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New England Growers and Medical Users

Amber Trich

Active member
dominicangreen- glad to have you in the neighborhood too :)

growbudsgrow- you came to right place NE is getting to be pretty cutting edge, imo. btw you and us are the ones in control of those high prices. sell cheap, drive em down!!!

fatblunt420- !!! 60 bucks well worth it to spin the hill- even for the night. it does seem steep but the wealth is redistributed to good kind hippie folk who are keeping it locally and heady for life. plus it is a MAJOR networking event and open market!!! pretty much a business expense.


some nice new england grown:




Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
thanks for the kind words,

AT, it sounds like a great time. ill see what i can do.

KW, killer pictures as always.
Thanks for the friendly welcome everyone,

Yes theres plenty of mersh down in Florida but theres plenty more headies or as they call it down there 'crypt'. Normally goes for 250-300 an Oz. The mersh around 40-50 an Oz. TIME magazine recently ran an article stating Florida has surpassed Cali in the indoor arena. They base their numbers on the number of busts they had, so who knows the truth. I do hate buying when it literally grows on trees but ya gotta get yourself into the scene one way or another, and i do enjoy seeing what else is out there.

Looking through the thread though you guys are certainly doing some fine fine work as well. Beautiful colors in that girl KarmasWheele.

I was lucky enough that the place i'm staying has a great attic that's insulated and partly finished. So i threw a 600 watt light up in there and found a few clones (albeit on the brink of death and half flowered clones with surprise spider mites) of Sweet Island Skunk and 'Northern Hash' which i'm assuming is a NL Hashplant cross. we'll see if they pull through, if not i'm popping some Northern Diesel i was gifted from a local to help get me running. Folks are much nicer up here.
Hi guys,
I wanted to share a funny story in stupidity, straight out of the trailer park boys, that happened to me last week. Let me preface by saying that this is one of the most stupid and reckless things I have done in a long time, but the circumstances made it necessary. I am only sharing because it was so bizarre it was laughable, kids don't try this one at home . . .

A little back story, I was preparing for a trip to Cali to help some good friends (which unfortunately has been since derailed), having arranged a trusted older friend to take care of my indoor grow. My veg room runs smooth and requires very little maintenance, the flower room however had been running slightly too hot. Till this point I had compensated with frequent watering (to keep up with evaporation) and CO2. Not wanting to overtly burden my elderly friend, I need to make other arrangements for the two late flowering girls I had left. So I decided to take advantage of the season and transport them outside to finish flowering in nature. Not wanting to jeopardize the seizure of a vehicle, I contemplated alternative delivery methods to get these 5 and 6 foot bud filled plants to my outdoor areas.
Being the primary caretaker to a disabled gentleman, he suggested that I used one of his old manual wheelchairs and strap them into the seat. So just before the crack of dawn I strap my two ladies into the wheelchair, they were all but collapsing under their own weight so I positioned them to lean over the back of the chair. I draped them in an old bed sheet and started on one of the oddest walks of my life . . . just strolling down the street at five am pushing a wheelchair full of fully developed pot plants along side me. The way it was wrapped in a sheet, it occurred to me that it might look as if I was moving a body. I made my way through civilization as quickly and quietly as possible, with out incident, but upon approaching the remote guerrilla location it became apparent that the chair was no longer going to work. So I scooped the girls up into my arms and started running through the jungle, a plant under each arm, buds sticking high above my head. I set them at the edge of my first garden and stalked them upright as best I could in the predawn lighting.

