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*New* grower (600w hps/MH-7200k) Organics!


Space Ghost

Get bloom and a bottle of meta-k, and go to home depot and get a bottle of 5-1-1 "alaskan" brand fish emulsion for ~$4... works great, but smells like the inside of a fishes ass... slightly minty too...

Start with a half dose 1 and 1/2 teaspoon bloom and 1/2 tea meta-k and 2 tea alaskan and see how the plants take it... Then ramp it up a little and so how they do...

you should feed every second watering for a heavy feeder and it scales down from there, could be as low as every 4-5 waterings, you've just got to find the sweet spot...


Active member
AHHHH help! so my midget plant was toppled over when i walked in this morning!!!! i watered them because they needed it but the bud was so top heavy....

Is this going to kill the plant? it didnt break anywhere cept maybe under the soil but besides that it might just be underwatering...

AHHHH im scared, atleast its just the midget plant, if i have to ill harvest it early <-- any ideas?

ALSO! the HPS light is working WONDERS... i figured the light spectrum would be better for the plants using the MH then the HPS, but wooo, the buds are loving it. The plants are no longer stretching but the buds are already doubled in size since the switch to HPS!!

Thank you SG!!!

:EDIT: The midget plant is leaning against a bigger one so it doesnt stay down but i hope it doesnt affect the other plants!! never thought i would have a prob with being top heavy

Space Ghost

Stake them all up with medium thickness 3/4" bamboo rods...

Should stop them from toppling over...

EDIT: and you can just jab the bamboo into the soil, don't worry bout the roots or potential shock, it wont hurt them provided the place where you plunge in is a few inches from the base of the plants



Active member
so the plant ended up toppling over again, this time snapping it at the base :( atleast it was only the midget, and the midget was the only one i didnt LST (i only did it 2 times late into veg)

sooooo i just cut it... it was the smallest out of the 3 and i figured hey, theres a reason why it was the smallest. ill take some pictures later but whats a good tip on drying it? #1 i have a armoire cherry wood that im plannin on hanging it from inside. but theres not too much airflow...

#2 I also have a closet space that has no light cept the door and i have a fan i can put inside pointing upward but not directly on the plant.
im using #2 atm but idk whats better...

also, is it better to just destem the little buds from the plant? very little popcorn nugs, or should i leave all of em on the stem to continue doing what it does?

Space Ghost

so the plant ended up toppling over again, this time snapping it at the base :( atleast it was only the midget, and the midget was the only one i didnt LST (i only did it 2 times late into veg)

sooooo i just cut it... it was the smallest out of the 3 and i figured hey, theres a reason why it was the smallest. ill take some pictures later but whats a good tip on drying it? #1 i have a armoire cherry wood that im plannin on hanging it from inside. but theres not too much airflow...

#2 I also have a closet space that has no light cept the door and i have a fan i can put inside pointing upward but not directly on the plant.
im using #2 atm but idk whats better...

also, is it better to just destem the little buds from the plant? very little popcorn nugs, or should i leave all of em on the stem to continue doing what it does?

just trim it and hang the branches in a dark closet for at least until the stems snap.

Like this:


With a 600 you can get decent bud practically the whole way down the plant, so id say leave em...

like this:


Granted, that was done with 1k's, but 600's will give you the same results...


Active member
So the buds are trippled in size... TY space ghost!!! I should listen to experts when i ask questions and im glad i did!

The MH was producing great internoding and nice stretching but the HPS is basicly making the buds go INSAIN!!!

I cant wait till i get my opti-red bulb hilux!


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Quick update! Just bought some FloraNova from GH and fed my babies today around 3pm. Just checked them at 6:45 and they seem to be loving it! I used a 1 gallon jug and put 2 tsp of this in it and fed half of it to 1 plant, the other half for the other. Ill take some pictures in a few, my camera is recharging!!!

mmm frosty buds ftw!


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Quick bud update !! there getting thicker now, instead of just growing up. the buds are condensing and the thc is building up like a MOFO! i love it, these liquid nutes are awesome


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shwing! heres some new pictures! just got some mylar and set some of it up! gonna build something like a wall so its more flush for the mylar

Heres the mylar setup, now i need 1 more light and a veg light for complete setup with fans an snap


child of the sun
your room looks like it's coming together nicely. what are your plans for the next grow? :tiphat:


Active member

For my next grow, i plan on getting 1 more 600w system with a ushio opti-red hps bulb making it a total of 1200w.

