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New predator mite is more effective than hypoaspis


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
these and other predatory defenses are the best offence/defence . I will always use these. Just put in some at the beginning of flower and never worry again. Just make sure they have enough to eat. If they kill all the mitres and die off the mites can return.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
for outdoors or indoors guys? I used predators for spidermite indoor before now (Phytoseiulus persimilis/Roofmijt) but they never really took hold...

My local supplier also now has hypoaspis so I might consider giving them a go in future if I knew they would survive indoors..

All that said, I was never sure they were handled properly by the postman or if I had the conditions right for them....


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
nothing really. if you have an infestation most add them then and they will have plenty to eat. If we are using them for preventive measures we need to add then a few times. Make sure u pay close attention to your plants and do what needs to be done.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
My experience with predator mites was that they didn't eat all the (bad) mites and subsequently starve, but rather struck a balance with the remaining population, keeping it low enough to be almost impossible to find, but enough to keep the predators fed.


Oh yes these will live indoors and work great in containers. Normally they live in the top inch or two of the ground outside.
My IPM guy suggested they would most likely be able to fully take over my pots top to bottom since it's so light and airy.
He was right. I was thinking that if the bad mites can go all the way to the bottom of the pot then my predators should be able to also.
To clarify, there are predator mites that live in the foliage that are used for TSSM.
These are not them. These are soil dwelling predator mites hypoaspis miles that are now my bestest buddies:jump:

Most places sell them in quantities of 5000 for around $60 but I found a place in Ventura that sells 25000 for $30.
And since it was shipped overnight via ups ground, shipping was $8.


Active member
The predatory mites work.....but it seems that they never really get rid of all of them. I fought the battle for a long time and they always seemed to pop up again. I spent hundreds of dollars on killer bugs....Then I woke up and said FUCK IT they are all going to fucking die! and I went out and bought some Bayer Advanced bug killer and used double the strength for a few week. Poured the shit everywhere, on the floor around the pots, on the soil, everywhere! I hate fucking mites and gnats and any bug that kills my weed. It worked 100% no new bugs ALL dead!

I have headaches now and cant sleep at night, my skin is falling off and my balls are green...but i have NO MORE FUCKING bugs! - I'm joking of course


Biological controls were never intended to eliminate pests.
Just keep the numbers in check.
Fuck I don't really care if soil mites want to live at my house.
They are surrounded by an army of my soldiers constantly patrolling the area.
At night they are all over the place.
Basically I fucked up this grow and chose the wrong preventive measure.
At planting I had knocked up my medium with some predator nematodes thinking they would keep the mites away. That didn't happen. They are advertised as killing most soil pests. This is not entirely true.
I should have used hypoaspis from the beginning.
At the end of week 2 I discovered the soil mites were back. My plants were really starting to look distressed. About 3 days after that I inserted the batallion of hypoaspis. They have been on the ground for 2 days and already my plants look like they are pulling through:headbange

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