After nesting my ladies adequately so they would be well set for a few weeks, I started on my way back . . . only to discover that my bosses wheelchair was missing. I was panicking, looking everywhere, but positive I knew where I had ditched it. After a quick scan of the area I noticed a construction worker sitting nearby in his truck drinking coffee. Unsure what to do, but needing to return the chair to my boss or face the consequences, I tentatively approached the construction worker. Turns out he had an uncle who was also disabled and had found the chair, figured it for discarded and put it in his truck. He commented that he didn't know what to think when he saw the chair lying unattended and had half expected to see a body lying beside it. He inquired as to how it came to rest by the side of the woods, to which I, unfortunately, had to offer a partial lie and talk my way out of it. I really dislike lying, but couldn't think of any way to phrase the truth that didn't incriminate or jeopardize myself, so I bit the bullet and fibbed. After a few uncomfortable moments he returned the chair to me, and I was on my way, with a bizarre story that I can't tell anyone.

Again, this post is merely for entertainment purposes only, I am by no means recommending that anybody do anything like this. I did it and still don't believe it.

On another note I am happy to report that my outdoor "patient" plant I documented the repair of, is still alive and seemingly healthy. She has clearly entered flowering, although it is so late in the season I am very concerned she won't be ready till Nov. and be frost killed before being ready. I will post updated pics as soon as I can get them.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
GBG, i have a friend in florida, he always called good weed crippy.
i doubt florida touches the amount of cali grows. if it was based on busts, theres a shit load of 100% legal medical pot grows in cali.
those prices do seem alittle lower then up here.
i hope those clones work out. ISS is nice, i have the golden goat, its a ISS cross.

darkknight, thats some crazy shit. glad the only trouble was the wheel chair. it could have been alot worse. im glad that repair is taking to that plant.


Active member
I used one of his old manual wheelchairs and strap them into the seat. So just before the crack of dawn I strap my two ladies into the wheelchair, they were all but collapsing under their own weight so I positioned them to lean over the back of the chair. I draped them in an old bed sheet and started on one of the oddest walks of my life . . . just strolling down the street at five am pushing a wheelchair full of fully developed pot plants along side me. The way it was wrapped in a sheet, it occurred to me that it might look as if I was moving a body..
Bro I have only read to this part and I am laughing my phukin ass off, hilarious shit DK. I got a good visual and cant stop laughing. Great story so far.


Hi guys,
I wanted to share a funny story in stupidity, straight out of the trailer park boys, that happened to me last week. Let me preface by saying that this is one of the most stupid and reckless things I have done in a long time, but the circumstances made it necessary. I am only sharing because it was so bizarre it was laughable, kids don't try this one at home . . .

OK, come one dude! What did you tell that guy!! hahaha

Reminded me of the time I only wish I could have remembered the "I'm burying a cat" excuse. No, instead I dropped the shovel & hid behind the pile of dirt I was borrowing from, only to have my friend pop out of the woods & have to talk to the people watching me hide behind the dirt pile.

emerald city

Are any of you newengland growers , part of the Maine's" medical sceene?..Im always looking to network with other patients and caregiver's....
Also-anyone come across a breed called"hashbud" round bushy plant,as wide as she is tall.Small popcorn buds that taste real hashy.Was around the southern maine area from the late 80ies threw 90ies but was then lost due to P.M.....love to refind my lost love...catch ya'll later ...nature calls....E.C/OUT


I am in maine and working on getting involved in the 'scene' right now I only network with a few very close friends with whom I was already networking prior to the updating of our med law.

emerald city

I am in maine and working on getting involved in the 'scene' right now I only network with a few very close friends with whom I was already networking prior to the updating of our med law.
networking as= the exchange of theroy's and idea's with like minded folks in a non threatining enviroment called the internet...some of us are so far removed geographicly [ or people wise ]its much easier to keep up to date with the latest buzz by talking with a variety of folks on a variety of national and local forums....In general terms ,you know ive been advocateing for the developement of a genetics bank for the patients and caregivers of Maine and would like to talk about the subject with a more regionaly local group of people...not personaly looking to score breeds or make a new best friend...
So any sugestions on how the patients of maine can legally obtain the genetics needed to be able to start growing for themselfs...To me it appears[at some point] us patients and caregivers have got to learn how to share...Hard part is letting others into the sandbox ,but if we dont me thinks the man will eventually take it[the privalege to grow] away....
smoke is clouding the head..rant done..E.C/out


