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New Front Page for I.C.Magazine......


Traktor driver
Yea I'm in for the added security. Would love to be in the landrace circle too, but haven't got anything to contribute. Oh well, maybee I'll find a german landrace somewhere, any one up for some Kraut? :D


... and we are calling on all members to join us in supporting our campaign to preserve the Landrace strains and protect the species. Supporters of the campaign will have access to new exclusive forums ...

hi gypsy ... could you tell us exactly how can members support the campaign? what are the requirements for access to the new exclusive forums?

peace ... nexus


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....Whats going to be Happening on I.C.Mag....

....Whats going to be Happening on I.C.Mag....

nexus said:
hi gypsy ... could you tell us exactly how can members support the campaign? what are the requirements for access to the new exclusive forums?

peace ... nexus

Hey nexus.......The Subscribers packages will be announced soon, we are just perfecting the software to make it all possible and will let you know the full details quite shortly......

We will be offering you secure email, encrypted PM's, Proxy server browsing, Secure chat room and many other benefits for our subscribers....

The site is growing at a ever greater rate and we need to control the not unsubstantial overheads, offering our long term members subscription packages enables us to make sure we can provide them with a very safe home for the future. I personally lost much work and pictures when OG went down as most all of us did....and I for one don't want that to ever happen again and the first building block for us is to secure the sites future for the long term.....

....As I want to provide my video footage of my travels, streaming media from our reporters from IC magazine and other cool new things modern technology enables us to do for those that want these options. Most all IC Magazine forums will forever be free just as the plant should be, but if we want to offer these new things they are going to have to pay for them selves.....

....We are not asking you to send us any genetics at the moment as I have more than enough and I am still collecting more on my travels. Over the years you will have no doubt seen my many threads and reports from all over the globe where I have been collecting the best of the landrace varieties and documenting the cultures of the peoples who farm them......

During these travels deep into the heartlands of the cannabis world I have collected many amazing genetics and the IC Magazine team are going deep into the history of these peoples and places in the Magazine to maximum effect on the accompanying dvd's....

If you do have Landrace genetics we want to encourage you to preserve them and to visit the cultures they came from! to enjoy and protect their heritage and our favourite plants history! We will help you by sharing the genetics and the information to do so in the best possible way, with the best breeding minds that are gathered in the IC Magazine forums.......

...It is not all about the strains though, yeh of course we need to save the genetics, but we must also work to save the cultures who created them in the first place! Cannabis has been free for millions of years and the cultures around them are being wiped out by Babylon's oppressive influence!

......We have to document where, why, who and how to preserve these traditions. We have to do it now. Our fearless reporters will sample the best and bring you insight, pictures, videos and the real feel of these ancient cultures, so we can all share in the beauty of them. I hope this encourages you to visit them where-ever they are and we will also be showing you how you can safely do this, and exactly what to expect in the Magazines travel guides.

We are declaring war on the war on our love and culture of cannabis, enough is enough! If the future means ever more oppression on this plant and these peoples, we must work as a community to protect what cannabis really IS! a way of life for many communities in the world....... We are going to protect theirs and ours with the new security package which we have been working on for some time. Through respecting these cultures and allowing you to gain the knowledge and feel of them you will ultimately be contributing to saving them. Go there! experience these wonderful people and places, for those that cannot we will.... and show you what we see and feel as well as of course doing what I do and sharing the seeds!

.....What you can do right now is to support us in our efforts, stand strong as a community, be proud as cultivators and conservationists. We want a new vibe of positivity as we go into the new year. No more squabbles and bullshit P-lease!, its completely boring and non-productive for we are here to advance in the interests of the plant! ......that is what it is all about for me and all others involved in the project. All we need from the community is to gather together and we can achieve as a community the protection of this sacred plant. We will be showing you in detail how you can help over the forthcoming weeks, but for now, just know that the seed business is not over and for sure this is just the very beginning.......

We may have been kind of quite lately but that is because we have been so busy building the background for the future. Look out for amazing new genetics at seedboutique and the auctions coming soon that are the results of years of breeding by my fellow cannabis conservationists on 3 continents (so far)....to bring you the best of these genetics.

....The results of these breeding programmes will soon be known and available for all to enjoy and savour. That is what we do here, for us and the traditional cannabis cultures it is the same. It all starts from a seed and this year brings in a new cycle of growth for us all. Lets make the most of that!

