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New England Shed Grow



as a matter a fact there are some updates. so here ya go

mounted a bathrom fan to the ceiling of the veg chamber. this will pump the air from the veg to the flower area. since the lights will be on all or most of the time in the veg chamber, as suggested, i'm gonna utilize this heat for the flower box


ran the ducting and taped it off

cut a peice of foam board for the floor the cut a vent into it for the heat to come through. in the top right hand corner of the pic you can see what is gonna be an intake from the flower area

this is where the air is gonna be taken from the flower area to the veg area for air circulation

i ran some wires through 1"pvc piping from the utility box to the veg side. the white wires (back pipe) will be for the PC fans for air movement and the yellow wires (front pipe) will be for the thermostat to pull heat in or exhaust it out

just a step back and look

then i put a shelf in the veg area. this will hold a small bubble cloner i use and the shoots before they go to the flowering side

routed the piping around the shelf so i can get fans to the upper and lower section


next i popped the shelf back out and covered it with aluminum tape

i had some 18" florescents hanging around so i used the on the bottom of the shelf for mom lighting. first i screwed to bulb recepticles to the shelf

then i attached the ballasts and starters

now let's clean up the wiring. what a mess .....

pop the bulbs in and give her a go. woohoo no fires or sparks


put the shelf back where it goes now





step back and look at the whole thing


now onto the flowering area. had to throw up a peice of mylar on the ceiling to get things going

here you can see where the wiring pipse for the veg side run through. temporarily popped in the vent for the HID light as well. i had also already mylared off most of the rest of the area already

i know originally i had planned on just painting the iside of the cabinet .. buuuttt .... i F@*#in' hate sanding sheetrock mud, plus it was making an absolutely horrible mess in my shed. so, since i had the mylar that's what went up. thought i was gonna be short so i ordered some, i fifnished everything and had a 2' x 2' peice left over. guess the new roll will go to freind.

take a look.


light test

everything lit up that i have so far


got the exhaust fan fitted into it's place. was a little tighter in here than i planned but it will still all work out in the end.

i'll mount the electrical stuff to the back wall

here are the heat box fans. they'll each get an outlet to run them that is connected to a thermostat from each grow chamber. i know the air will passively flow into each area on it's own but this will help push a little more through if need be. plus i can use them in the summer to feed fresh air through

little experiment too. i got too thinking that maybe just lights will be enough to keep this box warm enough. so i'm using an old light set-up to heat the box. i turned the other two lights on before i left it

got it up too 110F without venting it yesterday while i was in the there. i left it on overnight with the fans pupming air out every hour for 30 mins. i'll have a look at the numbers this morning and see how it did. overnight temp was only down too about 20F though so i should be looking at about 90-100f high numbers and hopefully nothing below 70-80f for lows after fans were on.

we'll see ..........

this is what the readings were when i left it last night. everything was zerod out so i should have fresh maximun and minimun numbers this morning.

that's it for now. should be able to get back with some more tomoro

peace .... :smokeit:


few tasks yesterday

these were the temps in the morning when i went out. this was with just plastic over the doorways and the nightly temp outside was only down to about 24f. looks promising anyways.

the big top number is inside the heat box
the lower left number is the temp in the flower chamber

this is the temp in the veg section.

the digital thermometer also records max temp and min temp. the max temp in the heat box was 115f, little high but i can deal with that. either less bulbs or a thermostat in the box. the max temp in the flowering chamber was about 67f, which is very promising considering i only used plastic too cover the door with.

had a thought for the veg venting. one way will let me vent into the flower chamber to help with the heat during the winter. since the lights will be running most of the time in the veg the heat needs to go somewhere.

this is for the winter. notice the elbow bails the heat down into the lower area of the flowering chamber. the vent can just be left unhooked and help exhaust the chamber when it needs too.

this will be the summer hook up. turn the elbow up and attach the vent tube. this will pull the heat from veg directly too the exhaust.

then i worked on getting the utility area buttoned up. what a pain. i just need some male plug ends so i can hook everything up.

a closer look

was it for yesterday. looks like i'm getting down to just the doors here soon.


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