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New Medical patient could use your advice


Hi folks - Brand new medical patient here in Michigan and I just ordered two packs of seeds from SeedBoutique - with my credit card.

Two Questions:

1) by using my credit card did I just give the feds reason to come bust down my door in a month or two? (even though Obama said he was directing law enforcement to not bother valid medical users)

2) I bought the multi-packs from GreenHouse Seeds (see pictures below) - I have chronic back pain, which of the included strains would any of you suggest might be best for heavy pain medication?

Thank you for any opinions or advice given. :)


#1 no they wont bust down your door
#2 im growing a couple of GHS's strains im growing cheese and great white shark. both of which i heard are very good strains i dont know about medical uses but i hope one helps with pain also.....good luck


After the seeds get here I should have ready for them:

Lighting: 400W & 600W lights side by side. 400W will run CMH and the 600W will be MH/HPS depending on veg/flowering

Soil: 2 parts Miricle Grow, 1 part peat moss, 1 part pearlite + a little bonemeal and dolomite lime (pellets I'll crush up)

Nutes: for veg - alaska fish emulsion (5-1-1) , powdered seaweed extract, blackstrap molasas. For flower - a bloom formula (3-12-6) + the seaweed and molasas. (also a teaspoon per gallon of hydrogen peroxide).

Anything I'm missing?


From personal experience the Trainwreck and White Rhino are quite potent , probably will do quite well for pain. Haven't tried the 3 other indicas. Some of those Haze's might be good daytime smoke with some pain relief too, just have to let them flower til you see a good amount of cloudy/amber trich's. Good Luck!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
if you get a good pheno of great white shark, you should be sorted. try and root cuttings of the plants you grow so that you can grow them again if they help.


#1 I have used my credit card for seeds for years no problem
#2 Train wreck and white rhino are my favorites. I have grown them both from Green House. The White Rhino is very strong 20+ percent. I like the White Rhino so much I started my last 3 female seeds in May and they are between 5.2 and 5.9 outside in 5 gallon pots. I got have a dozen nice clones off the 5.9 one which had 20% more branches and leaves. I am going to make a mother out of one of them and will just grow those for pain. Works great for my knee. Went through knee surgery and physical therapy with no opiates, just white rhino.I will always have a little trainwreck around though. Did you get all females in the sample pac.


if you get a good pheno of great white shark, you should be sorted. try and root cuttings of the plants you grow so that you can grow them again if they help.

I'm not sure yet how I'll work within my restriction of 12 plants.

for instance - when does a cutting become another plant? As soon as you stick it in soil, or does it need roots to be considered a plant?

I know other medical patients who would gladly take cuttings off my hands; so I'm confident that once they are started clones of these plants will be available to me again in the future.

Also, the seeds were so cheap (comparatively) I could always just order more.


In CA it is when it roots. I have had good luck with GH. I have only had one seed out of over 50 that didnt germ. All females have been females. All those seeds you got will turn oit nice, Especially TW and WR. Get some female seeds off your plants and you wont have to worry about having two many plants start them when you want. keep a rotation going


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey NoNo. seeds are cheep, but seeds are all different and will grow into slightly different plants - so it is always good practice to root a cutting of anything you grow and keep it until you have smoked the bud. if you have friends that will keep them for you that's great. occasionally you come accross something that really works for you and when that happens you will be glad you still have that exact same plant (having taken a cutting)
i understand it's not always possible, but if you possibly can, do it. some strains like GWS and SSH are very variable so the keepers are worth keeping.

good luck - i would grow the indicas first as you will find them easier.



Seeds arrived today in the mail - very fast!

Of course I had to open the package right away and in my haste the indica pack sprung open sending the seeds in all directions. I was able to recover 9 of the 10 - one cheese is still missing.

The other 9 indicas are soaking in distilled water in 5 different cups. Tomorrow they'll go into wet paper towels and I'll hope for 100% germination.

The sativas can wait until I make sure I don't screw up the indicas.
Seeds arrived today in the mail - very fast!

Of course I had to open the package right away and in my haste the indica pack sprung open sending the seeds in all directions. I was able to recover 9 of the 10 - one cheese is still missing.

The other 9 indicas are soaking in distilled water in 5 different cups. Tomorrow they'll go into wet paper towels and I'll hope for 100% germination.

The sativas can wait until I make sure I don't screw up the indicas.

I think the coloured seeds are meant to be germinated directly in the medium? the coating has chems in to help germ i think!


I see seeds cracking open with slivers of white showing, a few have tiny tips poking out from the seed.

How long should the tap root be before I put it into soil?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
anytime is fine, seeds are meant to start in the ground :)

The longer it gets the more delicatre of a transplant will be needed, and in the hand of a new grower I would reccomend you plant the seeds now.

plant them root tip down, 1/2 deep. , moisten soil but don't soak, don't pack the soil around it, place plastic wrap over the pot to keep it humid and moist until the seedlings pop up. Don't use crap soil or starter mix with nutrients in it, wait 2-3 weeks to feed, wait until the bottom rounded leafs start to yellow.

That should get you out of the gate. Good luck and don't love them to death!


wait until the bottom rounded leafs start to yellow

That would be the plant telling me it wants nitrogen, right?

I have sitting in the other room big bags of: Miracle Gro Potting Soil Mix (0.21-0.07-0.14), Sphagnum Peat Moss & Perlite. I was planning on mixing them on a 2:1:1 ratio.

Would you suggest I get something different? By diluting the miracle gro will it be enough to protect my seedlings from an early nute burn? Should I just go with a 50:50 mix of the peat moss and perlite?

It's a 45 minute drive (one way) to the store to buy different soil so I'm hesitant to jump into the car and burn a good portion of a tank of gas, unless that is exactly what I need to do.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
i would not use miracle grow on seedlings, a common new grower error that quickly leads to devastation. I would use some starter mix without nutrients, like pro-mix. I suggest promix 100% or something like it.


a quick update -

first, I ended up using the miracle grow. So far there doesn't appear to be any negative consequences.

of the 9 seeds I tried to germinate (lost one cheese when the seed packaging sprung open while I was removing it from the mailing packaging):
2 Lemon Skunk growing well
2 White Rhino growing well
1 Cheese growing well
1 Trainwreck growing well, 1 never germinated
1 Great White Shark struggling greatly after germination - very weak, small and sickly looking. The other GWS germinated and when placed in soil shot the seed straight up and tall. It then withered and died without ever shedding it's seed shell.

also, is there a faq on how to host photos on this site? I think I remember someone saying that if I wanted to post a photo it is best to host them on this site.

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