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
E.C, how are the dispensarys looking? do they sell clones?
do you run seeds? im still running afew plants i popped from seed.
i got a nice flying dutchmen skunk, res chemdogsourDiesel. and i still pop seeds on the reg.

emerald city

E.C, how are the dispensarys looking? do they sell clones?
do you run seeds? im still running afew plants i popped from seed.
i got a nice flying dutchmen skunk, res chemdogsourDiesel. and i still pop seeds on the reg.
Afternoon FB :tiphat:
To answer your question's.
1. Havent seen or heard of a dispensary up and running yet[not that i plan on useing one]
2.Far as ive heard dispensary's wont/cant sell cutting or seeds.[legal patients can trade with each other]
3.no/ or not usually....maybe in the summer to work on a specific personal line..otherwise its not worth the time/trouble.
One of the breeds i run[nycd] came from a seed company a few years ago...A couple others are clone only...
Once you have found a good mom she's worth her weight in gold and should be kept until you find something better, saving you much time once your dialed into the breed.....
Pleasant evening to all......E.C

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Up here, for most of us, seeds need to be started and select mums kept. Seeds are out there, it's time for us to do the work!
Judging from what I've seen in this thread, we're looking at a network waiting to happen.
It's not a secrete anymore. Me. has become a cannabis friendly state.
Let's keep that in mind as we go to the polls, folks. Paul Lepage was the deciding no vote, in Waterville's MMJ, nay decision. He is not MJ friendly.
Please, my fellow Mainers, get out and vote. We do not need nuke plants, or off shore drilling.
Thanks Fatblunt420, I am really grateful she still has a chance although the late flower may yet seal her fate. I will post pics as soon as I can.

Thanks BrianSellz & argoagrow, I told the construction worker that I had wheeled my friend as far as I could, and then carried him the rest of the way. Which makes absolutely no sense, but in my pre-dawn, stoned stupor it seemed reasonable and he accepted it. It's even funnier considering I'm about 135 lbs soaking wet.

I'm not in Maine (yet!) but second what Hold your fire said, and applaud his efforts in encouraging the community to vote, ensuring our collective voice is heard. Kudos

emerald city

It's not a secrete anymore. Me. has become a cannabis friendly state.
Let's keep that in mind as we go to the polls, folks. Paul Lepage was the deciding no vote, in Waterville's MMJ, nay decision. He is not MJ friendly.
Please, my fellow Mainers, get out and vote. We do not need nuke plants, or off shore drilling.
Agree'd that Paul lepage doesnt look very pro medical M.J but what potential governor does..Our present democratic gov john baldachi hasnt been proactive on the issue and after the peoples of maine finaly force the medical MJ issue to the voteing ballots again last november,he still allows out of state money to come in to influance the legislative process......Libby mitchell may seem more moderate then Paul lepage,but scares the hell outa me seeing the bill clinton machine putting thier muscle behind her campain....dont think cutler got a chance.....IMHO the best hope for our great state o maine is to write in john jenkins as a write in canidate for gov....For those who dont know he was both the mayor of lewisten and aurburn........
If we can find politicians who will follow the will of the people they represent and embrace the new marijuana culture the state will be in much better shape....Lets start useing our renewable resourse called hemp to help get this state moving forward.Hemp factories in place of the closed down textile/paper mills.Think of all the new products we could export if our elected officals embraced marijuana ...I know of many who would gladly sell thier stalks to the rope factory if it were an option.....As Maine goes,so goes the nation.
Hemp for victory :dance013: coffee times done-time to make the donuts..Enjoy the day.....E.C/out


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
thanks for the info guys.
E.C. you seem like a good care giver. elite cuttings are always best.

shitty weather. it was rainy and humid all day.
hopefully the weekend is nice.

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