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New pistill growth late in flower - nute advice needed!


Hey fellas,

My plant is late in flower (jack herer - 12th week) and is chucking up loads of new pistills everyday. I've researched this and apparently it is totally normal, but means it'll be another few weeks yet.

For the past week and a half the plant has been on pure overdrive (in dwc) resulting in a ppm of about 700. However, after finding this out I'm wondering if i should put it back on some floranova bloom? Or just keep pumping her full overdrive for another week or two if necessary? Will the overdrive alone provide enough nutrients for this period?

Here's a pic:

Thanks for any help, it's much appreciated!


nice one, thanks a lot for the replies - i put some more bloom in this morning.

High country I know, as a result of this bloody growth spurt the canopy is no longer level, some buds are waaay taller than others, including the one pictured. As such it's probably too close to the light and is responding in that manner. I'd rather have that on a few buds though than lose more lumens going to the main canopy.

Cheers all!


If you are at the end then wouldn't you want to go no nutes for the last 2 weeks so it tastes better? I know some use molasses, I have been using agave nectar instead, so I am curious to see how it comes out...i'm on week seven, hopefully they are ready next week....


Well-known member
Dude you have a double budder.Im sure its from all that pk in there . I usually dont go higher than 200 ppm on my boosters. Ive done it with dry koolbloom at the last couple weeks and had a double budder and it took like 2-3 weeks longer it just kept on popping new hairs. I always keep all the nutes in then switch to flush the last 4-5 days.


Just my two cents but are you sure you dont have any lights leaks? And yea your ppm might be a tad high for this strain.


there may have been light leaks in the past yes - would that cause the growth spurt? i thought if serious enough it would have just hermied the plant?

with regards to the PK, should I reduce it now then? on the overdrive bottle it says add 2.5ml per litre to the resevoir, which gives me a ppm of 700 (even though on the bottle it says that amount should give a ppm of 200, using a bluelab truncheon so it's not the meter).

Temps are max 85F, but they definitely have been heat stressed in the past

andl, i'm not sure if it's an N overdose as they've been on overdrive on it's own for two weeks now, and i have flushed each week

What would you recommend ppm wise at this stage?

The trichomes are all still clear

Thanks a lot for all the help!


there may have been light leaks in the past yes - would that cause the growth spurt?

In my experience both lightleaks, heatstress and high ppms might do this to the plant, and if all the chances are even higher.

with regards to the PK, should I reduce it now then? on the overdrive bottle it says add 2.5ml per litre to the resevoir, which gives me a ppm of 700 (even though on the bottle it says that amount should give a ppm of 200, using a bluelab truncheon so it's not the meter).

I have that meter too, love it. If bottle tells you that ammount should give that ppm then either the nutrient manufacturer is just throwing out numbers or you are measuring wrong, my advice in this would just be follow the ppm its supposed to give, giving you a total of 500 ppm to much.

Temps are max 85F, but they definitely have been heat stressed in the past

The leafs symptoms, downwards/upwards canoe is in my experience heatstress. Very easy to get if you have too high ppm combined with heat from lamps.

What would you recommend ppm wise at this stage?

That is a good question actually, depends on strain, height of plants, etc, and its impossible to give you a juicy number as one of my previous posts have inqueried in this matter aswell.

But consider how high your ppm is now and subtract the ammount of pk that shouldnt be there(-500) then go for that. Its impossible to reverse the effect but as you say the tricomes are still clear there is some growing yet to be done. Just try to learn from this run and go easier on the nutes the next time.

Hope this helps.


Cyberwax that's an amazing post thanks so much,

I have one final question though, regarding nutes - for whatever reason the plant is growing again, rather than reducing the nutes down to 200ppm, should I not keep them a bit higher to feed this growth?

Or would 200ppm supply everything the plant needs at this stage?

Btw, it's one jack herer in a ten gallon DWC in a 4x2 scrog - so she's a pretty big girl heh

Thanks again mate


One bladed leaves like that usually indicate a revegging plant. Could we see a pic of the whole plant and maybe the cab?


i experienced this same thing my last grow. I am getting more knowledge as the days go by. I didnt know that to high of ppms could do this as well. CYBERWAX thanks for the info. I am just using GH nutes this time micro and bloom and i dont seem to have any issues knock on wood. And i think i might of had a light leak as well that time. and the shitty part is your plant is concentrating all its energy on re veg growth. you will be lucky if you dont get seeds as well. I did.....


i experienced this same thing my last grow. I am getting more knowledge as the days go by. I didnt know that to high of ppms could do this as well. CYBERWAX thanks for the info. I am just using GH nutes this time micro and bloom and i dont seem to have any issues knock on wood. And i think i might of had a light leak as well that time. and the shitty part is your plant is concentrating all its energy on re veg growth. you will be lucky if you dont get seeds as well. I did.....

God don't say that - this plant has actually been growing for coming up to 6 months now!

I took off a few snippets of some buds and didn't find any seeds - so fingers crossed i have escaped this fate. Are there any other major signals of pollinization?

I have read numerous posts where people have said that some late flower growth spurts are natural and they do occur from time to time - so hopefully this was the case for me =S


I have one final question though, regarding nutes - for whatever reason the plant is growing again, rather than reducing the nutes down to 200ppm, should I not keep them a bit higher to feed this growth?

Or would 200ppm supply everything the plant needs at this stage?

Btw, it's one jack herer in a ten gallon DWC in a 4x2 scrog - so she's a pretty big girl heh

Thanks again mate

No problemo amigo. One question arises to your above question; reducing nutes down to 200? I thought the 700 ppm was only the pk? (phosphor and kalium)

I have read numerous posts where people have said that some late flower growth spurts are natural and they do occur from time to time - so hopefully this was the case for me!

Yea that is what i initially read myself aswell but when bud structure was hurt on every grow other issues were investigated.


One bladed leaves like that usually indicate a revegging plant. Could we see a pic of the whole plant and maybe the cab?

sorry didn't see your post, here are some pics:

This following pic is of loads of new buds that just shot up out of nowhere during like the 8th week

Cyberwax, by your previous post i thought you meant reduce the overdrive ppm to what it says it should be on the bottle, 200.

Yep the 700ppm i reported originally was just pure overdrive. So from the above advice i take it I should add some floranova bloom as well, and reduce the ppm to like 500?

Sorry to repeat the question but gangjafarmer has me worried now - are there any major signs when a bud is pollinated?



If pollination has occurred the pistils will shrivel. It doesn't appear that's happened from your pics.

Besides a light leak causing revegging, my only guess is that pheno leans heavily towards the Haze in it. The one pic looks like it could be foxtailing.