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New Growth During Budding - WTF


Active member
So, I'm half way through a flowering cycle and i notice some of my plants are lacking magnesium big time. Leaves are turning yellow etc...So, i start adding some liquid iron and some other stuff to help out.

And...my plants are growing again at the buds. Kind of like a resurgence of growth. I'm wondering if i should keep them going or cut and harvest with what i have and start on the next group....

Anyone? i'll post some pictures tonight...


herbal essences

How much have they grown and yea pics please.. this has happened to me before very late in flowering and wasn't a big deal, I'd like to see your case..


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
are all the plants showing new growth or just plants to the outside of lighting

to help prevent yellowing of leaves early in flower it's good to continue N fetrs during the 1st 2 wks of flower.
during veg my plants i max out at 2 tsp per gal water pure blend pro grow when i flip to flower 1st wk they get 1tsp per gal water 2nd wk they get 1/2 tsp per gal water. end of 2nd wk is also end of N ferts in my garden

for a pure sativa i would feed N 3-4wks for a sativa hybrid 3wks


Active member
All the plants that were showing magnesium deficiency started to “regrow” after I increased the nutes and used specific fertilizer for the problem.

Some of them has some serious sized buds going. On top of the new buds is
a lot of stretchy growth. Some more than others but it’s weird.

Took these pictures at lunch with a bad camera. I’ll get better ones tonight



Active member
The bud in the first pic was sold and then new growth started

The second pic show the new growth. Below it is some solid bud

The leaves in some of the pics look a little curled. Thats really the pictures. They are in decent shape.

The leaves are long and thin on all of them with this condition.


I don't see your pictures. I think I know what you are talking about, though. Are your colas sort of splitting and growing foxtail buds? Pics would be best.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
I don't see your pictures. I think I know what you are talking about, though. Are your colas sort of splitting and growing foxtail buds? Pics would be best.

the bottom pic of this thread is this your what new growth looks like


or like the buds in this thread

or is it vegitive growth

if like whats in threads above this could be one of two things

temps kinda high
plants are begining thier swell before harvest which means your plants have kicked into final phase. these kinda fox tails are more like pillars grown from the nug

fox tails caused from heat or on some sativas are more elongated woody type just few cylx's on them.


Active member
Its not the temp as the room is cooler than normal. it started after i increased the nutrients and added magnisium

ill post better pictures