.......Keep checking in for more information on what we are doing with the Save the Strains campaign. We will be detailing all in advance of its official launch at the 420 Cup in Amsterdam and of course you are all welcome to come join with me then at the global celebration of growers and breeders in April!

In the meantime, Grow ON!


.......Keep checking in for more information on what we are doing with the Save the Strains campaign. We will be detailing all in advance of its official launch at the 420 Cup in Amsterdam and of course you are all welcome to come join with me then at the global celebration of growers and breeders in April!

In the meantime, Grow ON!

This is amazing Gypsy. You never cease to amaze me.
I do so hope that I will be at the 420 cup in Amsterdam.


ICMag Donor
If that isnt an inspirational message, nothing is. Cant wait to grow out a few of those genetics either. Looks like 2007 is off and rolling in a positive direction and memberships will be jumping. I am looking forward to an interesting year.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Bloody oath... sounds good, love the idea of pure genetics... maybe some uplifting Thai for me... :joint:

Subscription sounds good too with the security and videos... loved the one i saw of Morocco...

Keep up the good work guys.
Last edited:


Active member
Gypsy Nirvana said:
We will be offering you secure email, encrypted PM's, Proxy server browsing, Secure chat room and many other benefits for our subscribers....
Does this mean those who do not pay for a subscription won't be safe posting about their grows? or chatting?

The site is growing at a ever greater rate and we need to control the not unsubstantial overheads, offering our long term members subscription packages enables us to make sure we can provide them with a very safe home for the future.

These subscription packages are offfered to certain members? Long term meaning...what?

....As I want to provide my video footage of my travels, streaming media from our reporters from IC magazine and other cool new things modern technology enables us to do for those that want these options. Most all IC Magazine forums will forever be free just as the plant should be, but if we want to offer these new things they are going to have to pay for them selves.....

sound very cool to me, quite interesting

We are declaring war on the war on our love and culture of cannabis, enough is enough! If the future means ever more oppression on this plant and these peoples, we must work as a community to protect what cannabis really IS! a way of life for many communities in the world....... We are going to protect theirs and ours with the new security package which we have been working on for some time.

You don't fear that for growers/contributors who cannot pay for a subscription are maybe being oppressed?

.....What you can do right now is to support us in our efforts, stand strong as a community, be proud as cultivators and conservationists. We want a new vibe of positivity as we go into the new year. No more squabbles and bullshit P-lease!, its completely boring and non-productive for we are here to advance in the interests of the plant!

In the meantime, Grow ON!

Very positive post and the new front page is also. I am also sick of the squabbles over an herb that is loved by us all so much that we come to a forum to share our experiences and knowledge with one another. We need some Peace among us for sure

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
In reply to pieceofmyheart......

In reply to pieceofmyheart......

We will be offering you secure email, encrypted PM's, Proxy server browsing, Secure chat room and many other benefits for our subscribers....
Does this mean those who do not pay for a subscription won't be safe posting about their grows? or chatting?

*****This site is already safe based on a safe server in a cannabis tolerant country (Holland).....Unlike other canna-forum sites that are based in Canada and the U.S.A.......All servers are currently locked in cages with a security set up to magnetize and smash the hard-drives in the event of a REAL emergency immediately.........

What we will be offering to subscribers is an increased level of security that even tops that.......You can register at I.C.Mag from a free anonymous e-mail account THRU A PROXY SERVER and use an anonymous handle/nick to post with.......we do not log/keep/store I.P. adresses......Chat is based on one of our own servers******

The site is growing at a ever greater rate and we need to control the not unsubstantial overheads, offering our long term members subscription packages enables us to make sure we can provide them with a very safe home for the future.

These subscription packages are offfered to certain members? Long term meaning...what?

*****Innitially we will only be offering the subscribers package to those members that have been and continue to be positive contributors to I.C.Mag.com.........kind of like a veterans privaledge******

....As I want to provide my video footage of my travels, streaming media from our reporters from IC magazine and other cool new things modern technology enables us to do for those that want these options. Most all IC Magazine forums will forever be free just as the plant should be, but if we want to offer these new things they are going to have to pay for them selves.....

sound very cool to me, quite interesting

We are declaring war on the war on our love and culture of cannabis, enough is enough! If the future means ever more oppression on this plant and these peoples, we must work as a community to protect what cannabis really IS! a way of life for many communities in the world....... We are going to protect theirs and ours with the new security package which we have been working on for some time.