Both ballasts are switchable magnetic, can be ran on 240/120v BUT i plan on switching the voltage to 240v in the garage so i can get more power through it. I live in an Appt so i know the MAIN voltage is at 240v but idk where the switch off is, and how the power works but ill take a picture of the 2 boards in a few and hopefully someone here can help me out with figuring it out <--- main thing i need to do

So with the 1200w system i REALLY want to get a T5 HO for vegging, something like a 4-8 bulb, but thats after we get the 600w.

For vegging next grow, i plan on using a 600w mh 7200k and a 600w opti-red while they are starting. I have to first veg out a female at 24/0 and im going to end up cutting some clones from her/them so i can have a bigger crop. I must decide from here if i want to cut trimmings from a veg mom and get reg clones or get a cut from a flower mom at 30 and try a monster crop...(any suggestions?) After that, i want to have the majority of the plants all in synch with time so i can switch them to flower at the same time. (i might want to go clones just for this reason untill i make my separate veg room)

I plan on using 10-20 gal smart pots during the entire process except the VERY beginning stages. I want to try and get a good 20-30 plants depending on what and how im growing... And with some of the clones im keeping i will put them next to my male plant that i will continue to grow upstairs just for future seeding (i want a small seed bank for myself)

Once flower hits I want to use both 600w systems and use the Opti-red bulbs so ill be using 2 of them.

So figure 1200w opti-red bulb for 20-30 plants should be enough space?? i need to get a 8' fan and some ducting but after them its almost home free from there!

Also plan on getting some plywood and building a small enclosure instead of using the blankets, and it might be easier to apply mylar to it :)

Im going to keep using soils right now with some liquid nutes untill i can master it and then i move on to hydro... something iv always wanted to do but i dont have NEARLY the amount of electricty/pluming expertise as i would like as of now.

Any tips? should i get a Co2 canister? or should i just go buy some yeast and sugar? i want some danky buds but i also need to grow enough per wattage so im not just waisting my time...


I have a space of 8ft x 8ft x 9ft(tall) so im trying to figure how many babies i can put in here without making it obsolete.

Anyone have ideas on how many plants i could possibly put in here? and how many lights i should have for this kinda of space? Also, the 9ft tall is only a certain section of the garage, if you take a look at the room with the mylar around it you can see the little shelfing thats half way inbetween the room. so i only have about 2-3 feet of 9ft(tall) if you catch me.

Thanks a million! any advice would help or ideas?!
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Space Ghost

The number of plants depends heavily on your growing method, you could grow anywhere between 4 (trees) and 400 (super high-density SOG) plants no prob, it really up to you....


Active member
The number of plants depends heavily on your growing method, you could grow anywhere between 4 (trees) and 400 (super high-density SOG) plants no prob, it really up to you....

I have to look into this more... but i just built my veg room and flower room. I just have to fine tune the few items inside and i will be good. be b ack in a second to take some pictures...

I need to start some cloning asap!!

Can i cut a clone from a plant thats SO far into flowering? 4-5 weeks i beleive?

Space Ghost

Can i cut a clone from a plant thats SO far into flowering? 4-5 weeks i beleive?

Absolutely! it will take a while to root and then it will have to re-veg (which will take even longer...). Make sure the cut has some buds on it, because that is where the new shoots will come from...


Active member
Absolutely! it will take a while to root and then it will have to re-veg (which will take even longer...). Make sure the cut has some buds on it, because that is where the new shoots will come from...

This starts today then!! ill post those pictures first tho


Active member

So heres some cured/uncured bud (not done but smokable) and a picture of the new little setup.. i gotta go down and take some more pictures or upload a video because my cammera sucks


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My new puppy!!! an Akita x Husky !! lol

So i took apart a plant to the point where its only 4 nodes popping out of the main stem. since that plant isnt going to be a strong producer i put it next to the male!! Hopefully i will get some seeds from this baby... but idk?!?! intake?

But i cut up 5 clones off the baby and dipped em in that root gel crap... im going to be putting them under a 24/0 light cycle if it doesnt kill them...

With these clones, since they were flowering how should i go about keeping it humid? i have them in the bathroom so when i shower it gets nice and humid, thats what i did with the other seedlings when i first started.

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