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New Grower going hempy style. Pics included.


Hello everyone. This is my first post here, but I have been reading and learning quite a bit here my past few weeks.

On Jan 7, my seedlings sprouted and I put them in rapid rooter plugs. After significant growth, I transplanted them in to solo cups. The majority of my cups are hempy style, 3:1 pearlite to vermiculite. There are also 4 I tried out using a coco/peat/pearlite/vermiculite mix.

The light.

The tent.

The nutes.

I just stared feeding them mild nutes (as directed on the bottle) every other day.

The plants.

Here's a close up of the nicest looking one.

And the sickliest looking one.

The lights are going 24/7.
4 different strains. White Rhino, Super Kush, Church, and Super Lemon Haze. All feminized seeds.

Any questions, comments, advice? It's all welcome.

Thank you for watching.


in the thick of it
Good luck! Don't overdo it, take your time, learn and read and do all that you can. Again, good luck!


How often are you supposed to feed?
I am running in to some conflicting information on that topic.
And what is the ideal humidity for the tent?


On my recent batch of hempy seedlings I did 1 ml of micro and 2 ml of bloom per gallon to start off with for the first couple of weeks then built up. Watered every other day. Every strain is a little different just watch them after you feed. For example the second seedling looks like it could use some food already but the first one looks nice and green. My advice would be give them that mix then give them water the next time and alternate back and forth. Are you ph'ing your water?


My water is reverse osmosis filtered and yes I did PH it it was a nice 6.
Some on another site were suggesting that the light was too close or I was over feeding them.
I'm new at this so I wasn't sure but I think you've given the best advice bobman.


well 2nd plant is probably suffering a little burn if you have fed them. just take her easy and don't over mother them. the trick it getting them to a foot tall then they seem to take everything a lot better.


Welome bob hempier.
It is my first run of Hempy's and i am coming from RDWC.
Hempy's look promising you can check them in my sig's log
but i am still trying to decode the feeding strenght that they
like and the feeding schedule.Do not feed heavy i try it and they
didn't like it it step down from EC 2,0 - 2,3 to 1,4 - 1,5.
You are growing some fine strains there SLH is extraordinary.