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Hello trying to get a nice build for a room inside a garage. Framing a 10x10 insulated room. Covering room with orca or panda film and using it for a moveable screen.

2x 1000 watt digital ballasts (mounted outside of room)
2x Blockbuster Hoods
1x Fan to cool lights (closed loop)
1x Fan for Carbon Scrubbing room
1x Carbon scrubber
1x Dehumidifier 70p?
1x Autopilot Co2 fuzzy logic digital controller
1x 1ton mini split (hoping 1ton is enough)

1 How many cfm to exhaust heat from lights 12-14 ft straight 6 inch ducting. Not looking for overkill but I want the job done.

2 As far as room scrubbing I can not find info on it, but rather for filtered exhaust. 1/3rd Room cfm for intake/exhaust but what about for sealed room scrubbing. Do I leave it on 24/7? Thinking basically Phresh Filter and Vortex Fan. What sizes would I need.

3 Is a 70 pint dehumidifier a strong dehumidifier for this size room? Friend suggested a Soleus 70 pt dehumidifier.

4 As for A/C I know that a well matched system helps with de-
humidifying. Will a 1ton AC work well for this? Any brands to stay awya from?

5 Aside from redundant fire alarms what is a good temp shut off device that is safe.

Thank you for help.


6in ~450cfm fan should be more than enough for the lights. I would think you would want to leave the scrubber on 24/7 so air stays clean and smell free incase it leaks. 70 pint should be perfect. Not too sure on the other questions.

Hope that helps.

the gnome

Active member
you want 5-6000BTU for every 1000w, so a 1 ton will do what you want for 2-1000w of bulbs.
i don't know what brands to stay away from,
but I'd go with a top brand like mitsu, friedrich.
I have a mistsu and glad i spent the extra.
don't skimp in this dept.
you don't want your AC screwing up in mid bloom and finding out its 3 weeks to get parts for it.
are you going to do the install?
if your have a trusted hvac to work with ask him what he is familiar with.

scroll down the gro-room design forum here
there's several good reads on minisplits

on the scrubber and fan, go to the canfan site and they will tell you what kind of air flow you need for the size of the filter.
i have a can 150 and 10" HO can inline fan for the sealed room(14x20)
in my small bloom room unsealed/exausted i had a can 50 filter with an elicent 150B 304cfm,
couldn't smell a thing outside.
you can use a smaller filter with a larger fan if you already have it, and use a speed controller to slow it down.
what you don't want is air moving too fast over the carbon
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Where do you live?

You shouldn't need a dehu or a/c unit unless it's really bad one way or the other.

And why only 2 lights in a 10x10 room? Kinda pointless, isn't it?

I forsee those ballasts sitting outside the room and if it's cold in there, there literally not being ENOUGH heat to get the plants to transpire correctly.

Been there and it stinks.

Carbon filter stays on 24/7 no matter what, unless you feel like getting caught due to odor.

You don't need to cool the lights anyways with only 2 of them and no heat source in a 10x10.

Fwiw, I generally build the same sized rooms or slightly bigger (12x14 etc.) and typically run 14 or 16" FKD XL fans in and out, along with a built 12" tube with registers (think the top of restaurants and such, all those big venting systems) to direct the air under the canopy.

Never forget that the plants will take in basically as much oxygen as you can throw at them, as long as you have enough light for them to make it worth their while.

Skipping on airflow to do smaller fans over the cost of a few hundred bucks isn't worth it, imo.

Spend a bit more and do it right. (i'm running (6) 1k's in most rooms, some have 8 and some 10.

Either way though, airflow airflow airflow.

You will be glad you did.


I live in Nor-Cal
Using 2 4x4 tables in 10x10
larger room for better air flow and environment control
water is free
Im not trying to skimp on fan sizes trying to get the right sized stuff for the room.
Room will be veg and mom room when i get another room equiped.
is a 750 cfm fan and scrubber not big enough for a 10x10 scrubbing
450 cfm for 2 1000 watt hoods and 12-15 ft or so of insulated ducting
mini split has heat if needed can use a oil radiator style heater.
Sealed room.
Nor.Cal... So am I.. if you prefer to speak over PM please do. I build these things for a living and get paid quite nicely in order to do so, I also do this for straight organic farmers doing nothing but veggies.. no herbs.. so i've been around a bit..

Doing the tables is smart.. I actually use to do something similar.. 2 black 4x8 tables next to each other.. i'm assuming you're doing the same.. did you build drains into one end and put some type of lift on them? Not much, i'm talking a small piece of wood or cardboard so the water will run off to one end..

750cfm isn't that much. You said 2 lights? That would probably cover it if that's the extent you plan on going.

If you plan on going bigger, i'd say get more fan now.. if you can't.. well then you gotta wait, obviously, heh..

I typically run 2 fans like most.. intake and exhaust.. both around 2200 CFM per.. if you are worried about running a larger filter (like 5' or something) run a bigger fan on the exhaust by a few hundred cfm..You want to keep a steady flow and not end up with a positive or negative pressure in the room if you can avoid it..

PM if you have more detailed Q's.. like I said i'm not sure where in Nor.Cal, but I do this quite often.



Changed Build a little bit

instead of that lighting Im going to go ahead and grab 2 of the Gavita Pro DE and a plasma.

Also going to go with a Generator Instead of bottles for co2 because to hard to get bottles where I live. In a 10x10 room running the Burner, Is the 70 pt dehumidifer enough?? Anyone here like the airpots? been looking at those.

For Scrubbing this room what is the Best CFM I could use? I heard People doing 2x Room volume per minute i did not know people did this.


Active member
I would go with stacked, vertical lighting in that room. Hoods are just a waste of money, and vertical throws out much more light. I would also put 4 lights in that space, bare bulbs. Money you save on hoods pays for extra ballasts/bulbs.


When using the plasma and the 2 pro 1000 de hoods would using a light mover increase or decrease the quality? Lightmover 3.5