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New growth tips are yellowing, thinking N deficiency?



Strain of Mj? Pyramid Osiris (WWxAK47)
Hydroponic or soil? Soil
From seed or clone? Feminized Seed
Age of plant in question? About 33-32 days
What stage (Veg/Flower; how many days into)? Veg/2 weeks in
Medium (Soil, Rockwool, Hydroton etc.)? Soil, FFOF from seed
Container/Pot size? 3 gl grow bags trimmed to about 2.5? gl.
Have they been transplanted, if so how long ago? Yes, from 4" pots to the bags at 12 days or so from seed.
If soil, composition ratios (peat moss, perilite, vermiculite etc.)? Just 100% FFOF
Water runoff Ph? Runoff is about 5.9-6.0
Nutrients added? I just finished week 2 of Fox Farms schedule, 1st week of Veg was at 1/4 strength past week was at 1/2 strength. Today is start of week 3 veg and going to go 3/4 strength.
Ratios of nutrients (N% P% K%)? Not sure?.. just following the schedule as per FF
Feeding schedule? I water every other day. With nutes every other feeding
When were they last fed/watered? Sunday
How are you determining when to feed/water (weight, wilting, etc.)? weight and wilting. I actually almost killed them during week 3 by under watering them. The plant on the left was severely stunted. I learned the hard way.
TDS/EC/PPM? Need to buy a TDS meter.
Tap/RO/Distilled water? Tap
Ph before and after adding nutrients? I pH after adding nutes to 6.6 and same if it is a regular water feeding.
Is your Ph equipment properly calibrated? Yes
Light intensity/Age of bulb/Wattage? All bulbs are brand spanking new (my first grow :) I have a total of 210 watts for veg.
Distance to the canopy? About 5" maybe less.
Temps at canopy? 74
Temps at root zone or reservoir? 70
Day/Night temps (Min.-Max.)? Day 74, Night 68. I just recently fixed my temp problems. Early in their life they were getting below 60 at night. 57 sometimes, I believe their growth was effected.
Current air flow (CFM)? 110 CFM
Is there air blowing directly onto plant? Yes
Using CO2? No
Relative humidity? 55%
Growing technique (Scrog, Sog, Supercropping etc.)? I want to Scrog but I'm thinking she's untamable. I should have started earlier?
Has plant recently been pruned, clones taken, fimmed or pinched?I tried FIMMING about 1 week ago, not sure if it worked out correctly
Pests? Some fungus gnats, but I picked up some dunks.
Chemicals used to irradicate? none
If so,When? n/a

Okay, So I noticed the yellow tips about 5 days ago after I FIMMED. Its only on the new growth. My thoughts are she needs more N? So does that mean I need to up my nute dosage to full strength? This week I was going to up my dosage to 3/4 strength. Also I wanted to flip them to flower next week. So as per Fox Farm schedule I picked up some Open Sesame and was planing on adding some to my nute mix. Bad idea?... Today is feeding day and I don't want to feed her nutes until I've heard some thoughts on my girl. Maybe I'm too noob to see its nute burn. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! :tiphat:



Senior Member
Nitrogen def would hit the lower leaves first, and it would be gradual all over. I have the same issue you do, and notice a LOT of flowering pics with the same issue, but nobody seems to want to tell me what it is...


To me it looks like the start of a Calcium/Magnesium deficiency. This could be caused by a ph imbalance from over feeding. As you can see your plants are well fed. If you focus on the lower 80% of the plant, you can see all the leaves are dark green and healthy, almost too dark green, leading me to believe they might be getting more Nitrogen than they need. Then looking at the leaves just below the yellowing leaves, we can see that they are sort of "puckering" and twisting, with a dark green/blue hue that doesn't shine. This happens when there is too much Nitrogen. The leaves should be smooth and flat with a medium green that "shines" without the puckering "sour" look to them.

