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New script, few questions...


New member
Just got new script and am wondering if the court case I am reading about in this site has any impact on my future right to grow? I would really like to grow my own based on this high costs. Also, can anyone recommend an lp? None seem to have stock. I registered with a few but the wait will be 2-6 months.


Hey I just signed up. Got my doc a ok. Only a few are accepting new patients, and I beleive most of those all have stock. Good luck:) im legal today


Active member
Doc locally is giving new patients and "open" script(no LP, just a script for X grams a day) which is weird. Friend who got legal recently was told by CC the local LEO's are honoring it...but seems to be a bit shacky legally...Since the only way to be legal is to buy, consume from a LP...

He was also pointed in the direction to use Medpotnow which kinda shocked me......

Interesting times.


Active member
Doc locally is giving new patients and "open" script(no LP, just a script for X grams a day) which is weird. Friend who got legal recently was told by CC the local LEO's are honoring it...but seems to be a bit shacky legally...Since the only way to be legal is to buy, consume from a LP...

He was also pointed in the direction to use Medpotnow which kinda shocked me......

Interesting times.

The medical document that a doctor signs is an open(no LP) document, it is up to the patient to decide which LP to send his medical document to. A signed medical document on its own without proper LP packaging is not legal. If a patient chooses to not submit their medical document to an LP and use only that LP`s cannabis they are not legal.

Crazy times.


^ if by crazy, you mean real messed up, then you are correct...;)

Whats messed up about people gaining access to quality pot legally and supporting our country by paying those taxes back to the country? If prices for quality were more affordable, would put a lot of people out of underground business.... maybe an incentive for the first 3 to 5 years to make it more affordable and drive the underground back to paying tax type work.... I already see dealers cringe when people even mention this program... I already see them all being squeezed by lack of customers... seen a few long time im talking life long dealers give up already... change is good....

Sure a lot of people gonna be pissed off:)


Active member
Whats messed up about people gaining access to quality pot legally and supporting our country by paying those taxes back to the country? If prices for quality were more affordable, would put a lot of people out of underground business.... maybe an incentive for the first 3 to 5 years to make it more affordable and drive the underground back to paying tax type work.... I already see dealers cringe when people even mention this program... I already see them all being squeezed by lack of customers... seen a few long time im talking life long dealers give up already... change is good....

Sure a lot of people gonna be pissed off:)

My only problem with your model is once Gov't gets a hand in things.....your tax dollars start to just FEED the machine...rather than fixing roads and building hospitals...

I hope we don't end up with a "weed" registry that costs us BILLIONS of $$$. For example if the gov't decides to enforce the MAX order amount per month....so that someone COULDN'T order more than their LEGAL SET AMOUNT.... gotta track that ...and with 800 potential LP's sharing info....YIKES...

Canada is a great country to be a CIVIL Servant is all I am going to say...

At least right now with Booze it is fairly easy to inspect one of the handfull of large Distillers out there....and they don't care how much you drink....Pot is different for some reason....

Be carefull what you wish for.


Active member
"quality", from any LP up to now, is a misnomer. not being negative, but realistic. would love to see, standardized quality meds for a reasonable cost, but glass is way more than half empty...


True enough... if I dont see quality ill go get it somewhere else. Simple as that. Will be trying tilray. Word on the street is they got the quality. They r not cheap tho....
Maybe ppl who aren't actually sick need to buy from an LP to be legal only cause they've no other route to doing so but is the furthest thing from the truth far as actual sick patients go, and is nothing more than government rhetoric in an attempt at control over something they've got little control over.
Far as actual sick ppl are concerned it's nothing but claims n attempts at control through regulation they're in no position to impart that you need their permission to be legal.
All 1 really needs is to be sick, n to choose to use the drug of their choice for their treatment.
How's anyone ever expect the rest of the public to catch up to reality n the actual facts of the matter when even here all that's being spread is the horse shit the gov spreads like it's some sort of fact.
If 1 ever needed any more to be legal including any sort of permission or regulation from the gov. than the cdsa would've halted every inch of progress made over the last 15 years seeing as how it was the only actual law on the matter.

The more the horse shit the gov. spews gets spread the more that becomes the horse shit reality around us, when it does nothing but benefit LP's n their attempts at control.
No thanks, my rights are just that MINE no matter what the gov claims, n their claims don't actually change any of the actual facts.
I sure as shit won't ever be interested in asking their forgiveness never mind their permission so why any of us would pretend others should is beyond me unless of course some are looking hungrily at the gov's teat n hoping to get in on some of that insane pile of money all the LP's are supposedly waiting on. lol

Fuck their silly assed programs, LIVE FREE! ffs.



Active member
Honestly, had the handful of Dr's out there who were signing big scripts for $$$ been slapped perhaps the ABUSE wouldn't have been so PUBLIC.

