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new growth on seedling turning purple


New member
I have few dif strains just started about a week ago. Most are starting there 2nd set of leaves after the thumbs. This new growth is coming in purple. I have them under 8 bulbs t5's about 6" away. My temps have been around 72 under the night and about 60 ambient in the room. I have now put in a heater to raise the ambient temp to 75. They have been watered once and are taking a while to dry out. Some of the stems are weak and purple/red. They were fed on their first watering at about 300ppm (.5). Probably could have held off another water or two with no nutes. The next 2 watering will be plain ro.

could it be the shock to the t5's? lights a bit close for that young plant?
over fert?
temps a bit to cold?

I dont know how to upload pics, i tried but couldnt get it to work.
My guess would be temp. I start mine under a 600watt MH so i doubt its shock. What is your light schedule like they might be getting a little to cold when lights out. Pics would help tho


Active member
Give them 18/6, raise the lights, raise night temps to at least 65, closer to 70 better. Good luck. -granger
Pics didn't come thru [to me]. I think you need 50 posts for pics, but may be wrong.

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