So what happened is the plants were over fed which burnt the growth tips, caused a ph imbalance and lead to a calcium/magnesium def caused by too much nitrogen.

The solution is to back off on feeding for a few days. Just give them plain ph balanced water for 2 or 3 watering's with sufficient run off, and see how they respond. You will witness the plant starting to eat off some of that excess nitrogen that's currently causing toxicity. When you start feeding again, reduce the feed strength slightly. The plants also look like they could be transplanted soon, maybe in a week or so, so when you do decide to transplant, the symptoms you see now will be remedied as the roots grow into new soil.

Overall the plants look really healthy, and its just a minor symptom that can be easily fixed. Also I really like your grow cab, props on that build, it looks killer with an awesome design and layout.


Senior Member
Leaves look pretty healthy and shiney too me... r u sure? I mean i think those leaves are only wrinkly because they havent reached full size yet...being very near the axil tip


looks good to me... not something I would be concerned about at this stage..

any updates?


Active member
Could be an overload of N. N will burn the tips of young leaves if it is in abundance.

*ah, just read Forbidenfruit...I concur.


Senior Member
sorry i edited my post last night and wrote a big long thing, and my crap internet shut off before i posted and i lost it all, lol

ya i change my opinion, forbidden is most likely right on, as i stated above i have had the same issue on and off this grow and didn't know what to think of it. when i first transplanted my plants from dixi cups with a soilless medium that had no nutes to fox farm happy frog, they were about 3 weeks old and i thought it was a nute def but luckily i assumed the roots just needed to access what was in the soil and gave them straight water for 2 more weeks and it went away. in reality they probably just burned ever so slightly do to the hotter soil. i noticed you have been in ocean forest since sprout, that stuff is hotter than my happy frog, and a sprout would take a lot longer to use up whats in the soil, that is if it doesn't burn them right away, probably 3-4 weeks of veg from sprout they would be just fine with plain water. it says your plants are 2 weeks into veg and already on their second dose of ferts, i know it's not the strongest ferts out there but still the soil is probably just getting a little hot for them, give them plain water for a watering and they should be fine.

i noticed when i went back through my log that mine showed up 2 days after their first flowering feed, wich i gave them at full dosage, probably not the best idea but again i think the slightly burned tips are pretty common and not too serious, now that i am no longer searching i see it referenced a lot, lol. i fed mine plain water 3 days ago and they have cleared up almost completely at this point, so mine couldn't have been that bad and it was worse than yours. i'm hoping that by next watering in 3/4 days they will be ready for at least 1/4 strength ferts, i'm only watering once a week and i just feel like 2 weeks without nutes would be overkill, i mean thats how long i plan to flush for before harvest and i'm on my 3rd week of budding...switching to coco next run to deal with that...

what do you guys normally do when you see this? like how long do you back off on the ferts? do you back off completely or just partially? wookies are in veg still i think but what about flowering too?


Active member
If you can diagnose a deficiency from those photos then you should be a farm adviser.

There are no clear indications of a deficiency IMO.

Anxious growers tend to cause more problems then exist.


Yup, pretty healthy looking gals.

The flip side, is that you outlined all your problems in the questionnare. Cut back that feed man, the ladies will ask you for it when they're ready. Once they do, try a feed water water routine, if you start to see problems again. Try setting PH at 6.8 for a few waterings too, see if that doesn't help with vigor. Runoff is rarely a very accurate reading, but if you're noticing problems in person, then I would put money on low PH due to over feeding.

Whatever you do, don't go hitting plants with a heavy blast of ferts when they aren't eating properly. Rarely will they like it. The answer is definitely not more N.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
FFOF is a really hot soil for seedlings & clones . when i do use the stuff ... i wait till i see defs before i add any nutes at all usually around the 3rd or 4th week of vegging . tiil that time i only add plain water PHed to 6.0 .

give her plain water for awhile till you see defs . then add your nute @ 1/4 strength .