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New GF....who has L.E.O in the family...would you?


Active member
Just keep it at arms distance...might be a good ace to have in your sleeve..DJXX


ICMag Donor
This, All In, .... x 1,000,000

If you are dating a pig's ex , let alone a pig's ex and mother if his kids he WILL check you right out and fuck you over in any way possible on the slightest excuse and if there is'nt one, he will make one up

Even if you GTFO right now, expect trouble and prepare for it

Read, or re read the Art of War, find out everything you can about your enemy, it might prove crucial

I wish you luck, stay safe

To add to this right here comment...
If your gf & ex are on speaking terms then get out ASAP!
Her ex need no excuse to run your name for future use.

I have never met a cop that was only 'on the job' while 'on the clock'... Cops are always "on the job" especially when they're "off the clock" (off duty).

I haven't met a cop yet that isnt a criminal either.


Active member
Tell her you have herpes. If she says she's okay with that, tell her "But I'm not." Then turn around and walk away.


Active member
QUOTE=Jellyfish;7395837]Speaking of the OP, has he posted since starting this thread?[/QUOTE]

He is probably already reaping the benefits of a poor decision and is getting the guided tour of the legal system compliments of the gf not being happy about him being late to do quite what she had in mind on some obscure item. Ya know she has to be an engineer on the crazy train. She was raised by a cop so she knows how they are and still married one and had a kid by one and is now divorced to one. this just is full of giant red flags even if you were not associated Ever in any way with weed


Active member
I read this thread yesterday when it was only a couple pages long. At the time i was kinda thinking wow what a bunch of pessimist. Today i'd say your all realists. Hopefully like I, the op slept on it and came to his senses. Why tempt fate?


Active member
I think this fool went to jail he hasn't responded to anyone's response lol

#Should'veKnown #FuckDaPolice

he proly made a new name.. out of embarrassment for even having to ask the question to begin with.. it seems to me the only person needing to ask that question is someone who 1.. has never been in any trouble with COPS .. or 2 someone who is just that dumb to think. ya if this chick gets pissed at me for any reason the people she can vent to have the ability to lock me up and throw away the key lol


To add to this right here comment..

I haven't met a cop yet that isnt a criminal either.

Imo havin the cops on your side is a bonus, if things go sour id expect some invasion of your rights more than you would expect:) Only dangerous if you break her heart. Beware a woman with a broken heart.... cops r close knit, brotherhood types. Not bad people, just doing their job most the time...


Active member
when your disposing of a half lb cause you pissed her off and she pulls the "my ex is a cop" card you will probably be wishing you had taken some of the above advice.

That being said, when i met my wife 16 yrs ago she ran a charity for the RCMP and had a RCMP for a boss who ended up guarding our PM....

Married 12 yrs now...sometime you gotta take a chance ;)

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
when your disposing of a half lb cause you pissed her off and she pulls the "my ex is a cop" card you will probably be wishing you had taken some of the above advice.

That being said, when i met my wife 16 yrs ago she ran a charity for the RCMP and had a RCMP for a boss who ended up guarding our PM....

Married 12 yrs now...sometime you gotta take a chance ;)

And may you have many more compadre :tiphat:
I've been seeing this woman recently who has a father and brother who are both cops, and her ex is also a cop. He's sort of in the picture as they have a son together, who he gets one weekend a month.

We've smoked herb together at a concert, but only what was being passed around by others as I didn't bring any with me, but she has no idea I grow and aside from toking up at the concert with her is not aware that I smoke.

Frankly I'm torn. We get along well...but the fact that she has cops in the family has me freaked out. Not growing is not an option for me at the time either...

I'd say that it's flat out just too risky. No matter how much you like her, you can't do it UNLESS you want to quit growing. The fact that they have a son together makes it even worse, because it opens up the door for allllllll kinds of things that could go wrong.

Police are completely brainwashed and cannot be trusted at all, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever. Seeing as the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, she's likely brainwashed at the core too, regardless of if she smokes weed or not. Her having the police at her side with the snap of a finger will never fare well for your lifestyle.

Please don't do it. You're flirting with the enemy.
Imo havin the cops on your side is a bonus, if things go sour id expect some invasion of your rights more than you would expect:) Only dangerous if you break her heart. Beware a woman with a broken heart.... cops r close knit, brotherhood types. Not bad people, just doing their job most the time...

Just because they're a cop doesn't mean that they're a bad person - you're right. However, it does mean that their view is completely skewed. They've been 100% indoctrinated and are completely incapable of critical thinking.

Cops favor the system, they are pro-authority. They think along the terms of written law instead of morals, and they feel no remorse when acting as revenue agents of the system. As long as there's a piece of legislation saying that something is illegal, they will fully enforce it without as much as a second thought while truly believing that they're doing a service to society.

Having the cops on your side is subjective and I believe that you're completely wrong in this instance. The police are, in fact, the #1 enemy in this business. There is nobody worse, literally. I mean, think about it.