The program was put in place to help sick people....not to be a cash cow which is what it turned into....32lights isn't PERSONAL CONSUMPTION....never will be.

As for juicing....it is funny.... I know people who say they need huge scripts cause of "juicing" but they are DRYING their 95% product...Funny as SHIT to call them on the BS.

I don't think ANYONE should go to jail for growing or consuming the plant, but reality is that until the Gov get's their "cut" the plant won't be legalized. The new MMAR program is just the first step. I think the Gov't is HOPING the user base goes from 45k to 450k in 5yrs....10X's the revenue coming their way....Sure they reap the rewards from comercial ops thru general spending....but that is nothing like GST/PST on EVERY order.


I had the same mindset as you guys..... now got a script for a year and worry free which is key to me with kids....

I cant say it looks cheap but if quality is there, im gonna buy my weed legally. if quality is there and prices come down some more.... the selection is amazing:) like a kid in a candy store....


New member
How do you guys keep getting new scripts? I have been to 4 different doctors with 10 plus years of medical history proving standard medications dont work and yet none will sign anything that isn't some big pharma pushed pill with the worst kind of side effects. They all take a Hippocratic oath promising to never harm a patient and i bring it up every time that if they dont sign i will continue to use our favorite plant thus putting me in harms way (jail ect... way more harmful than any plant ever could be to my life). Still they refuse.


Active member

Gotta pay to get your script 99.9% of the time.. I only know 1 neurologist who will sign off for his patients...and that is 3-5g/day...cost me $550 the first time using a skype Dr.


New member
Any idea about this legal case and a guy like me who just got a scripts future shot to grow his own?

As for and LP, I found the one to use. For now I went with bedrocan. they seem to be the only ones with stock and taking customers. Its basically to try and see if quality is there and I get pain relief, If it works, I will be using Delta 9. They offer compassion pricing and from what I understand, I could be wrong, it will be 1$ per gram for my situation for ANY strain they grow. I cant argue with that.

I am wondering about my future right to grow as more of a hobby with the ancillary benefit of my own quality control and judgement/heath concerns in production practices.

As for the guy asking, " how do we get these scripts"? I approached it like a game. They are like Police, they wanna feel in control. They understand the power they wield with the prescription pen and white jacket, dont fool yourself for one minute thinking they dont. They can write a guy a script he can sell, weather that be oxy or weed for BIG money. They know this. The vet patients VERY well based on medical and opinion based criteria. That being said, many people, like myself and i imagine yourself need, or just simply desire the freedom to have access to alternate medicines. So, I took this approach... I decided a few years ago, i was gonna get my card. I started probing my doc by simply asking..." Whats your opinion on MM"? He looked at me straight face and said, " No such thing as MM". I left it right there with him. Got him to refer me to specialist. Asked him same question. Different answer, same result, no MM. I just kept going. Finnally, I got a phyciatrist, yes, a phyciatrist to listen.lol. I explained my research into the drug, my inability to take nsaid class meds, and that i thought the pain had effect on my mood and that MM effects mood positive in that way based on studies out of southern USA with returning soldiers. Remeber, the whole time, you BEG, not ask. Stroke their ego. make them think they are god and you are a groveling peasant that only their benevolent hand can save. It sounds bizzare but, its true. Its just playing a game. Play it better. Anyway, the doc agreed. I was shocked. He was scared to write the script but he said I would get referrel , he would find a guy. Git the referral, went to this doc, layed it ALL out as honest as I could knowing he held different opinion on MM. Told him all the obstacles I faced. All my research, and simply my desire to try it and if it worked cool, if not, we move on. Simple as that. Walked out with script. He interrogated me for a while. asked lots of weird questions probing my honesty. Like, " when the last time you got laid"? Weird but, after i told him he then says, " you siad ur single though". i said, " doesnt mean I dont get laid doc". he laughed. Play the game is what you gotta do. Find the right guy. Just keep looking is all. Ask gentle. If you just jump at docs about it, they recoil. Just probe. If They dont like it, move on.

Any ideas about this court case and right to grow if I just got script?


Active member
If you just got your script...you can't grow... you must have held a licence at the time of the injunction.

At least legally.


I'm Canadian...its a Charter issue...I'll get what I need my way...simply because the govt' licensed docs could not solve my probs....the green did...and at a lot less cost to the system....so I do my doo...I just keep it real( read I keep my grow on the lower end of my script )...my .02


The weed is great! Perfect actually.... 5 strain sampler today. Really surprised... not a bad strain in the 5. Actually all top notch... white ash.... dried and cured perfect.... no contest imo.... gov vs street....


Agent orange tga, headband blueberry, wildberry, happy kush, cannatonic... just a few from the selection...

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