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New Grower...what's wrong with my plants (mosaic virus?, phosphors def?)

I am a first time grower growing 4 strains on the General Hydroponics Tables, and then in the CAP ebb and grow buckets.

I have noticed leaves dying from the bottom of the plant. At first i thought this was just leaves that weren't getting light, as the bigger plants were bunched together on the tables. But I notice it more now that they are spread out in the buckets, and i noticed it in the new plants that I started again on the tables.

I also have 8 mother plants, started at the same time, and the same cuts as the others, in fox farm ocean forrest soil, which also show symptoms.

The symptoms seem to differ, from what I would describe as brown or rust colored spots, to yellowish leaves, but all end up with the outer edges, or the entire leaf browning and dying. A few have small amounts of light stains on the leaves…almost like what you would except to happen if bleach spilled on them (possibly mosaic virus??? more on that later)

As I said I notice this mainly on the bottom parts of the plant, but it seems like I am seeing more and more pop up.

Other than that the plants seem fine, mostly very green, with the exception of one, which has yellowed considerably, with spotted leaves.

Now for the info. The strains I am growing are, the white, jack's cleaner, chem d (not sure which one) and cheese (i was told uk, but not sure)

All plants show this problem with the leaves.

I currently have 9 in the buckets system under 5 600 watt HPS.

and others on the tables under a T-5 and a 600 watt conversion bulb

I change both reservoirs weekly , using Canna aqua vega A,B, cannazym and rhizotonic, as well as roots excellerator. I ph to about 5.2 and follow the ec about 1.2

One concern i have is the ph of my water. I have noticed that it has recently fluctuated from about 6.5, to about 5.7 out of the tap, and then back. The ppm of my water is 0-100 using a truncheon.

I have well water which is filtered through a water softening system that uses salt.

One concern is that I may have the mosaic virus, but as I said I am a first time grower, and don't want to assume or guess anything. A friend who is growing the same strains has done some research, and found that some of the strains are commonly known to have it, and has found some symptoms listed with the mosaic of on his plants. My plants also show some symptoms of the virus (light, almost bleach like stains on some of the leaves)

Looking through a book, it looks like it may be phosphorus? Again I don't want to self diagnose

The plants in buckets have been in veg for about 2 months, and I was getting ready to flip them, just giving them about a week to adjust to the buckets.

Am I in big trouble? Should I try an RO machine? Should I flip them asap and try to get flowers before the plants get worse? ANY info would be greatly appreciated….I am ready and willing to answer any questions that will help diagnose or help my problem. Thanks in advance.

Even though I am a first time grower, I lived with one, and helped/ did apprecnticship under him, and without ICMAG we would have been lost. It's sites like this, that allow people to try, what might be too overwhelming without help. :thank you:


Green is Gold
I bet it's the pH of your water that's doing it or it could be additional salts building up from the water softener. I would wager it's one of the two. Try watering with RO water for a week and see if that changes things for the better
Im trying to upload pictures from a hard drive, and it doesn't seem to work ( i went to attachments, selected the files, but the upload button doesn't seem to do anything) ......any suggestions? sorry for the inconvenience....


Active member
Well, I have a strain which tends to do this.

I notice it happens in waves.

Its not all the leaves at once, is it?

I think it might be part of the plant's natural life cycle, sometimes at least.

Not all your leaves are always going to be perfect.

Does the plant seem healthy otherwise?
Well, I have a strain which tends to do this.

I notice it happens in waves.

Its not all the leaves at once, is it?

I think it might be part of the plant's natural life cycle, sometimes at least.

Not all your leaves are always going to be perfect.

Does the plant seem healthy otherwise?

It is not all the leaves, but it seems to be happening more and more.

I don't think its natural, as it is happening on all of my strains, even though they aren't all similar.
light bleaching? Too close to lights?

I dont think the light is too close. I have them in the buckets, with tomato cages on them. THe lights are at least a foot above the tomato cages, and the plants only come up to a little less than half way up the cages.....also it is happening on my plants on taples too, and my mothers, which dont get very much light at all.
IMG_4625.jpg figured it out...kinda...more to come


ICMag Donor
investigate further!

investigate further!

The water softener has been a culprit in a past project because of NaCL or salt that is pored into it...


Lockout from ph and or soft water.

Use ro water only and ph to 5.5-5.8

Look at a nutrient availability chart related to ph. You want to swing between 5.5 for macro nutes and up to 5.8 for micro nutes to be available.

R/o water supplemented with calmag at 5ml per gallon will help this. An epsom foliar might work faster.

Your plants are sucking nutrients from their leaves causing them to die off.
magnesium defiency it looks like to me

are you fairly certain?....from pictures I have seen, it doesnt really follow what they had as mag deficiency.....not trying to question your opinion, i just don't want to treat for the wrong thing.......to me it looks alot what a phosphorus def looks like...at least according to a book.....thanks for the reply....
Lockout from ph and or soft water.

Use ro water only and ph to 5.5-5.8

Look at a nutrient availability chart related to ph. You want to swing between 5.5 for macro nutes and up to 5.8 for micro nutes to be available.

R/o water supplemented with calmag at 5ml per gallon will help this. An epsom foliar might work faster.

Your plants are sucking nutrients from their leaves causing them to die off.

so it is a lockout? Why the camag? do you also feel it is a magnesium def? or is calmag going to help even if it is a water problem.....?



The purpling looks like phos but I think its more relted to your low ph...and cal mag is needed anyways when you use r/o water. Because your stripping everything from the water. Get a r/o filter for a hundred bucks or go to a water unit and buy five gallon jugs and break your back once a week

5.2 is low ....get it to 5.8 you will thnk me and your plants will tnk you.
See on this chart how the p and mg are both lockd out below 5.5

First and foremost...thank you for the replies.

hydr1.....im not quite sure what you mean by ph issues....do you mean my water is fine, and I am just phing the solution too low?
I understand what your chart is telling me, but how dont understand why different nute companies tell you to ph the solution lower (ie canna 5.2-6.2)

Also 5.2 was just a starting point. I fill my rez, which will be full at 30 gals, to about 15 gals. Add nutes, and then add water until my ppm is set, which USUALLY makes my ph about right at 5.2 or so.

The ph slowly rises throughout the week, and I only add ph down, if it gets much about 6.2..and then i only add enough to get it back down to about 5.5

Most recently when I followed the described procedure, my ph was only about 4.4 or so...so i added ph up to get it to 5.1 (thats what i was talking about when i said my well water's ph it seemed to be shifting)

Either way I am planning on doing my next rez change tomorrow, with store bought water (i am getting an ro machine soon), and will add the cal mag you suggested.
Other than that, just add my nutes and ph to about 5.5?

I have also heard to ph the water first, then add nutes, then re- ph? is this true?

what kind of water should i buy? drinking? spring? how soon will i see improvement?
anything else i should do?

thanks so much for the knowledge. knowing is half the battle

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