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New Secure Search engine


I for one am tired of google recording everything I search. www.startingpage.com is a new secure search engine that uses google to do the search, but you remain anonymous to google. The new site also has a proxy option so that you do not have to visit the searched site yourself, handy if the site is questionable, however it is slow. Give it a try, you will have less tracking cookies on your computer.


New member
If you really want to be anon, consider checking out the TOR network. Takes some setting up, but if what you need to do requires stealth, well worth it ;)

A point worth mentioning about proxy, is that unless are viewing sites in just text only, proxy is pretty much useless! Every image, style sheet, javascript files, flash movies etc .. all send info to the server they are served! Viewing sites in pure text only is a little boring, but its a step those who are para or who have something to hide, take xD