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New grow show from Texi *lots of pics*


Im using a canon dslr not real sure about settings on that paticular model. Good pictures take lots of light.. if possible try using the sunlight. I use a oldschool external flash that has tons of settings ...Half of them I dont even understand. Sometimes I use sunlight sometimes I use my halide and sometimes Ill use a combination of light. This photo I like the coloring between the hps halide and flash.

Welcome to the thread Broughtsuperior.


Active member
That's a nice camera. Mine just went MIA... such a stoner thing to do. If I don't find it, I might have to consider something similar.


DSLR are great cameras ... I dont really have a preferance nikon or canon make top notch products.

Here is the Chemd-d I still have going. Shes on probably around day 60ish tossed 3 nannas last few days all pulled no issue. Im hoping to see alot of the trichs going amber in the next week or 10 days.


heyas unk and justin hope you guys are well... heyas everyone else ... just bored and decided to put up some shots of chemdog d-d number 3 ... kinda artsy type shots never tried that before ...





Active member
your killing it texicannibus,loving the show man, can u tell witch lens do you use for the close-up/macro photos?
and if its not to much the iso, speed shutter and f, value, its just that im still waiting for my plants to bud and i havent tried my new dslr, and i wanna know if i got the lens to do the job, or do i still have to get another lens.


I have a 100mm macro lense. Alot of folks use the 50mm macro lense. Typically iso is set to 200 (rarely take low light shots). The fstop and shutter speed change depending on the shot. The higher the Fstop the longer the shutter will need to stay open. Mostly I shoot f5.6, 1/200 (shutter speed), and ISO 100-200. Typically you wanna keep your ISO as low as possible for crisp pics. When I use natural light alot of the values will change. Sun is about the only thing that is bright enough for me to jack up my F-stop.


Active member
im flowering mostly a homemade cross using jack herer as female, but she was a hore and add some funky time with alot of males, yea i wanna get a dedicate macro, or a 100 mm or a tamron 90 mm, i like this one alot, but my camera budget is zero at this point, i have some extension tubes, but i have to get an external flash\bright light source, or i have to do it like ive been doing it, ghetto style, i have and hold flash that i old in my hand, and point it to the subject\bud, then i set the shutter speed to 1 second or plus, and i up my f stop to get it right, this is the only way for me now, because if i use the on camera flash it gets blocked by the lenses\tubes.
sorry for the of topic, ill keep a close eye in here to check on the updates!
cheers bro


Ive got some Jack in the fridge along with tons of other genetics. I have hell picking what to pop. Looks like 4 of my 5 SSK (sour strawberry kush) are going to be boys. Will pick 2 of the nicest ones for playing around. The one girl is gorgeous almost no internodal branching so waiting for a bit to clone.

Here is a couple shots of querkle that I got this morning. Ill take some buds of chemdog d-d outside and get some shots once it gets light. This querkle be coming down in next couple days for sure. Really pretty plant. Purple leaves but only the tips of the calyx have turned.




Is a clipping out of the bigger image... I let IC compress them and they lose a bit. So alot of times ill take a clipping at 100% to show how crisp image actually is and trich status.


Unfortunately there isnt a hydro store close going to have to drive a few hours and when I go I want to make sure to have enough cash to get all I need. Id also of course like to have a idea of what I want to get before I get there. I dont want to deal with a sales pitch...

Osmocote OC+, look at Irishboy, SS, DocBud and a few others, also Dynamyte Red and Purple, Mater Magic as an additive to assist blooming


5 - reservoir tnt chemdog DD (2- cracked so far)
5 - Ogre 99 (DGS) (4 cracked)
4 - GHS fem jack herer
1- GHS fem lemon skunk
5 - homemade beans res DD x res SD

I’m debating popping the 5 Res SD that I still have. I have a ton of genetics still from back in 07-10. I’m hoping most of them are still viable.

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