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New Mexico attempting to repeal mmj


Its bullshit. They can try whatever they like, But overturn the will of the people and see what happens.


Its bullshit. They can try whatever they like, But overturn the will of the people and see what happens.

As a general rule, fascists don't really care about the "will of the people", at least not after they have gotten into power. Republicans in New Mexico, Republicans in Montana, Democrats in California, and Democrats in the White House -- it really doesn't matter which political party it is. It's the fascist prohibitionist ardor in these politicians' hearts (if they actually have hearts) that really counts.

I smell the rotten Police State influence of the DEA behind all this, and Big Pharma behind the DEA curtain.


New member
I know this is an old post but what happened? I am planning to move here in Jan or Feb of 2013 and if they do not allow medical cannabis then I will not move to NM.



Smoke it if ya got it!!
I know this is an old post but what happened? I am planning to move here in Jan or Feb of 2013 and if they do not allow medical cannabis then I will not move to NM.

well come on down and hit me up when you get here. Peace


Active member
I,m sure this is way late in response. I wouldn't touch NM with a 10ft doob. Very TX in its mentality. One of only 5 or 6 states with not public initiative process. This why it is so backwards and always will be. If you can take the rain head to WA. Its far more progressive. More jobs better pay ect......


We don't like Texas at all... the repeal was for p.t.s.d to be taken off the Med law. It was a pig headed physicist. But he was shut down a few days ago at a meeting. We got a good Med system hear and now I'm only 4 hours from Colorado. Come on down j....


Active member
U must not be from New Mexico...or ever visited. We are very different than TX.

Months late on a response, BUT I live in New Mexico. It is a major go no where state. I love the weather but the rest sucks balls. I am from Seattle. Been in NM for 5yrs. NM is very draconian in its laws and politics. At least move to southern CO if ya want to live rural and not deal with TX mentality.