You don't fear that for growers/contributors who cannot pay for a subscription are maybe being oppressed?

*******The cost of the subscription package will not exceed 36 euro cents per day for full use of the coming added features for the first year.........even someone on welfare could afford that******

.....What you can do right now is to support us in our efforts, stand strong as a community, be proud as cultivators and conservationists. We want a new vibe of positivity as we go into the new year. No more squabbles and bullshit P-lease!, its completely boring and non-productive for we are here to advance in the interests of the plant!


Awesome, Gypsy. Very resourceful, as usual.. Gotta survive in this expensive, but almost limitless venue...

You and I hung out a lot duriing the C Cup before last... I purchased both your mags/DVD's, and some beans, etc..... Remember the Dude from whom you would not accept 15E, for the pipe he purchased from your counter, I had to hide it under papers on our third meeting. A funny story....

So, I returned the next year, with some of my OG Kush headies, indoor/organic/soil, to share with you, since I had bragged excessively the year before, but you were not around the shop... Oh well, I had to share it with everyone else.... Maybe at 4.20.

Since we met in Dec., 2005 I have sung your praises here in SnoreCal, where - well, you know how it is up here... Rep is all you have, since so many peeps are flaky...

The anti-squabble idea is novel.

Thank you for your work.. Big Time, you are providing priceless resources.

I look forward to the new IC..


Active member
Sounds interesting Gypsy. Be interesting to see how it works out. I agree on teh squabbles. Man it gets old watching two people battle over egos. Fugg that stuff people, we're here to figure out things, feed from one anothers accomplishments and help anyone who is genuine in there thirst for a better understanding of growing their own. The knowledge base here is immense and most answers can be found with a search. Think and search before starting new threads, so many answers available the same questions need not be asked over and over. I'm no marathon poster but I do support this place as I have learned much here. Thanks to all that make this place what it is!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
icysurfer said:
Awesome, Gypsy. Very resourceful, as usual.. Gotta survive in this expensive, but almost limitless venue...

You and I hung out a lot duriing the C Cup before last... I purchased both your mags/DVD's, and some beans, etc..... Remember the Dude from whom you would not accept 15E, for the pipe he purchased from your counter, I had to hide it under papers on our third meeting. A funny story....

So, I returned the next year, with some of my OG Kush headies, indoor/organic/soil, to share with you, since I had bragged excessively the year before, but you were not around the shop... Oh well, I had to share it with everyone else.... Maybe at 4.20.

Since we met in Dec., 2005 I have sung your praises here in SnoreCal, where - well, you know how it is up here... Rep is all you have, since so many peeps are flaky...

The anti-squabble idea is novel.

Thank you for your work.. Big Time, you are providing priceless resources.

I look forward to the new IC..

.....Ah man.......that's very heart-warming on this very difficult day...Dutchgrown had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance with some nasty tummy bug she picked up somewhere far east of us and is now on a drip/IV in the hospital while they run tests poor gal........got us all sad here, so it's up-lifting to hear you sing a bit of praise man....She's getting the best care......all her private medical plan is paid up......and they do say that we have the best doctors in England.....so she's in good hands.....my apologies for not being around when you showed up with the OG Kush.......maybe our paths will cross sometime soon again?

....and 2buds........all the best and once again thankyou for your kind words and support at this time...

I have always realized that most all of us don't want or need the ego-drama, one-up-man/womanship, squabbling, babbling and battleing over petty idiocincracies and pure un-adulterated loud-mouthed profane piffle that seems to run rife on other sites supposedly dedicated to 'Free-Speach'......lol......Thats why we clamp down on it and bin it here.....it's simply a waste of bandwith and we like a clean and happy/peacefull house where we can all get along .....if that's at all possible?


Dutchgrown had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance with some nasty tummy bug she picked up somewhere far east of us and is now on a drip/IV in the hospital while they run tests poor gal........got us all sad here, so it's up-lifting to hear you sing a bit of praise man....
not good :eek: so sorry to hear this gypsy, dutch get better soon. take care you guys.