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New grow area, starting from scratch, 2x600w!


Active member
Hey all!!

So I got a nice area for me and a friend to grow in!! Pics will come later.

For starters, this is a paint photo of the garage, were you can see the size:


As it is now, we might just buy 2 GHE aero Flo 28, but I think they are a bit of, regarding the size for the 600w bulbs..

Pro/Con of a bought system
The pro's of just buying a system is that it is premade, and we would not need to do anything else and it should work right away..

Con's is that it is expensive and not the size I would like..

Pro/con of a homemade system
Pro's of building a system of our own is that we can probably make it cheaper, and just the size/way we want it..

Con's is that it might not work as good as we think.. haha

The thing is, that I would like a SoG setup, so we can flower and harvest as often as possible.

The system I am thinking of is a NFT system, like this:

Basicly, the pump pumps up water for the tubes, that lays in a slight angle, so the water runs through the tubes and past the roots and back into the res.

Dont sound that difficult, right?!?! :D

I just have a couple questions, regarding the whole SoG thing..

The plants must be ca 30cm apart, right? Or can they be closer?

If it is ca 30cm, it would mean that there would be 4 tubes, with 4 plants in each.. That is only 16 plants...
Cant the plants be closer???? I WANT THE MAXIMUM OUTPUT!! :D

And what about the pump, how big does it have to be? I have no real experience with pumps.. hehe..

So please, help a brother out!! :)

take care all!


Active member
Here is a little update for those who asked for it.. ;) hahaha

The place is coming along nicely. We now have a prep. room, a veg room and a flower room.

you can almost see it all here:

prep room: The box is a temporary mother box, for cuttings,

mother/veggin room:
Here we will grow mothers in DWC and cuttings proably also in DWC, until they will go into the flower room..

flower room. NFT homemade flow table:

we will build the same in the other side, but probably with 6 instead of 5 tubes:


homemade drip system. Not the best/prettiest, but it works:

and the plants:
It is double strawberry diesel x deep chunk

have fun, y'all! :D


Active member
dj green-- if you mean the first room should be changed into either flowering or vegging room, it is more or less because we dont want to go all commercial and stuff. And I doubt there will be enough space for that.. :)
NICE,,, I love seeing nice HOME MADE setups. Always work out so much better then
store bought ones... at least with the right gardener they COULD surpass without a problem :-D

Ill be lurking around my friend dont worry, you have an audience :-D (we all secretly want to share all of our little projects with others that are like minded hehe)



Active member
thanks! :)

Before christmas we got the last system build and before new year we took some clones for the little system.

the new system has 2 more tubes than the first. Will be exciting to see how that will work.. :)


take care!


Active member
hey hey dudes!

Long time no see.. haha!!

it is going pretty slowly forward..

here is some pics,

SSSDH mothers and DC x DSD cuttings.. :)





and some DC x DSD in soil. 2 weeks in bloom.. :)

take care all.. :)
Untill next time, when something fun happens! :D


Active member
so, as you might have found out, it is not the fastest grow that we are doing! haha!!!

We had some motherplants in soil that we put into flower on feb. 11th.

they look like this now:





I have no idea how long they will need, but i think a month will help alot on the buds.. They already have good looks, when it comes to the trichs, like the Deep chunk parent, trichomes on the bigger leaves

we also took some cutting and put into flower:


the big ones you can see, we saved to use as mothers, in case it's a keeper clone..


Active member

this is how it looks, we dont have enough for the whole system, but I guess this will do:


the whole flower room:


SSSDH mothers:


The nutes for the flower system, funky colours:


take care, all!! :D


Active member
yoyo! Back again!

the DSD x DC have been in flower 2 months now, and I am not sure exactly how long they need. I had to cut two branches because of a little mold in the top, so when I go back tomorrow, I will check all the buds again to see if anything more has gotten mold..

just some pics of the flowers and the mold:





Nice trichs on the bigger leaves:



Active member
The two branches I cut of:


In the other hydro system, i got some kind of weird problem.. Anyu one have seen this before?




any info appreciated

take care!

the med man

u should try my mft's, pennies on the dollar to set up, and pennies on the dollar to operate, plus clean and efficient work wise. with no issues the product and yield are equally impeccable, good luck with whatever you run, mm