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New test nugs and a few classics....


Active member
thanks alot guys, i'm gonna have to come off with a full smoke report on these, with the little fragments that are left lol.

bluewonder: My circle calls that particular F13 'diabetic coma', because it makes you reaalllly need to eat something with sugar due to an extreme blood sugar drop, probably good for diabetics with naturally high blood sugar, or hyperglycemics. It's not very up surprisingly for the family, makes you want to sit still and zone out, this could be possibly due to cutting @ 9 weeks, but it looked perfectly ripe not early or late. Of the other really good F13 in this test, they are spacy and energetic, in a non-focused way. Flavors vary, some are classic blueberry.

Smokinfloro: it has a smell when broken up that sort of says 'don't smoke me, you won't be able to handle it' lol. First time with this I felt like my face was going to melt off, and just needed to lie down and forget my name for awhile. It takes you to another level that most stuff just won't. I would attribute that just as much to either side of the cross really. I'll try to get up some type of report, i can talk for hours describing this stuff.


Aeric , just found this thread . Hella stoked you found acoupla keepers from tha packs . Wonderin' how many beans you planted , and out of those , how many keepers ? 1 hitter quitter eh , killer ? How did tha cross fair , compared to other varieties in yer garden ? Maybe a more in depth smoke report fer tha fine folks here at IC ?

Again , way killer job , you and Teresa make me proud , displaying tha capabilities and breedability of Blue Sonja and crosses . Also wondering if we also sent yas our
Blue Sonja BX1 , or our D. Block , a Rez' SD x Blue Sonja cross . Sent out to several peeps fer testing and sold at local clubs . We've seen some vegging shots of D.Block but no flowering pics or results . Got any in tha next line-up ?

Stay safe and grow HARD y'all
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Active member
Thanks SS as stated previously it has been an honor. The BX1 was recieved, very stoked to do them, but alas a bug problem prevents me for now. As soon as it is taken care of it's on, might be a min but we'll get er done. Also just got a cut of BH that would be excellent to run side by side with both the cross and the BX. Oh yeah, i said before that the #1 was inferior....well it turns out that one of them was actually the best of the best of anything I, or my friends have ever had....after 1 month cure. Right off the vine it had almost no potency, very strange, long story short after 1 month i wish i did what i knew i needed to and save them all until i was absolutely sure...so sad words can't express. They tightened up into little rock hard golfballs, during growth she looked like Bubba, but in the last weeks those Bubba like buds put on braids, like a sativa, more wide than tall, reminded me of a sunflower, but horizontal. It was a total of 12 BKBS that were there, all planted. All were keepers i kid ye not except one of em, but only 2 were kept, for having a combination of desired traits. I hope you still have more beans of that or still have the original parents, i could sift thru them for years. Or perhaps the original father, with 98/pre 2k Bubba.

Smoke report is coming soon, thanks guys for asking.

Kathmandu: In sunleaves piece coir, on drip, AN monkey juice, sweet, carboload, LK, P-K 13-14. I trim most of the plant at once except the smaller fans/budleaves, then wait till they are almost completely crispy dry to do the last bit of trimming, due to the humidity here except in the dead of winter. They tighten up and get that look after 3-4 weeks of curing. They need the tiniest bit of moisture to remain, and dissipate/sweat over those weeks of curing though, too dry and curing has almost no purpose IME except aging the trichs.
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