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New grower, need guidance


New member
Hello, so im first time grower and in need of some guidance. I’m using 1,5x1,5 tent and Lumatek zeus 600w 2.6 led. I wanted to try scrog after seein some vids on youtube, but don’t know how to proceed and need some tips and guidance. These ladies are 3,5 weeks into veg. What do you think, do they look good atm?


They do look real healthy. Good job! As for guidance with scrog, I have a great video that helped me understand it a bit more, click here to watch it.
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Well-known member
I like your wide-mouth drain trays to allow the water to displace away from the plant. It's not a good idea to allow the plant to sit in discharge water after watering. 😎


Autistic Diplomat in Training
For someone who hired a plane, got suited up with a parachute and never read the full manual before jumping from the plane... you're doing pretty good. ;) I recommend a few more months of reading before your next grow, and hope your current one continues as well as it has so far! :D

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