ago...

PROBLEM: The plants over the past week have had little to no VIGOR. i cant tell if its the change in light, cool temps, or my watering schedule (2 hrs after lights on and 12 hours later, lights are 18/6)

I would like to feed them more frequently as i feel that will boost their vigor and make available more nutrients, however my fear is that it will be too much for them and conditions will stay too wet.

GrowForIt - If your still sub'd - Do you run your pump on this schedule for the entire grow or does it vary durring the veg/bloom periods? :wave:

I would like to flip these to 12/12 on Jan 1st, so looking to get all the problems tightened up by then.



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Discovery Requires Experimentation

Its been about a week since ive checkd out this thread, but my ladies are doing very good now!!!

15 minute pump period following this schedule:
Pump ON - 11 am
Lights ON - 12 am
Pump ON - 3 am
Pump ON - 7 am
Pump ON - 11 am
Lights OFF - 12 pm

and they have much more vigor than before the new year. I ALSO FLIPPED TO 12/12 (the crowd roarssss yay yay yay) Did it the day i got home from Canada for NYE.

Other than that i have little to say, so enjoy the few pics (sorry they are hps'ed yellow and amateur looking)


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